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Radical honesty in club game (locked)

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Oct 26, 2020
Has anybody tried radical transparency on a consistent basis when doing club game? By that I mean the following:
[*]Approaching a girl
[*]Chit chatting with a girl / dancing with a girl for 2-3min
[*]Then telling the girl "I'm going to be completely honest. You're gorgeous. I'm not looking for anything romantically serious right now, but I do find you interesting. What about you?"

If so, what were your results?
I've done stuff like that during day game but I would word it a little differently. Something like "Hey, you're just like so hot I had to come up and say something."

I imagine in a club atmosphere it would look something like "I know this is weird/random but you're just like so hot. Follow me real quick/give me ur number/continue small talk".

I would switch out "I'm going to be completely honest" with "I'm being serious/seriously." I would also switch out gorgeous for hot just because it makes you seem cooler. I wouldn't even bring up what you're looking for unless the girl mentions it. It kind of makes it seem like ur trying to hard imo.

From what I've heard/read from friends club game can be a little more difficult than hitting on girls at the mall or grocery store just because there is a higher chance she's going to be out with her friends, thus less likely to go home with a stranger. You really want the girl to be isolated before u try most of this stuff in person.
Hello Hello !

I'm trying more this kind of approach since few weeks. I let honesty low but keeping things light and funny. The results are surprising :

Most of girls laugh or giggle and that's a good sign in my opinion. Either they ask me if I'm serious or tell me that it's not their mood. I had some good surprises with some girls getting in the game. I think I could have gone farther with some of them but either I wasn't really into them or my game in the next steps wasn't good enough.

Anyway none of them was really offended, so that's a good thing to try if you feel confident enough !
Bumping this. I'm interested in someone experienced with nightgame sharing their experience. It seems to me that club game requires a bit more finesse than day game or bar game or street night game.
ChillyPepper said:
Has anybody tried radical transparency on a consistent basis when doing club game? By that I mean the following:
[*]Approaching a girl
[*]Chit chatting with a girl / dancing with a girl for 2-3min
[*]Then telling the girl "I'm going to be completely honest. You're gorgeous. I'm not looking for anything romantically serious right now, but I do find you interesting. What about you?"

If so, what were your results?

That's some psycho shit right there.

There's a time and place for "radical honesty", and this isn't it.

This question is going to put massive pressure on her and simply isn't fun, in an environment where the currency is fun.
can we stop having so many of these postulation threads lol. if you're curious about the results of something, actually do it and post it in your progress log and we can all comment about it there
Vice said:
ChillyPepper said:
Has anybody tried radical transparency on a consistent basis when doing club game? By that I mean the following:
[*]Approaching a girl
[*]Chit chatting with a girl / dancing with a girl for 2-3min
[*]Then telling the girl "I'm going to be completely honest. You're gorgeous. I'm not looking for anything romantically serious right now, but I do find you interesting. What about you?"

If so, what were your results?

That's some psycho shit right there.

There's a time and place for "radical honesty", and this isn't it.

This question is going to put massive pressure on her and simply isn't fun, in an environment where the currency is fun.

Don't be so harsh lol. Can sting.

But yeah it requires a massive investment from the chick and is completely out of the normality of the the club setting. And what does she even get in return?

And yea clubs can be wayyy more compretitive, noisy etc and a direct/akward approcah will be intepreted as high interest which means having some sexual male value to begin with is kind of neccessary.

I'd try figuring out where can you be immersed with chicks. Maybe work in a restaurant or travel in hostels or something if you can afford.
workhard said:
Vice said:
That's some psycho shit right there.

There's a time and place for "radical honesty", and this isn't it.

This question is going to put massive pressure on her and simply isn't fun, in an environment where the currency is fun.

Don't be so harsh lol. Can sting.

But yeah it requires a massive investment from the chick and is completely out of the normality of the the club setting. And what does she even get in return?

And yea clubs can be wayyy more compretitive, noisy etc and a direct/akward approcah will be intepreted as high interest which means having some sexual male value to begin with is kind of neccessary.

I'd try figuring out where can you be immersed with chicks. Maybe work in a restaurant or travel in hostels or something if you can afford.

Bro if you think that’s harsh, you’re not ready for nightclub game. The shit that will be thrown at you is going to be significantly more fucked up than that, and it’s not going to be coming from a self improvement frame.

But yes, the girl gets what in return? Another guy who doesn’t want a relationship, when that idea wasn’t even brought up in the first place and she’s just trying to unwind with her friends? 😂

Clubs CAN be more competitive, but you’ll quickly realize that most men are lame as fuck, and NO ONE approaches. They all go there and leave with the same group of friends. I’ve been in set with women and the best game I’ve encountered from other guys is when they stagger up drunk and ask if I have a lighter. The competition is simply an illusion. The women there are frustrated with the same boring drunk men who do not have compelling conversation skills.

And you don’t need to do that faggot Chris from GLL “direct game” shit. Sex is already implied by the sheer nature of the venue, and if you approach in a “man to woman” manner the girl is going to know what’s up. Grabbing her and making out with her in front of her friends isn’t going to get you where you think it is.
pancakemouse said:
Probably best to cool it with the needless homophobic slurs. This isn't really within the culture of the forum.

Seconding this. Also, Vice dude wtf. What's your issue with Chris?
Sisyphus said:
Bumping this. I'm interested in someone experienced with nightgame sharing their experience. It seems to me that club game requires a bit more finesse than day game or bar game or street night game.

I used to do nightgame a lot pre-pandemic and along with online dating, it was my only way of meeting women. What OP is doing can work but I think that clubs can only be done right if you are there to have fun and not necessarily get laid. I live in Miami where the club scene is very cut-throat, super high cover charges and it is like $25 for a drink. The guys I know who got laid from club game were just fun guys who enjoyed the loud music and the energy so they could ease into the energy. Pickup guys I know who don't even drink struggle a ton with club game because they cannot match the energy.

IMO, having done daygame and street game, I think that it depends on the person. Club game can be easier in that intent is assumed and you do not have to build it. Guys are less likely to get approach anxiety in a club since the environment practically forces you to approach and a blowout is quickly forgotten. In street game and daygame, it is tough to break the approach anxiety, volumes are far less, and you have to build intent to show her that you are not some sketchy sales guy.

What worked for me in Manhattan with club game is going there to have fun. It is the only way you can deal with the deafening loud music and all of the other nightlife hazards.

Nightclubs are generally awful places to go these days to get laid IMO, at least from what I have seen. Women go out in big groups and you always have to game the group. Plus here in Miami, the nightlife doesn't really start till 1 AM yet can go till 6 AM, it really gets in the way of you needing to do other things.

IMO, club game is not harder per se when it comes to game itself. I'd argue that daygame is a lot harder because of how much you have to work to show intent and how awkward it can seem to the girl who usually has to be somewhere. The reason I argue that club game is harder is because of how it impacts your life outside of game itself. The nights staying up way past 2 AM add up in a big way and you are constantly sleeping in not getting shit done, feeling very unproductive in the process.

Even then, its not that you need better game for clubs but you just need more energy. I have to take a long nap and stay super energized before I can even go out to the clubs in Miami because that party goes till 5 AM. What I have realized is that there is no way that me or anyone who needs to do something with their lives can do this every weekend.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
What's your issue with Chris?
It's important to note that if it wasn't for Chris, this website probably wouldn't even exist to begin with.

People can dislike his methods or strategies, but he without a doubt had a huge impact on Andy's journey.
lmao what i was trying to say is please lock this thread and future ones like this.
colgate said:
lmao what i was trying to say is please lock this thread and future ones like this.

I don't see asking questions as a bad thing.

EDIT: I'm gonna be on the lookout for how many often these types of questions come up.

But ChillyPepper, this could easily be tried by yourself.

The way this works is you try something. Have some questions and ask the community about it.
Manganiello said:
But @ChillyPepper, this could easily be tried by yourself.

The way this works is you try something. Have some questions and ask the community about it.

the dude literally hit and run the forums with this question and now we're all mentally masturbating about it.

honestly I'm confused why people are still responding to the topic.

Manganiello said:
I don't see asking questions as a bad thing.
"asking questions" isn't a bad thing but i thought we were trying to discourage randomly showing up to a forum intended for documenting your self-improvement progress, putting out a random question for something you haven't even tried, and then ghosting.

this isn't a question from e.g. someone who's been making earnest effort to start their self-improvement journey.

the allure of kyil is that it's not reddit
colgate said:
this isn't a question from e.g. someone who's been making earnest effort to start their self-improvement journey

Ok fair enough.

Questions like this should be from guys in play. Either have established themselves as action takers or are actively taking action.

Locking this.
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