Rate my pics


Oct 8, 2020
Hey guys!

I'd like to get some feedback on my current semi-decent/semi-fine pics.

As most men, I do not really like taking pictures of myself, so I just gathered whatever pics I found in my phone that seemed OKAY. I still need to do a photoshoot.

I do not use all of them in my Tinder/Bumble/Badoo profiles, but I would love to get some feedback on these regardless.

Soooo, here we go...
You look diffrent on all these photos. I would try making the photos consistent if I were you. You don't want the girl thinking "Oh, he looks so cool on that photo. But on that one.. he looks totally diffrent. Who knows how he really looks".

The issues with photos (in order):
1. You are standing stiff and give "Family vacations photo" vibe. You know what I mean? "-Son, go stand there, I will make you a photo -Ok moom". You look the youngest and kinda nerdy there.
2. It's hard spotting you in a crowd, really. And the tinder photos are ~4:5 ratio, so you will need to crop most of the photo. Maybe then it will be less crowded tho?
3. Crop it a little closer and it's gonna be a nice photo. Just not the main photo, because you cant really see you that good there. Also, seems like you are rescue worker, or something like this? Respect for that!
4. Not particulary good looking
5. See no. 1 again.
6. Not the best photo in itself, but I suppose it's worth showing your job.
7. I actualy like this one - if only the focus was on your face, not the book..
8. Kinda good aswell. Not as stiff as previous 'family vacations ' shots.
9. The place is cool. Has potential for a great photo. See no. 1 tho.
10. Would be better made with a dslr, because it's a phone with a portrait mode if I see correctly.
11. Selfies are no-go.

1. It's good you can grow a full beard.
2. You look kinda nerdy in glasses.
3. Big respect for being rescue worker (it seems like you are at least, sorry if I misinterpret the photos haha). I suppose the girls will see it in the same way.
4. Your style is mediocre, there is a room for improvement.
5. Universal advice no.1 - get leaner and more muscular.
6. Get some professional looking photos done - either follow Andy's photo guides, or find some professional photographer, or just do many photoshoots with some dslr amateurs untill you get some actualy top photos. Your aim with online dating is to have TOP photos. Mediocre won't do.
Thanks for your reply!

Yea, I am painfully aware of the fact that each photo is like a different person. Most of them have been taken over the course of this past year - I had to change my hairstyle and beard quite a bit for work purposes and this hair situation is still subject to change. However, I am growing my hair and beard out, as I am not balding (yet?) and did not get very many positive feedback with my head shaved and a mustache, lol.

Exercise has been in order for a while now, but my diet has been all over the place, but got it down recently and getting leaner by the day (down 4,3 kg since 21st September while getting stronger on most lifts). Game plan right now is get to single digit bodyfat and then slowly reverse diet and push for muscle mass.

I only really need to wear the glasses when driving or at school, other than that I can ditch them and usually do when going out.

As far as my style is concerned, I let myself go in the past couple of years and it shows, but there is actually only one photo of me in an outfit I would wear to a date, so that is also a point to be taken for a photoshoot.

Lastly, I am a med student and should be graduating in about 8 months. I don't know how girls look at this, as most people in my social circle are either med students or physicians, and I was in a 7 years long relationship with another med student, lol. But I tend to think the sthetoscope and a uniform do not hurt my rating.
I really like your main picture/your profile picture on the sea without glasses. You should keep using contacs, you look a ton better without glasses.
I have to agree with the crowd, The one with you by the sea is the only usable one here.

Your style is super casual, you need to sell that you are above the average guy which is not the vibe I am getting from these.

If your profile picture is your casual, work on ripping off a few less casual ones from IG for your others.
The best ones are of you walking on the beach, with the one of you walking toward the camera taking the cake. The rest are "meh" in my opinion.

I did Lasik by the way: really good decision. I was fucking tired of putting in/taking out contacts and sick of not being able to do contact sports. Lasik = freedom. And the surgery is kind of fun too since they load you up with as much valium as you want.