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JamalHash123 said:
Good potential. Gut says need to get a shorter haircut (fade) to maximize appeal to women

Agreed. Get it cut that is shorter and get a mid or short fade. You'll be ballin bro.
I feel like the hair cut would be a great move as well.

However, I don't think it's 100% necessary.

You could go for a style like this

View attachment 1

But keeping it loose and wild definitely isn't good. It just looks unkept and lazy if I'm being honest.

Check out KYIL's tinder guide for pictures because the overall look of the photos isn't amazing.

They're almost all the same, you staring at the camera and smiling in different locations.

Style isn't horrible either.


Give this a read as well. Could be helpful to just establish some basic rules cause a few of them you break, like wearing the different colors for each piece of clothing in pic #10.

Ditch the glasses, stick to contacts or nothing.

Delete all the pictures of you with braces.

Facial hair isn't kept well either and needs to be tidied. I have no facial hair so I can't comment on how to change it up.

Hair improvement combined with style from pic #4 could be pretty money but try it out and send more pictures.
Wouldn't use any of those pictures though tbh.

Your body is good.

But avoid making the pictures look like you took it specifically for tinder.

Being on a beach with your shirt off is a go to.

Find a way you can show off your physique without making it seem like you're doing it.

Cause all of the physique pictures you took look like that.

Maybe #4 would work for a 1st picture but it's not amazing either.

Also, until you get your braces off, do a lip grin instead of a toothy grin.

That's my opinion, but that's kind of shady too cause you're misleading chicks.
First one is the best imo. Regarding hair, I reckon it's fine if you keep it as long as it suits your vibe. In your first set of photos it just seemed kind of messy and unkempt, but if it looks tidy then I reckon it'd be fine. Some girls LOVE longer hair
Something I noticed from looking back at the first set of pics compared to the second is that your upgraded style has had a big difference in the quality of pictures. The 2 new pictures are really nice as well.