Rate my tinder pics and give me advice on new ones


Jul 20, 2022
These are currently my tinder pics and I already arranged a date with a professional photographer. I would like some feedback about those old ones and get some kind of the new ones. I plan to initially get at least two type of different style photos what would you guys recommend? If you can recommend new pics with one example it can be very helpful
Hey man, I personally would delete the 3rd one. It's just not doing you any good.

The first photo is fantastic. Very impressive.

The middle photo isn't really doing you any favours, but I guess you should probably keep it for now so you can have at least two photos in the meantime.

Looking forward to seeing your new photos in the future.
ImChuckBass do you have any kinda of advice for new ones
-I am thinking about a photo with a dog
-One smoking(sex appeal)
-One showing my muscles
The first one is indeed a killer pic.

#2 is okay. Keep the general idea but reshoot it with better lighting and framing.
I would bin #3. It's probably hurting you more than helping.

Have you looked at kyil_andy 's photo inspiration part in his tinder guide (https://killyourinnerloser.com/inspiration/)?

Generally you want to have photos that make you look sexy but authentic.

What hobbies or interests do you have? Google "hot guy doing [your hobby/interest]" or "male model [your hobby/interest]" for ideas of how to shoot those activties.

One thing Andy often mentions is to have a social shot, so girls don't think you're a complete loner.
Hey the first pic is awesome! That will get you A TON of matches.

-I am thinking about a photo with a dog
-One smoking(sex appeal)
-One showing my muscles

Really good idea. Since your goal is to get laid, just stick with the fuckboy vibe pics. You don't wanna look like boyfriend material.