Rate my tinder pics

Hey, I like your second and sixth pic. The rest I wouldn't use because they have issues like : face not lit properly, bad angle and/or bad expression. Number 8 is okay too but you're wearing the same clothes as on pic 6 so you shouldn't use it.

So, you have two good pics here. You need to shoot more pics. I would suggest you take some activity pics where you're showing your hobbies. You can take a better photo at the gym too (and use the camera you used for your other pics instead of your phone).

Good luck !
caico11 said:
I've this pic where I'm running. What do you think?

TBH, this picture is not as good as the other two I mentioned. Your face is covered by shadows (that's something you should pay attention to when you'll take your next pictures) and your body posture feels a bit awkward IMO.
Ok. Can I see yours? Only for ideas of outfits, background, style for my next pictures
So your posing, backgrounds, expressions are all solid, or at least you manage to have good ones in your larger batches. Running pic and gym pic both have bad posture / lighting, so don’t use those. Currently the sixth pic is the best (floral shirt looking to the side) by far.

Biggest thing you need to work on are outfits. You’re in decent shape, but imo workout gear only works in a photo if it’s a REALLY good photo. I really like the floral shirt fit, but you need at least 2 outfits for a good profile. My current formula is 2 “fit” pics that show me alone in a good outfit and else quality, one social pic of lower quality but where I still look good, one hobby pic which shows me doing something. These are all posted on my log in various places.

For outfits, I’d say some better fitting t shirts with rings / necklaces. Your glasses look solid, but in general they remove a lot of the fuckboy vibe you should be aiming for.
caico11 said:
Ok. Can I see yours? Only for ideas of outfits, background, style for my next pictures

I don’t have a dating profile as I’m currently in a relationship, but I can link the latest pictures I posted on these forums :
This one for the lolz : https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/download/file.php?id=6845&mode=view :lol:

Otherwise, I agree with all ytlord said.
Thanks Lord Rey and ytlord . I will take some professional photos till the end of October. Now I will try to improve my style and body as I'm bulking
The best shot is the first one in the leaf shirt, no doubt. Ditch the glasses. And shave your head bald, the stubble just shows your male pattern baldness.