Rate My Tinder Pics

Keep the dog pic and retake the shirtless one with the rings whilst doing the exercise

Get 2 more pics of you looking sexy and stylish (see Andy’s guide) + 1/2 of you doing another hobby.

You look great, you can get a really good profile with little effort
kavz67 said:
Hey, hope everyone is doing well.

I want to improve my tinder results so I wondering if you could give some constructive criticism on my photos.

Thanks guys.


Hey! Solid work here, putting yourself out there and doing the work.

The main thing I see here is that you look very posed. The way you stand in most of the photos is stiff and unnatural. Main reason is you tend to stand square to the camera. I'd stand at a diagonal and put your weight on your back foot. That's a more natural, organic way to stand. Also relax, loosen up a bit.

The second thing I see is you're following good advice on looking away from the camera with a neutral face.

That said, you're looking too far away from the camera, to the point that we can't see your face. In addition, your face looks stone cold, rather than neutral. This can be intimidating to girls. I'd warm up your face a bit. Here are some examples of clients I've worked with looking away from the camera with a neutral expression so you can see examples:


Another thing I noticed is in the first photo the camera is very very low and you're also looking up. You can't see your face just a whole lot of neck.

The sword photo would be cool if it's a hobby of yours, but the background is very bland.

With the ring photo, have a friend take it while you're doing the exercise - will be much more dynamic and cool.

The social photo looks like you're a newbie rapper trying too hard to look cool. Relax. Pose less. Be loose and natural. The first one in the link above (the one I took of Ed_ from early October) is a great example of looking relaxed and at ease. Cool but not posed at all.

The one of the dog is golden. Use that one 100%.

In summary:
•Have the camera at a more neutral angle
•Keep looking away from the camera, but a little closer to it, not 90 degrees away, more like 30-45
•"Warm up" your face a bit... having the slightest of closed-lip smiles will do this while keeping your face neutral
•Don't pose so hard

You're putting in good work. You're already ahead of most guys I've seen. You've got this just don't quit.
MILFandCookies kratjeuh thank you guys I really appreciate it. Good luck to you all :)