Rate my tinder pictures


Nov 19, 2020
Hey everyone,

I want to meet more girls on tinder.
I get dates but to seldom.

I have uploaded my tinder pictures on an instagram account that is open so just search for "Trocadero8888".

I have already some of them however I want to know what you guys think?

I also have tried them on photo feeler but I don't think that photofeeler takes the sexiest?
So I don't trust it.

As you can see I am a foreigner living in Sweden.
Is it because I am a foreigner?
As a said I get girls however I want to date every week not every 2-3 weeks just once and I want hotter girls.
I have tried to improve my pictures for several years now but I look extremely stiff maybe?

And by the way, the photo I have here is like the worst photo from the ratings I got form photofeeler.

It got a 7,3. Some of my photos got a 9.8. Thats based on like 40 votes.

Okej maybe instagram is difficult for some sore here are my uploaded pictures.
I don't want to put them here so I have provided a link

I have also provided the result from photofeeler

Thank you very much

As I said earlier I match with girls and some very few respond.
However I want hotter and more girls.
But that's s struggle for me.

Thank you very much for that. I have worked hard most of my life however there was a time when my body was perfect and I got like 1 girl in 1 month. So to be honest I don't think that body is "everything"?

However note that I don't swipe right on all girls only like 25% because a lot of them look good in Sweden.
Unfortunately my height is 170 cm so that's like 5 foot 7 ?

So what type of interesting thing should that be?
Looks and style very much on point

My issues:
1. You are completely alone all these options. Got anything with mates/at parties you can touch up? A shot with a hot girl or two is a bonus if you have one
2. They are fairly staged boring shots as well - decently candid in a few but you arent doing much in the way of interesting stuff. If you have any travel shots, anything where you doing a hobby, a shot with pets - these would all add to variety

My other questions are around how are you using the apps

Have you bought Gold/Platinum?
Are you using boosts?
If you are using boosts when are you using them?
Are you using apps other than tinder ala Hinge?
How big is the population around you?

Damn you guys are cool, thank you for taking time and looking at my photos.

I mean with Corona and everything I can't take pictures with friends or when I do stuff, however in the future I will definitely do this so thank you for your advice.

I mean I get matches, some respond but not that much.

I only use tinder. I live in one of the big cities in Sweden.
So you guys didn't tell me, which pictures should I use?

Do you think photo feeler is accurate in deciding which photo is best for tinder?
Of the current selection these 3


1. Natural looking shot that shows of your face
2. Photo that shows good style
3. If you are going to do a staged body shot go all out like Andy did with his. Otherwise do it by the pool like that one

Nah fuck photofeeler
Hey bro,

Very interesting.
So you mean that if I want to show my body the pool picture is the best?
However the pool picture is when I was at my smallest.

What did you think about the one in green shirt? Do I look too scary on that one?

All well bro
You could take one better than that, you would just need to go all in on taking the photo

As I said check out what Andy did, he went full artistic photoshoot for his https://killyourinnerloser.com/my-tinder-profile/

Of the current options you've shown that pool one is the best option cause it isnt a mirror selfie
Man, solid photofeeler scores. Im surprised you are not getting that many matches in Sweden with those, even though it does not look like you are doing much in them. Very interesting.