rate profile pics

marcusRain said:
Thoughts? My fave is the 1st one but it really shows I'm too thin. But in the other 2 I don't like my facial expression as much (plus it started to snow so there's spots on my coat & shirt I'd need to edit out).

Good effort, but I'm not thrilled with either set. Your grooming and hair look a lot better. You need to take more pics for the office photo, like 100+ to get a decent facial expression. The smile is unnatural and tense and you're not smiling with your eyes at all. If you cover the smile and look at the eyes, it looks like you should be institutionalized. The serious one looks a little too mean rather than determined but that's probably editable.

The second set has good style but the pose looks really unnatural and I don't like how the arms are in a similar position to the office photo. something more relaxed/candid looking will be much better, especially for contrast with the posed office photo. I'll post some examples in a bit
Adriel said:
Lamo I think some of this advice is crazy unapplicable. Why are we trying to make a middle aged man dress like some hipster 20 year old?

In any chance op these guys know more than me so take their advice. If you can please test, just the doctor, mediation and dog pic. Cut out everything else. I think being a fucking doctor is way more impressive than wearing rings with a combat jacket. But there’s only one way to find out.

hah. I hear ya. You sound like some of my friends. But, this is me; I was already lying about my age and trying to dress trendy years before finding this place.

Dewm said:
I like the office pic #2, but I see the smile and I like it. Maybe play around with a smirk or try saying "yeah" to open up your smile, something I saw on tiktok maybe it'll help if not #2 is solid. Also beard is looking nice. Keep it.

thanks a lot, I'll try the tiktok tip if I try to do another smiling photo.

Dewm said:
#1 on the casual pics looks good. My first thought was "Oh shit he's got a gun!" but I'm just playing.
Keep it up man good work.

*snort* I had also thought it looked like I was about to pull out a gun when I reviewed the photos later. I was hiding the camera remote!

Rags2Bitches said:
Good effort, but I'm not thrilled with either set. Your grooming and hair look a lot better. You need to take more pics for the office photo, like 100+ to get a decent facial expression. The smile is unnatural and tense and you're not smiling with your eyes at all. If you cover the smile and look at the eyes, it looks like you should be institutionalized. The serious one looks a little too mean rather than determined but that's probably editable.

Hah, I've taken literally 100's already in that damned office. I have a goofy smile, there's just no way around it. Honestly I thought office pic #1 was literally the best photo that I've ever seen of myself. I don't think it's going to get much better than that. I've tried using faceapp which, yes, does a great job fixing smiles--but then I feel the result just doesn't look like me. Right now I think I'm going to stick w/ it and work on some of the other photos. It's funny you mention covering the mouth with the hand and looking at the eyes, b/c I had honestly already done that and was satisfied. :p

Rags2Bitches said:
The second set has good style but the pose looks really unnatural and I don't like how the arms are in a similar position to the office photo. something more relaxed/candid looking will be much better, especially for contrast with the posed office photo. I'll post some examples in a bit

K, thanks, I appreciate the feedback. What I'm thinking of trying next is emulating this one of Magic Fox sitting on the top of a bench, while using the hand placement in this other photo (like, fixing the cuff of my jacket):

View attachment 1

I think that could look reasonably candid...?

Anyway, thanks again guys. I super appreciate all the feedback!
Rags2Bitches said:
E.g., look at this 45+ yo guy I know with a private practice @juethelegend (on insta).
Damn the dude is killing it. Looks a bit like Chris LOL. Is his girl a sugarbabe?
Trying to come up w/ one 'candid' shot to show good fashion, outside. What do you guys think of these 4? I think the 3rd one, with me looking to my left, is the most natural looking one. In the first one I'm talking to my friend who's taking the picture, but I think it looks too much like a weak smile.

[ photos removed ]
3 is okay

The lighting in these is backlight, your not facing the light source. Making your eyes look dark
Hey all

Spent the last 6 weeks or so working on my PhotoShop skills. This is my proposed new line-up, in the order that I plan on putting them in my profile. Some of them are composites. Note that I'm mostly just looking for red flags now, like "OMG DO NOT POST THAT YOU JACKASS. WHAT THE HELL'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?! WHAT, DID YOU NOT GET ANY HUGS AS A CHILD???" You know, that sort of thing. Otherwise I'm content with these and eager to put them up. I wanted to include the group photo (last shot) because it's a lower quality selfie and I think it adds a level of realism to the profile.

EDIT: pics reposted in later post
marcusRain said:
I wanted to include the group photo (last shot) because it's a lower quality selfie and I think it adds a level of realism to the profile.

Remove it. You will be judged on your lowest-quality photo, and it's not good. The sixth one already looks realistic enough.
OP, based on your photo, I think you may best be served in giving off the vibe of a cool type of scholar instead of a gym bro. Almost like Dr. Strange (don't dress like him literally though) or a Jordan Peterson. If you are a doctor then you are clearly a brilliant guy so I think when you get asked to portray yourself as a young rebel hipster, it might not accurately portray your vibe. Instead, own your vibe and add edginess to it.

I think the first photo of you is decent but my thought is, why not be more Oxford Gentleman and add some edge to that? Like the sexy professor she always wanted to sleep with rather than the edgy hipster without a job.

Like embody your style after Dr. Mike and then add edge to that.


Dorky guy who has had over 250 matches on Hinge and lost his V card solely due to online dating when he changed his pics.
marcusRain yes that last pic is bad, you look like a tranny.

i think main photo looks weird in black and white. can you post a link to it in color so i can edit real quick

everything else is solid

i would put the first group photo 4th. your eyes look unnaturally blue in it, did you photoshop that or some lighting issue
pancakemouse said:
Remove it. You will be judged on your lowest-quality photo, and it's not good. The sixth one already looks realistic enough.

k thanks

Pluto said:
OP, based on your photo, I think you may best be served in giving off the vibe of a cool type of scholar instead of a gym bro. Almost like Dr. Strange (don't dress like him literally though) or a Jordan Peterson. If you are a doctor then you are clearly a brilliant guy so I think when you get asked to portray yourself as a young rebel hipster, it might not accurately portray your vibe. Instead, own your vibe and add edginess to it.

I think the first photo of you is decent but my thought is, why not be more Oxford Gentleman and add some edge to that? Like the sexy professor she always wanted to sleep with rather than the edgy hipster without a job.

Like embody your style after Dr. Mike and then add edge to that.


Dorky guy who has had over 250 matches on Hinge and lost his V card solely due to online dating when he changed his pics.

appreciate the feedback. I'll mull that over for a future iteration. But I'm really not Oxford Gentleman-like; I'm pretty much like the way I look in the pics. But now you got me thinking maybe I should go all-out Dr. Strange and add a cape. Hmm. ;)

P.S. There was a recent study that I read--well just an article about a study--that basically said neurosurgeons & rocket scientists are not necessarily brighter than the rest of the population. As a physician it's about memorization, experience, communicating well, working well with others, staying cool in stressful situations, feeling comfortable with ambiguity (since patient's symptoms are very very very often ambiguous), and exercising good clinical judgement when dealing with said ambiguous symptoms.

Rags2Bitches said:
@marcusRain yes that last pic is bad, you look like a tranny.

Darn. Not quite the look I was going for. ;)

Rags2Bitches said:
i think main photo looks weird in black and white. can you post a link to it in color so i can edit real quick

Oh I think that'll be difficult. That's a composite. As @Adrizzle astutely pointed out, when taking the park photos the light was dark around my eyes. Silly me figured hey, it's a completely overcast day, the goddamned lighting should be uniform. Apparently not. I hate outside photoshoots because some new issue always pops up. So the head shot is actually from an indoor photo I took, which I liked so much I also used in the ice cave composite as well. I decided on black & white for 4 reasons: 1. I thought I looked more striking in black & white; 2. so it's less obvious it's the same photo as in the ice cave; 3. I read a short article about a probably-completely-non-scientific study that said a black & white profile pic would increase likelihood of swiping right; and 4. I thought it'd be easier to put together a believable composite in black & white.

Anyway, much appreciated if you do want to take a stab at it. Or if you just have specific guidance about what needs to be fixed and I can work on it. Here are 2 colour versions (the original, and the one that has been photoshopped to improve cohesiveness):

[ link removed ]

Rags2Bitches said:
i would put the first group photo 4th. your eyes look unnaturally blue in it, did you photoshop that or some lighting issue

I'll look at that. A bunch of photoshop editing went into that one since it's a composite, and I applied a bunch of different lighting changes to my face.

super thanks all
1,4 and the last one I can tell it’s photoshop.
Regular people will say it’s bit off.

I bit my tongue before but I think if being a doctor on online dating isn’t yielding results you need to consider other avenues. See cold approach.

Really consider if you portraying yourself as “this” is what you want to do. And see if it’s getting you results. To me it’s a bit sad, you can’t recapture your youth but you are what you are now.

marcusRain said:
But, this is me; I was already lying about my age and trying to dress trendy years before finding this place.
Yeah bro is lying about your age what you want to be?
Adrizzle said:
1,4 and the last one I can tell it’s photoshop.
Regular people will say it’s bit off.

Thanks, I'm going to remove the last one. But what were you saying about 1 and 4? I didn't understand. That they also look photoshopped? 4 was not photoshopped, other than just adjusting lighting.

Adrizzle said:
Really consider if you portraying yourself as “this” is what you want to do. And see if it’s getting you results. To me it’s a bit sad, you can’t recapture your youth but you are what you are now.

I appreciate the feedback. But I've never been married, don't have kids, haven't left a family behind, haven't gone through a midlife crisis. But yeah, I'm 41. So what would it mean to live like I'm 41? And should I be striving to live like your idea of how a 41 year old should live? Or society's? But that's what I should be doing? Trying to attain your approval or society's approval?

What about people who decide to change their genders? Society more and more is accepting of that. But I should still "live like a 41 year old."

Something you wouldn't know is that I do not feel any different than I did in my 20's. So why should I be acting different?

What about just being myself, living my life, and maintaining my own approval, despite of how it makes you feel?

Agree with you on cold approach--that's something I'm also working on.

EDIT: just to be clear, I don't actually lie about my age. When I turned 40, my online dating pool suddenly disappeared...it was just gone. That's when I sought out this place, and started improving my photos, and I adopted Andy's suggestion of entering a lower age and then paying to hide the age. I have my age set at 30; and if asked, I'm truthful.
Just got back from hanging out w/ a group of friends. My friend from Arizona was down, who is an endodontist and is 41 years old like me. He was wearing a hoodie & a toque & jeans. His brother, an oral maxillofacial surgeon, 2 years younger than us, was wearing a T-shirt & jeans. Another similarly-aged dentist friend showed up, wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt & jeans. Nothing we talked or joked about even remotely bordered on anything "intellectual." What I'm getting at here is that some of you seem to have a preconceived notion as to who doctors [and 40+ year old men] are and how we should dress and behave. But if you actually had a conversation with me, we'd talk about the stupidest, stupidest shit. I cannot stress how much I am *not* an intellectual, and neither are my professional friends. So enough--I am not interested in hearing any further about how any of you think I should be living my life. All I want is some help with my photos, please--that's it.

General consensus, more or less, seems that the following photos are good, and quite frankly, I'm really happy with them:

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It's this photo that is apparently troublesome:

[ photos removed ]

So what can I do to fix it? Is the whole photo bad? Is it because it's black & white? Does it look fake? Should I change the background? I've been mulling over removing the pendant, which might help mitigate the "trying to look like a hipster" vibe--any thoughts? Should I not use it as my primary profile photo, and instead use the photo of me in the office? Help me out here, please. This is what I would really like your help with.

Thanks, as always, for your help.