Rate/Select my Tinder Pics


Dec 3, 2022
Hi, looking for some honest feedback on some pictures, how to improve and whether its worth using any of these to start with.

Currently just created an account on tinder again, using the following in this order: 19, 8, 10


None of these are great. In most of the photos you're doing an awkward tourist pose where you should aim to look candid. I'd say #2 is your most candid example, it looks like you were walking and someone happened to take a picture. Also in some of the photos it looks like you're cross eyed but this might be improved when you look slightly away from the camera

Your fashion is pretty plain but I don't have the knowledge to offer recommendations. You would benefit from some accessories at least.

The good news is you have a decent physique but it's not really coming across in the beach photos. Aim to retake those, again with more candid poses.

Half of the pics are also low phone camera quality. If you can use a better camera, improve style and take some more natural seeming pics your results will improve for sure.
Thanks for the advice bro. Planning to get some photos taken next weekend.

Btw, any suggestions on what I should do for my hairstyle?
Taken some more photos, any of these usable? Current results on tinder are about 1 like per week

None of these are good IMO. I'll let someone more experienced comment though.

You don't want pictures with bland backgrounds. Sunglasses are also a no-go for a main photo. Your fashion also needs a lot of work. It's very generic and you don't really have much edge.

Your posture looks stiff and unnatural in most of them. You're also not in the center of the shot in many of them.

Who took these? Did someone take them with a phone? I suggest reading Andy's Tinder Guide, he has a whole section talking about how to take good quality photos.

Squilliam said:
None of these are good IMO. I'll let someone more experienced comment though.

You don't want pictures with bland backgrounds. Sunglasses are also a no-go for a main photo. Your fashion also needs a lot of work. It's very generic and you don't really have much edge.

Your posture looks stiff and unnatural in most of them. You're also not in the center of the shot in many of them.

Who took these? Did someone take them with a phone? I suggest reading Andy's Tinder Guide, he has a whole section talking about how to take good quality photos.


Yeah taken by phone by a friend usually. Currently saving up for a good camera. Am I attractive enough to expect results from online apps using these photos in the meantime?

Also what specifically about the fashion should I focus on improving to add more edge? Am I just missing accessories?
You're definitely attractive enough to get good results. I don't think the fashion is really the issue.

The issue is either your photo quality, your posing, or both.
Photos are high quality, fashion is pretty good (except for that beach shirt), but all the photos kind of suck. The posing and excessive mean mugging isn't helping. As a whole it has these have an austere, vacant, and serial killer vibe. I kind of like #2, and if you edited a small grin in there I think it could work as a non main photo.
Thanks guys, seems like its my posing and stiffness which is the main issue. I'm going to look into booking a photoshoot with a photographer (prices I've found were 60mins for $99), might help with the posing in my photos.
So I went and got a photoshoot, photographer helped me with poses and venue location. I'm allowed to save 3 of the photos as part of the package I purchased. Looking for your guys thoughts on these photos and which ones would be best?

Hey man, my favorite photos are #13 #5 #11. Anyway I can give you certain suggestions for the future.

Disclaimer, I don't mean to be mean but these are my tips:
- I think like everyone, your style would be greatly improved if you put some accessories (piercings, necklace, hat, bracelet).
- Be careful with the photographer you chose, it seems to me that $100 dollars for 1 hour and then you can only choose 3 is a scam. I don't know where you live, but it should be if not cheaper, better.
- Going to a random photographer and having him take pictures of you doesn't solve the root of the problem, if you're interested, you should read a bit of andy's articles and see what pictures you should have on your tinder. Notice a fun and interesting life, with those 3 pictures of you. You show nothing of your life, just a normal guy with 3 pictures posing in random places.
- For me you could start taking pictures for yourself and experimenting and see how it goes.

I know you are new and I don't mean to be mean to you at all. Just pushing you to get a better result.

You can see my last post, in which I post my tinder and show at least how I have my profile now. Which would be an attempt to show a little more varied life in the pictures.
Matias said:
Hey man, my favorite photos are #13 #5 #11. Anyway I can give you certain suggestions for the future.

Disclaimer, I don't mean to be mean but these are my tips:
- I think like everyone, your style would be greatly improved if you put some accessories (piercings, necklace, hat, bracelet).
- Be careful with the photographer you chose, it seems to me that $100 dollars for 1 hour and then you can only choose 3 is a scam. I don't know where you live, but it should be if not cheaper, better.
- Going to a random photographer and having him take pictures of you doesn't solve the root of the problem, if you're interested, you should read a bit of andy's articles and see what pictures you should have on your tinder. Notice a fun and interesting life, with those 3 pictures of you. You show nothing of your life, just a normal guy with 3 pictures posing in random places.
- For me you could start taking pictures for yourself and experimenting and see how it goes.

I know you are new and I don't mean to be mean to you at all. Just pushing you to get a better result.

You can see my last post, in which I post my tinder and show at least how I have my profile now. Which would be an attempt to show a little more varied life in the pictures.

Thanks for the advice man, I definitely agree that my style needs more edge. At the time of the photoshoot I didn't have much so I just chucked on all black. The photographer was the cheapest I could find in my area tbh, I'm in Aus. Will go over andys article again and see what I can do to improve, seems like I need a couple pics with some hobbies/fun to them.
I've added some new photos that I'm currently using on my OLD profiles. Would appreciate any feedback on them, they're in the first google drive link

Appreciate you putting yourself out there. Took a look - the only one I like is #6. It shows you clearly and looks candid enough. Good for a first photo.

That said, girls want to know what you're like... what your vibe is... they want to get a sense of who you are through your photos. In all of these you're just sitting or standing around not doing anything. Girls can see what you look like (you're above the looks threshold for sure) but they don't get a feel for what being your girl would feel like.

Here's a guest article I wrote for kyil_andy:

And here's a good article Andy himself wrote as part of his Tinder Guide on the subject: https://killyourinnerloser.com/inspiration/

Your photo falls in the first category mentioned in Andy's article above, and is good enough for now. Well above average, with room for improvement. You need more from the other categories though.

Here are some photos I've taken for clients that remedy this for some inspiration:

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