Rate these 2 Pics as my MAIN Profile PIC


Jul 30, 2020
Watup bros,

Did 1 more photo shoot yesterday. After previous valuable inputs from you guys & Andy's guide I decided to stick to pics of a guy who get laid a lot.

I am gonna setup a series of pics which tells a story of lot of sex n fun,

Anyways want to rate these 2 Pics as my MAIN Profile PIC.
2 ain't it, but i'm having a hard time articulating why. I think it has something to do with you looking wayyy to much like a "nice guy" in that photo but someone else can chime in if they want to as well.

Photo 1 is better as far as looks go, but it looks very staged. It's a good photo to start with though so I would definitely include it in the stack and then replace once you get more practice in.

If you really want to take great photos, it's going to come down to repetition. Make it a goal to take 1 photo of yourself a day so that you are always practicing.
#1 looks as if you just woke up, and not in a sexy way lol.

#2 is better, but I can agree with previous opinions, its not perfect. Your forehead is really high, and personaly I find your expression awkward.