Rationalizing a $1300 Camera

Jun 28, 2020
chado you don't need a $1300 camera.

I have this one and it comes highly recommended.

Nikon D3500

You can also buy the lenses used.
I would look up youtube comparisons or search the Internet. For what you're looking for you don't need the most expensive piece of equipment on the market.
chado said:
Ended up getting the CANON EOS M50. Found a bundle on Amazon that comes with everything for $600. I will play around with it a bunch and maybe look into getting better lenses like the one Andy recommends down the road. I settled on the EOS m50 because it does everything feature wise that the EOS RP does. The EOS RP has better picture, but I didn't think the extra $400 or so it would have cost me was worth it. I think the M50 will produce stellar pics for me and elevate my dating profiles and instagram.

Hey, wanted to follow up on this after a few days how are you liking the camera so far?
I was in the same boat as you. Not sure if I should drop 1300 dollars on a camera when a less expensive version could give me 80-90 percent of the results I need.

my only concern is that I would need to replace the cheaper camera sooner resulting in spending more money etc...

also, is this the amazon bundle you used? h ttps://www.amazon.com/Canon-Mirrorless-Camera-EF-M15-45mm-Video/dp/B07CH94W8S?th=1
Good job for buying the camera. I think it is a really good investment and I am sure it is going to pay off in dividends ;)
Marvin and I are also looking to buy a new camera together and just take a tonne of pictures.
Photos are looking good. KillYourInnerLoser isn't part of that just him adjusting for shots, I know shutter speed is a big deal but I thought a big part of photography was just taking tons of photos and hoping a few turn out really well.
A faster shutter speed should allow you to get less blurry shots. Also, having your camera on continuous release mode should help as well.
chado are you happy with your lens? It is 50mm which is great for taking portraits, if apertuer size is also big(<2) gives great bokeh(background blur). But if you wanna have some background in the photo as well while taking a full body shot it becomes almost impossible. I have sony a6400 with sigma 56mmf1.4 amazing combo but if I wanna show the background in my photos it becomes impossible. (I need to put cam very far which in return loses the focus and background depth) planning to get a second lens sigma16mm f1.4 which is 380£, I just need to justify this purchase
Hey Andy.

That is true. I bought my camera last September. I think Full Frame vs Apsc Sensor does not make much difference as long as you use the correct lens. I think the crop factor is around 1.5/1.6, so my 56mm1.4 is equivelant of 85mm f2.1 (I bought a portrait lens because my rationale was to boost my Instagram( I was trying to be a fashion blogger)

Now I ordered 16mm which is 24mm equivelant of full frame. I assume it will give me more flexibilty in terms of variability of photos I can take. 30mm would be good, in terms bokeh but again it will quite narrow too. Maybe in the future I will get 30mm too.
KillYourInnerLoser seeing as the budget camera you recommend is 10 years old, what is a camera that suits our purposes/has the things you are mentioning like being full frame while also having more modern technology?
Bro If I were you I would buy a apc mirrorless camera, instead of dslr orfull frame mirrorless.magic is due to the lens so as long as you have a good lens with correct diameter with big aperture(the smaller the f number, bigger the aperture) background blur/bokeh is mostly achieved by aperture size. It is all about how much light can the lens absorb.
Fujifilm has quite cheap mirrorless apsc cameras with good lens line up as well as sony. Sony is a little bit pricy but has both sony lenses and some other amazing third party lenses as well like sigma. I have Sony a6400 with sigma 16mm and 56mm(both f1.4)i have a fashion instagram account and use it for that.
Also, since you are gonna be taking self portraits, second most important aspect is Auto Focus. (First is lens but debatable) most of old Dslr cameras have very primitive Auto Foucs and best in the game is Sony for AF. When I bought my camera last year, I made a very detailed research and tried many cameras in the market. Most of them are not smart enough to recognize your face when you wear sunglasses but Sony(latest ones for apcs a6400,6100,6600 and any ff released after a7iii) so great that it immediately recognizes yourface even if you wear a mask.
Last but not least also think about second hand market in case if you wanna sell your gear in the future. Fujifilm is very bad in that sense but sony again dont lose much value.
I'm not reading all the posts but it's insane to buy a $1300 camera if you're only going to be using it for 1000x700 photos on online dating. Buy a used mirrorless (maybe with a prime lens for the sexy bokeh) for like $600 total and be done with it lol
king87 said:
Also, since you are gonna be taking self portraits, second most important aspect is Auto Focus. (First is lens but debatable) most of old Dslr cameras have very primitive Auto Foucs and best in the game is Sony for AF. When I bought my camera last year, I made a very detailed research and tried many cameras in the market. Most of them are not smart enough to recognize your face when you wear sunglasses but Sony(latest ones for apcs a6400,6100,6600 and any ff released after a7iii) so great that it immediately recognizes yourface even if you wear a mask.
Last but not least also think about second hand market in case if you wanna sell your gear in the future. Fujifilm is very bad in that sense but sony again dont lose much value.

Agreed, auto focus is insanely imporant. I had the first generation Canon Rebel, and it was a good camera, solid image quality, but the autofocus was atrocious. Of course, I learned to work around it, but hte problem is that I wanted photos of myself, not of other people, and unless I was using a tripod, whenever I gave the camera to friends to take photos of me, I would come out out of focus. Useless.
Hey guys!

I wanted to ask you about a second-hand camera and if you think it'll be good for our porpuses?
Sony A6300 + lens kit 16-50
it had 8833 clicks ( does it matter? )
for 700$ is it a good deal?