Sat on the deck, sun shining.
Inner work has been consistent. Doing the exercises, meditation, studying healing & inner game theory.
Embodying practice. Doing what I can.
Some thoughts......
I've seen what it's like online now. I've also seen the tides shift in things like cold approach. The world and culture, is different now, and we have to learn how to respond to this, and navigate it, successfully. When even my CHAD friends like Ralph are feeling it, it's real:
I spoke to so many in NYC, who are successful in the game, who let me know that things just have gotten way worse in general across all metrics, the quality, the way women treat them, the job lot.
It's not like we're not getting results. We are. But are we happy and satisfied?
The lifestyle, wasn't hitting for me after 3 years in it. That period in NYC, though difficult, I was getting laid every 2 weeks, was getting instadates, did get ca numbers, did have dg dates, instadates, shit I would have been happy about a year or two ago. But I was actually quite sad to be honest.
I didn't care. And what I know about healing, is that the mind/body, is connected, and innate body wisdom speaks to us in subtle cues. It gives clues. When your inner being is telling you, to move away, it speaks progressively louder, until it forces you to engage with the problem, by giving you physical symptoms. I believe this is why I couldn't sleep for 3 weeks after coming to California.
The psychological roots of trauma and how the body speaks to us is covered well in the book, When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection, by the great Dr Gabor Mate.
When it starts to feel so empty, I believe it is a call to action to go deeper, and engage in unresolved parts of our psyche.
Many aren't ready to go there yet. Which is why they can't stop. You see the rationalisation and they are just that. It's a very personal journey, and not all wake up, some souls will twist in the wind, this way and that, their whole lives.
Guys like Ralph I find interesting, he's done it all, banged several hundreds of these hoes, and he, like MOST of the successful players I know, actually didn't find it worthwhile, didn't find happiness from it, andthen had to go deep anyway!
The conclusion I am forming, is very similar to his, though I'd respect any difference of opinion anyway. I do think purpose is where a man has to align his energies when he has began to grow more, actualise further, and if he is to have any real impact. I don't just want to be MAC hacking away on the internet. I actually want to create something, and to make some form of difference. Andy, HAS made a difference, which is something I highly respect. I gotta do the same, in my own way.
Seeking true inner peace, for me, is being fully aligned with the goals I have, which are to build movements, via IronWill & CMU.
Why these effectively "stayed small", was that I didn't crack marketing.
I had to learn SO much, and it was all a pain in the ass, while ALSO trying to improve my looks, ALSO learning to build better social skills, vibe, and masculinity, and ALSO healing myself which was the hardest part of all.
As you know from reading my log, this has actually been a hard ass road man, but being so determined, working, and not quitting, has produced good things. I have 2 businesses now, which is great. I've travelled the world. I am a better man than I was.
I do still have an inner sense of pain, and it has become more clear to me that much of my pursuit of women in the first place, was driven by pain-avoidance, and this unknowingly did make me internalise unhelpful narratives, that kept my nervous system in a state of tension and agitation, and removed any sense of "safeness" from my life. That is building a business while on the road, I'm afraid, at times unbelievable stress, uncertainty, and you do get into some damn sticky situations.
But the overall principles of joyful performance, get me through to the other side.
I believe I know how I will crack my own puzzle. A lot more healing. A lot more letting go. And I do believe I have to have a long, long time away from any form of dating/pursuit of women, to find the deeper joy and happiness in my experience of being connected to my purpose in life.
I do not actually believe playerish behaviours and thinking, attract quality women who will be good partners. Those who get away with it, are doing this by virtue of SMV & phenotype, which is largely genetic, unfortunately. And then guys just follow it, thinking this is "success". The nature of people I suppose. I do not believe the pathways presented here, hold any water when it comes to building proper, healthy relationships with worthwhile women, and we have a survivorship bias of Just Exist bros, who are not useful case studies for one who does not not have comparable genetic stock.
I think you have to form yourself into a different type of man, and have a very different value system. Which one has to construct, deliberately, piece by piece. I saw this in Coach D, which was why I gravitated away from Scotty, and oriented towards something more holistic and full-stack, and which I actually saw results with.
If I am right, we'll see in a year.
Greater psychological transformation, I posit, will not only unlock a far better physical image (getting lean, muscular, attractive), but will also lead to business success, better relationships in general, and will see me create the happy, fulfilling, rewarding connections I seek. I've had a taste of that now, so know it's possible, and I believe that inner game is the most straight line to that.
Cheers for listening to my rambles
Back to it, CMU call is about to start, then making content with D
Fly home tomorrow. WIll take 2 days off to do inner work. And then slowly get back in the content machine. Slowly. Inner game is a focus until Jan 2025 at least. I might create a form of retreat for myself somehow.....