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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [HAPPY NEW YEAR]

Anytime man

A video I found interesting, which I was watching when I was stressed out my mind in Gaudalajara

Was going thru it due to work w/ Dr Gavin and some biz stuff

Very engaging and mentally stimulating tho

Mon 21st Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Selfless Service
-Block 2: Service Delivery & Systems
-Block 3: Thought Leadership
-Block 4: Personal Development
-CM-University: Admin – Updating testimonials, Onboarding notes, Discussing student cases w/ D ahead of this week’s group call

(2) Body:
-Gym: Training & Sauna (20m)

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Study Dr Gavin’s call notes.
-Inner Game: Work on Dr Gavin exercises
Doing an abbreviated gym routine atm, the local facility is quite limited.

Which is fine. I can still lose bodyfat and maintain muscle mass in this setup.
Mon 21st Oct 2024


-Block 1: Selfless Service [Done]
-Block 2: Service Delivery & Systems [Done]
-Block 3: Thought Leadership [Done]
-Block 4: Personal Development [Fail - Wasn't focused at this point]
-CM-University: Admin – Updating testimonials, Onboarding notes, Discussing student cases w/ D ahead of this week’s group call [Partially done]

(2) Body:
-Gym: Training & Sauna (20m) [Done]
-Nutrition [Done]

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Study Dr Gavin’s call notes. [Fail]
-Inner Game: Work on Dr Gavin exercises [Fail]
As above

Was solid, until my cousins arrived back. They are 20, 14, and 9 respectively. They are a lot of fun, especially the 9 year old,

The banter of the younger generation baffles me. Little man is running about talking about mewwing, alpha, beta, rizz, all this shit!

My 9 year old cousin, who is a source of infite joy for me, informed me that he is alpha for the following reasons:

-Tallest in his class at 4ft9
-Oldest in his class
-Has trained people to work out (When my brother was visiting them a few weeks ago, he put little man through a workout, and evidently he has since given the gift of knowledge to others lol)

I like this kinda energy, it's super fun. It reminds me of how well I was doing socially living in Budapest. Even in London I had a good social circle of Timmy, C, Matt, and occasionally others who'd drift.

Post-monk mode I will have to ensure my next jaunt has ample supple of good people and good energy, I can see how much it helps me.


Tue 22nd Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Creation & Relationship Building
-Block 2: Client Delivery & System Improvement
-Block 3: Thought Leadership & Marketing
-Block 4: Personal Development
-Partnership Project: CMU

(2) Body:
-Training: 45m walk, Mobility, 20m Sauna

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Review call
-Inner Game: Exercises
Tue 22nd Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Creation & Relationship Building [done]
-Block 2: Client Delivery & System Improvement [done]
-Block 3: Thought Leadership & Marketing [done]
-Block 4: Personal Development [fail]
-Partnership Project: CMU [done]

(2) Body:
-Training: 45m walk, Mobility, 20m Sauna [done]
-Nutrition [done]

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Review call [fail]
-Inner Game: Exercises [fail]

Not a bad day. Towards the evening, family time distracted me a lot. But it was fun.

Genuinely feeling good. Circadian rhythm, is disrupted, so I am getting up at like 5am, but my mind is in a good spot, mostly quite fascinated by how I was able to change my life like I did. Feels like I had to do the last 3 years of crazy ass work to get my mind to catch up and realise that it doesn't need to be "how over is it boyos?" anymore


Gonna keep workin' and making good stuff happen. Fasting today, getting a bit chonky, will have to push hard when I am back in the UK for a few months to get my bf % down. I have a lot more muscle mass than before, which is great and all, but time to cut and trim myself down


Wed 23rd Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Creation & Relationship Building
-Client Call: R
-Block 2: Client Delivery & Systems
-Partnership Project: D Call
-Block 3: Thought Leadership
-CM-U: Group Call
-Block 4: Personal Development

(2) Body:
-45m Walk & 20m Sauna

(3) Mindset:


Busy ass day
Not a bad day. Towards the evening, family time distracted me a lot. But it was fun.

Genuinely feeling good. Circadian rhythm, is disrupted, so I am getting up at like 5am, but my mind is in a good spot, mostly quite fascinated by how I was able to change my life like I did. Feels like I had to do the last 3 years of crazy ass work to get my mind to catch up and realise that it doesn't need to be "how over is it boyos?" anymore


Gonna keep workin' and making good stuff happen. Fasting today, getting a bit chonky, will have to push hard when I am back in the UK for a few months to get my bf % down. I have a lot more muscle mass than before, which is great and all, but time to cut and trim myself down


Wed 23rd Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Creation & Relationship Building [done]
-Client Call: R [done]
-Block 2: Client Delivery & Systems [done]
-Partnership Project: D Call [done]
-Block 3: Thought Leadership [done - social media post]
-CM-U: Group Call [done]
-Block 4: Personal Development [fail - long day]

(2) Body:
-45m Walk & 20m Sauna [done]
-Fast [fail]

(3) Mindset:


Busy ass day

Updated above.

Great day.

Loved my calls today. Coaching Roh, was fun. And then did the Inner Game group coaching call with D.

Living in service, when it's your core values, doesn't feel like work

It's a mission

Crushing it

Thursday 24th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Conversation & Relationship Building
-Block 2: Client Delivery & Systems
-Block 3: Thought Leadership – Long Form
-Block 4: Personal Dev
-Selfless Service: Call w/ N

(2) Body:
-Training: HIIT & Flexibility

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Dr Gavin’s materials.
-Inner Game: Thinking, reflecting
I have deleted Feeld. I am struggling to delete Hinge and Bumble. I am not using them, don’t have any leads, and can’t bring myself to delete it. Why? My core fear: what if I can’t find a partner? What if I am unloveable? What if I am too unattractive to find someone? My fear remained sticky in my subconscious, despite disproving this many times, and finding ample success with women, due to not finding the retention I was looking for, with a women I was attracted to. This has functioned to keep my primal, decades long fear alive, and it has been hard to disprove this, while navigating the thorny online marketplace, where matches and leads, are rare to come by, and amidst learning cold approach, an unforgiving arena for many of us.

The good news? I tolerate these irrational fears, much less than in previous years. I can get laid. I am a pretty interesting and higher end person. My life, is quite cool. I’m good. I do not require the underlying emotional ebb of fear to exist within my mind and to taint my world.

I am deleting the apps that remain, and I am going to go about doing the deeper internal work, to truly let go of my core fears, and allow them to truly leave me. Through rebuilding my sense of self, and reorienting my life towards my mission.

The underlying fear, should have dissipated. It didn’t, due to my own unhelpful narratives, and the emotional wounds and traumas I have in this sphere of existence.

To make deeper, identity level shifts, elimination of perpetuating factors is necessary.

Removing any, and all semblances of dating, relationships, and finding love. EVERYTHING.

Letting all the neural pathways which fester on fearful questions, become extinct. Not giving them conscious nourishment. Allowing them to expire.

This is a necessary chapter for me, as too much pain of the past, continues to live on in my subconscious brain, perpetuated by subtle psychological patterns. In my being conscious of the looks I may, or may not get. In monitoring the performance of my online dating profiles, and often feeling negative emotion at how poorly they do. In approaching, and being caught up in the fleeting, nagging subconscious cynicism of the prospects of anything happening from an approach, and the 14 years where nothing materialised from them.

There are a multitude of reasons for why all of that was. Hadn’t maxxed out looks enough. I was lean at one point, had some muscle, but game and vibe wasn’t there. Wasn’t strong enough yet. My inner being changed a lot to where I even got autosex a bunch of times. Which was interesting. Deeper parts of me expressed deep satisfaction at the emotionless nature of these experiences, and some anger at the cycle of casual encounters that didn’t lead to anything meaningful. Even a friendship, I would have appreciated. Atleast it became something! This, doesn’t seem rational, and is a negative thinking style: magnification – focusing on the negative, at the behest of the positive. Many women told me how attractive they found me, how I am very sexy to them, and fucked my brains out. But I still felt so dissatisfied, because of a deeper craving for companionship.

I found, this core desire, is based off fear, and a sense of self that remains somewhat fractured, though it is on the repair in impressive fashion. A man who is truly confident in himself, and sees the remarkable value he brings to the world, should toss such concerns to the wayside.
I have a long standing track record of success and effectiveness and it is only going to increase from here. When I truly let go of my remaining fears, and embody abundance and expanded consciousness, I will do great things and achieve the success I am looking for.

There is no reason why IronWill or CM-University, shouldn’t be huge brands with tends of thousands of followers. When that is done, the forum will have ample traction and I’ll have achieved many of my goals, and also created the long-term impact I want to create. The info will be contained within the channels, and the space to do the work, will also be here, as well as the community. Men, will have no excuse, because the help and brotherhood will be there. I want to see guys rise up. I am looking for the diamond in the rough. I am satisfied we did it with The Bulldog (GOAT). But I am a stubborn bastard and I want to see that happen 10 more times. Been working with JourneyToOptimal for years who will be my next hardcase success story. And I’ll create as many more as I can before I’m settled down and out of all of this ;-)

I do not require any of this fear and tension in my life anymore. It does not fit. I am in control of my destiny, and my life is looking good...I have developed, tremendously, and am effective in my pursuits.

The old self image of a struggling person, doesn’t fit anymore.

The places I go, I am respected and held in high regard. People appreciate me and I am a leader.

Truly letting go, is a form of freedom. When fear begins to fade, in it’s place, comes excitement for all the other things life can bring.

I am no longer the struggling and hurt creature who began this log.

I am a thriving, empowered, prosperous performance coach, who solves problems, and creates real, felt human impact.

And my life, is an adventure.

It’s now my job to truly enjoy that, WITHOUT fear, negativity, or perceived “lack”

As of writing this post, I have deleted all the apps (just now). And I will release all final fears, and replace them with lust for life, groundedness, and success….


Thurs 25th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Conversations
-Block 2: Client Delivery & Systems
-Block 3: Thought Leadership
-Block 4: Personal Dev

(2) Body:
-Strength Training

(3) Inner Game:
-Block 1: Reading, Study [Done]
-Block 2: Reflection, Thinking, Self Enquiry [Done]


Inner Game work, I start my days with. Did it for 3 hours, and it was good.

I then was messing about with my little cousin and my friends, Paw and Dan called me and we had a good video call for a while

While I am not in my groups, I am glad my boys still reach out and want to talk and stay in touch


I think this post is one the clearest of your internal landscape that you've done in a long time. I don't care whether you delete the apps, keep using them, or whatever. But whatever helped give enough clarity to detangle some of your long held stories in your mind, certainly keep doing that.
Thanks bro, def. making proper internal progress!

Will post a weekend update. Been good, lots happening, having a quality time in California.

Also wanted to say, I am really happy with the activity on the forums! So many of the boys posting, lots of threads to see updates in, and it makes me really pleased to see lots of guys taking action and logging.

When I first returned to the forums after the Mexico chapter, it was a bit slower, which was worrying. I think some people may have thought it's dying so they just left. But nah, not happening. We have a growth strategy but time is a tough thing for me I am doing my best tho
Putting a lot of time and focus into Inner Game. Reading, studying, and applying.

I have found this lady, Anna Runkle, very helpful.

Quite some time ago, I began to understand my Inner Game was tainted by trauma. They would fit under the rubric of C-PTSD.

SInce working on them, deliberately, I have felt greater clarity and control. I will complete this journey. It may take 6 months, a year, or more.

So be it.

I will form relationships and build my dating life, after this chapter. Not before.

Sharing for ongoing accountability. The Inner Game work I'm doing now, is using some of her techniques. I've done my homework assigned through my partnership with Dr Gavin, and don't have a session with him until late November.
Monday 28th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Creation
-Block 2: Client Delivery & Systems
-Block 3: Thought Leadership
-Block 4: Personal Dev

(2) Health:
-Movement: KoT

(3) Inner Game:
-Inner Game: The Practice [Journalling / Meditation] 2 x 1 Hour Sessions


Focused day of work. Will wrap up with some admin.

I'd say the last couple days were consumed by an aching need to do lots of inner work.

After more digging, the real OGs in the C-PTSD recovery space, appear to be Pete Walker & Judith Herman

I began reading Pete Walker's book the other day, and found it incredibly insightful. I've also watched a few of his interviews on YouTube, which further helped me understand what deep psychological recovery looks like.

Creating a sense of safety, and building self-compassion, self-protection, and a situation whereby one is able to understand they are a good person and deserves happiness and a life aligned with their needs.

Evidently, this was difficult to do whilst in the game, so to speak - the underlying fears, doubts, and insecurities, seldom allowed me to slip into the genuine states of acceptance and gratitude required to dissolve innr wounds.

Makes sense why it went the way it did. And I am glad to have arrived at this particular juncture. Evolving from this current version of myself, to the next, I believe will allow me to ascend further and realise more of my vast potential.

Tues 29th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Conversations
-Block 2: Client Service
-Block 3: Thought Leadership
-Block 4: Personal Development
-Partnership Project: CMU

(2) Body:
-Long walk

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: 2 x 1hr

Tues 29th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Client Conversations [done]
-Block 2: Client Service [done]
-Block 3: Thought Leadership [done]
-Block 4: Personal Development [fail]
-Partnership Project: CMU [fail]

(2) Body:
-Fast [fail]
-Long walk [done]

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: 2 x 1hr [done]

-Admin [done]

Long work day....

Marketing today, took ages!

Made 1 reel, 1 long form, and 1 quality social post. I feel like they were all good:

[Currently at over 1k on TikTok]

LF: Why Was This Entrepreneur STUCK? His SELF IMAGE & IDENTITY Would Not Let Him See Himself Successful [Performance Development] @Lord Rey


I am not feeling 100% aligned. I did feel good, and experience good mood, for the earlier part of the day.

I am experiencing feelings of loneliness and a lack of connection, here and there. I am not very connected with people who share my same goals, since leaving my groups. I may rejoin my old grind chat soon.

I am struggling to fast, and was unable to complete a fast my last 3 attempts.

This, I attribute to some subtle alignment issues, and adjusting to monk mode, some latent loneliness, and other emotional pangs.

Nonetheless, the day was quite powerful. Had a good call with my biz partner, D, which was very powerful. He is quite the force of nature, a true winner, his Inner Game for life & success, is actually far superior to mine, which is why he was the best Pick Up Artist in the world. 10/10 Inner Game. Cast-Iron mindset. Very impressed by what he shares, and how he thinks, and grateful to have gone into biz with such a strong character.

Served people well today, gave selflessly, and put good energy into the world.

It will come back.

Back tomorrow.....

Made 1 reel, 1 long form, and 1 quality social post. I feel like they were all good:

Ugly fonts.

Performative posing.

Bad lighting.

And the interview with Lord Rey has your name and timestamp on the video itself?!

These are issues that have plagued your videos for years and give off the feeling that you and your services are low quality.

I and others have pointed these out before but no change.

If you want to continue beating your head against the wall with short-term content (I highly recommend you don't), you need to take a break and deeply study what top creators are doing and then just copy exactly what they do (same technology setup and everything) with no differences.
Ugly fonts.

Many have said this. The issue I am having, is that the native apps (IG, TikTok, FB) all feature shitty fonts. I have cycled through them all, and they mostly look like crap.

My friend, Dan, who runs a short form agency, is good with this sort of thing. I have asked him to get on a call with me, and help me improve my reels. He has offered a few times in the past, and his advice actually helped a tonne.

If you look at my last 10 reels, the views range from 400 to 600. This, is MAJOR PROGRESS!

If you go further back, before Dan gave me some coaching on content, my short form did terribly. I would get between 10 and 60 views. Here is a video from when I was living in Budapest last year. I was using a different iPhone, which was a bit worse in terms of quality, so upgraded that. I also changed my process for making short form. See below for an example of the old, and worse performing, setup. Lamentably, I was a lot leaner and more attractive here. Though I was still mogged to fuck during approaching, this is proof I did at least have bodyfat in check!

Despite the poor fonts, which is fixable, my understanding of how to produce more effective short form, improved, and with it, came hundreds of views. Important in internet marketing.

And the interview with Lord Rey has your name and timestamp on the video itself?!

True. I have now gone into Zoom, and turned off the "display names" and "show timestamp" feature. I also noticed Zoom was not recording in HD. Not good! These settings, have been changed. Whilst these features, negatively impacted this piece of content, they produced learnings, which will mean future output will be better.

These are issues that have plagued your videos for years and give off the feeling that you and your services are low quality.

I and others have pointed these out before but no change.

As per above, I have actually been working quite a lot on it.

-Changed phone, changed concepts, learned how to think differently about content, and now have a different planning process for this
-Changed software I used to edit content
-Improved thumbnails

Content, is actually quite a tough game. But necessary IMO. And while it may appear as if there is no, or limited change, I have actually put fourth concerted effort and tried a range of different things.

The most powerful of which, was STOPPING what was not working. Ie, making content that isn't proven, isn't based on client problems, and which doesn't support my channel.

If you want to continue beating your head against the wall with short-term content (I highly recommend you don't), you need to take a break and deeply study what top creators are doing and then just copy exactly what they do (same technology setup and everything) with no differences.

No content is really short term.

It is all part of a brand building process, that seeks to build the Know, Like, and Trust factor.

In 2024, TRUST IS IMPORTANT. Building authority, showing skills and knowledge, and proving you can get results. Having now been inside many different business programs, those who run my kind of biz, rely on social proof, relationship building, and authentically connecting with their client roster, one person at a time.

In terms of who I'd emulate in this space, there are a few. And I will continue to work on this and refine it.

I am actually working on it, and will keep trying.


(1) Content strategy call w/ Dan: He is the best person I know for this subject, and has been a reliable and supportive friend for a long time. A really wonderful bloke. whom I often deliver performance coaching services for in return.