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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [HAPPY NEW YEAR]

oddish said:

Yesterday I read your entire log. My man you are a certified BEAST! Be proud Mac be PROUD!
The work ethic you have is just INSANE.

And having been through all that shit, and still have this outlook on life. My friend, I applaud you!
Good sir, you have nothing but my utmost RESPECT!

Keep on keeping on my friend. Once the ball gets rolling for you, you will be an UNSTOPPABLE force of nature. Mind my words.
I want to be on the first row to see it happen.
Better start making some popcorn then ;)



Bro thank you so much for saying that, really, this keeps me going. I share a lot here, the good times and the bad, this is a hard journey and I am open and honest about the challenges that I am going through, however, I can absolutely promise you that I am giving every fucking thing I have to make something of myself. Everything. To get to the guy I want to be, I will have to grind myself into a fine powder, and I am willing to pay that price to be something in this world. Come hell or high water man, I am getting it done, no excuses.

Right now, I had SUCH a long day, I am bone tired, but I am GETTING MY SHIT DONE. That is the nature of my life now bro. Even if it hurts so fucking bad, I know I must do it, because the feeling I want is to be able to look in the mirror and see a guy who truly fought his heart out in life. That day will come man.

The drive that is within me is really strong, the desire for success is a burning one, and one day I will make it man. The life of a warrior is often fucking miserable, in some ways, it's a journey into hell, but the thing about this journey is, at the end of it, we get to heaven.

Keep hammering,
Thebastard said:
Killing it as usual! Your consistency is very positive to see :twisted:

Thanks brother, just back from a therapy session, I will update you by saying after the session, I do feel quite soothed and healed, like there is definitely something to it. It is helping me build my self esteem and feel better about myself, and also, it helps process the horrible fucking hell that was the first 2 on the rock that floats through space known as planet earth! ;-)

Still grinding, gonna nap for 30 mins, then gotta attack work for a few more hours, this will be a late night and a fucking early rise as usual (I get up at 555am) but such is the life we chose and the price we are willing to pay to try to be great!

Keep hammering,
Yesterday was hard work, towards the evening I was fucking dead ass tired, sustained only by sheer viscious rage built up over 3 decades - controlled aggression is necessary.

Back grinding today.

THUR 26/08/21


-Core (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Cold Approach
-Cold Theremogenesis
-Movement & Stretching
-Video Work
-Dick Work

Keep hammering,
Cold Approach: Out for an hour, kept bitching out of approaching again and again, then saw an absolutely stunning Asian girl just standing still looking at her phone. Approached her: "Hi, I'm MAC, I thought you were beautiful and wanted to say hi", she said thanks, and then we talked briefly, I was yammering on about what I do, how I'm out getting my steps in, asked for her number, she said she has a boyfriend, I said no problem it was nice meeting you and kept walking. She was so pretty, she had lovely eyes - just felt good.

Swing and a miss, but I still approached man.

I am on my way to becoming proficient at cold approach.

Hell, I know I will get there: my mindset now is - I am good at cold approach.

Keep hammering,
THUR 26/08/21


-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (3hrs) (|FAILED, did 1hr)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 1 approach)
-Cold Theremogenesis (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (FAILED)
-Video Work (FAILED)
-Dick Work (FAILED)
-Reading (FAILED)

I worked hard and did loads, but its now 9pm and I developed a bit of a fever, so I am gonna sleep up and see if I can heal up a little, because tomorrow I am heading to the clubs and kicking ass until fucking 5am! Saturday, my mums birthday, will drive back in the morning dead tired and be with her all day. Will get a short night out done Sat night, going to one of the local places. Sunday, off to London and will do lots of approaches in the day.

Life is ease, life is flow, life is grace.

Everything will come to me. It’s a matter of time.

Time and my internal vision will sync up. In a year, so much will have materialised.

Keep hammering,
FRI 27/08/21


-Digital Marketing (2hr)
-Night Approach
-Read Mind Folder 3 x and visualise.
-Write Intention 15x
-Cold Theremogenesis
-Movement & Stretching
-Video Work
-Dick Work

Ready to hit the clubs tonight, talk to some ladies!

Day was solid as fuck.

Had a big realisation man...I will talk more about it, but some things really, really sank in.

I am feeling better about myself now, seriously. I am feeling happier and more positive.

You can't capture from words on a screen how much I am doing to see myself with pride. I do a lot I dont mention on here. Breathwork, meditation, earthing, sungazing, affirmations, all sorts man.

In my minds eye, I am very lean, ripped, have an elite body, and am married to an incredible woman, with a happy family and a fuck tonne of money in the bank.

In time, that vision will be materialised.

A quick one from this Sunday:


Keep hammering,
FRI 27/08/21

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (2hr) (DONE)
-Read Mind Folder 3 x and visualise (DONE)
-Write Intention 10x (DONE)
-Cold Theremogenesis (FAILED)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Video Work (DONE)
-Dick Work (FAILED)
-Reading (DONE)

I had a solid ass day, but decided not to go approaching at night. So, the deal is, I am not getting any responses/matches on OLD, and night approaches, basically girls are not receptive. I could keep going and just hope I get lucky somehow, shit, I did get lucky in Oxford and a girl did talk to me, but there isn’t bonus points in life for playing on nightmare mode. My coach said I could be 212-210lbs next month and he has dropped kcal and introduced cardio today. So, fuck it, I am giving myself a month off OLD and night approach, and will just go approach in the day, every day.

However, several people said the same thing: I must become WAY more positive. I took that to heart.

I will lose another 20lbs, and then do my pictures again. I will look way better then, and over time my elite body will materialise. Will get advice on clearing up skin blemishes, tattoos will come, I'll upgrade a whole lot. It is here, time just needs to catch up.

It will come together. I know I am ripped in my minds eye, I am lean healthy happy and vibrant, and girls like me and want to spend time with me – this is a vision right now, but will become a reality….I know beyond any doubt.

I am embarking on a 30 day positivity challenge and am storyboarding out a short documentary. Watch this space.

Will get up tomorrow and attack it hard. I had to spend several hours with family today and it meant some items were failed, but it was nourishing and healing to be with family. I still grew today.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
My coach said I could be 212-210lbs next month and he has dropped kcal and introduced cardio today. So, fuck it, I am giving myself a month off OLD and night approach, and will just go approach in the day, every day.

Body fat really makes a big difference in terms of attractiveness. I've been leaner than I am now and my face looked much better back then. The last few lbs is what makes the biggest difference. It really is a game changer.

You really feel a difference in your interactions with people the leaner you are; people treat you with more respect and kindness. I'm assuming this would also translate into dating, i.e women give you more of a chance rather than blowing you off right away.

MakingAComeback said:
Will get advice on clearing up skin blemishes, tattoos will come, I'll upgrade a whole lot. It is here, time just needs to catch up.

I used to have worse skin than I have now. I used to have blemishes, but now I barely have any. For me what worked was a chemical exfoliant (2% BHA) along with a regular skin routine. The chemical exfoliant really takes care of the blemishes and any acne. Retin-A (or any other prescription retinoid cream) is also god tier for your skin if you can get your hands on that.
Thanks drifter that is greatly appreciated bro

I had a great weekend, just got in from london, did a mega approach session, 14 approaches of lovely women, 2 numbers, 1 was fake the other we shall see.

Last weekend I could only do 4 approaches today I did 14!!!

Read 150 pages of a great book, the forward male, when on the train

Now gonna just sleep and enjoy the feeling of being cleaned out by hard hard ass work, I did 35k steps today man, my feet are hammered


Thebastard said:
Hey Mac! Sounds like an interesting book. Can you summarise what you learned?

Yoyo, for sure man - the book is great, the dude is something of a cold approach legend having racked up 30-40k estimated approaches, and divulges the raw truth of what he's found. Cool thing is, he has no incentive to lie, doesn't sell any products or trainings, there's a book and he doesn't even push it. He's a medical doctor and I think he sustains himself through teaching med students, and of course, people buy his book. That context was useful for me, because the guy is at a very very high level of not giving a fuck.

So, I read it on the train yesterday and was flying through it, at times, I was laughing out loud because of the realisations I was having. It was quite an experience. In less than 2 hrs I read 150 pages of this shit and it hit raw and to the bone. Key messages so far:

-Environment & Sheer Chance: More than what many would like to consider could be attributed to the role of the environment. He gives the example of Bill Gates, and how if he was born 2 years earlier or later, he never would have spearheaded the computer revolution and dominated the world. He then gives the example of how the wealthiest people in the world at one point were all men born around 1840, and were people who were able to capitalise on an environment that was conducive with building great wealth. He gives the story of his first ever approach, after years of bar hopping and very dull relatinships, he says at 22, he was studying in the library, saw a gorgeous girl, and for whatever reason, just approached her. He was pass out nervous red faced but the interaction went amazingly well and they made out. That was enough to send him down the rabbit hole - if that first ever went terribly, he would have never become who he is today. Environment matters, and he goes on to say that a male can only realise his sexual potential in a very high volume place - he lists a few, New York, Osaka, and London, and says if you're not willing to move to one of those places, you are the one to blame, and guys who are will enjoy life experiences which you never will. At the back of the book, there's a bit where he talks about travel and gaining life experiences, he says he thinks life experiences are more important than material success, and in his own life, he prioritised them and blocked the world out. I am open enough to admit that my soul aches for life experiences.

-The Approach Is The Success: Something that many of us must internalise is that just the act of approaching a woman is the success, just going to to her, saying hi, introducing yourself, and telling her you find her attractive is what seperates you from 99.99% of other guys. Rejection is the norm and will happen most of the time, and this is actually good, because of 100 women you approach, a % will give you there number, a smaller % will actually respond, and an even smaller % still will actually meet you. That is the reality of the sexual marketplace and it won't change anytime soon. Every rejection you get gets you incrementally closer to finding a receptive woman and enjoying the experiences you want together.

- State / Receptivity: This one bothered me tbh. Much of rejection and success is actually just totally, totally arbitrary. Many times girls will reject you without even looking at you, it's that arbitrary. There is not a whole lot you can do to make a woman more receptive to you other than demonstrating confidence by being forward. All you can do is aggressively screen out those who're not receptive, and connect with the small subset of women who will bond with yourself as a male. What he refers to the state is reality shaking to see - for example, guys online doing this stuff will just come out with outrageous stories, of fucking women off the street within 2 minutes of meeting them, married and engaged women fucking them within minutes of knowing them, just all sorts of madness, and what these stories illustrate is that some women are in a receptive state, and others aren't, and it's your job to find those who are receptive. That's kind of it. Playing the long game doesn't work and tends to create very weird sexual dynamics, getting to 'know' can be much the same. I have lived this for 30 years - wishing and praying and hoping you meet someone never worked for me. But what that did teach me is that much of conventional wisdom is bullshit. And for that, I am glad.

-True Confidence For The Human Male = Non-Neediness: Here, stories of his past are relayed, the strange relationship dynamics he experienced, and how approaching in mass volumes just burned away his neediness and gave him a level of internal confidence few in the world could understand. He gives examples of how he began to change, became far more direct and forward, and how this changed the dynamics of how girls he was in a relationship with would view him. He notes how one girl had a look in her eyes which he never previously saw, which he only saw when he engaged in some pretty awful and scumbag type behaviour, that is, taking another girl out right infront of her (her being his ex at the time who showed up uninvited to his place) and leaving her to meltdown on her own. After that, she did things with him which she never previously would have considered. Go figure...He doesn't advocate this, but talks about how at that stage he had begun to realise a few things and simply stopped giving a flying fuck. It's the males role to be confident and direct. Confidence in men is, in his opinion, the most valuable asset he can have. I accept that viewpoint, but I also think looks are fucking mission critical also.

You can find non-neediness in true, true abundance, and the path to true abundance may look like 20 approaches per business day, Mon-Fri, so 100 a week. There will be 1% of those who will meet you. You understand this and just play the numbers as they come. I'll be in London soon enough and this will be what I do man, I will put aside an hour to an hour and a half a day and just get this type of volume down, I already have a guy in London who I'll approach with (I was with him this Sunday) so let's see where it all goes.

For a guy like myself, who wanted romance and love, it was quite hilarious to see through so much of the shit that was in my head. As ever, it often is the case that 'it's all in your head'...

Keep hammering,
VLog from sunday, sorry the audio quality is lame due to me leaving my memory card in my laptop again and having to use my iphone lol....


Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
- State / Receptivity: This one bothered me tbh. Much of rejection and success is actually just totally, totally arbitrary. Many times girls will reject you without even looking at you, it's that arbitrary. There is not a whole lot you can do to make a woman more receptive to you other than demonstrating confidence by being forward. All you can do is aggressively screen out those who're not receptive, and connect with the small subset of women who will bond with yourself as a male. What he refers to the state is reality shaking to see - for example, guys online doing this stuff will just come out with outrageous stories, of fucking women off the street within 2 minutes of meeting them, married and engaged women fucking them within minutes of knowing them, just all sorts of madness, and what these stories illustrate is that some women are in a receptive state, and others aren't, and it's your job to find those who are receptive. That's kind of it. Playing the long game doesn't work and tends to create very weird sexual dynamics, getting to 'know' can be much the same. I have lived this for 30 years - wishing and praying and hoping you meet someone never worked for me. But what that did teach me is that much of conventional wisdom is bullshit. And for that, I am glad.

Glad this bothered you, because it personally disturbed me haha.

It's a very refreshing principle, especially in an industry that's a cesspool of confirmation and hindsight biases. I like Mike's and the other guys' in the Whatsapp group mindset; "oh well, she'll ghost either way".

I also understand why so many guys quit cold approaching. You really need to make peace with the fact that 99% of girls will not be receptive and stop kicking yourself, asking what you could have done differently. Unless you internalize that, ultimately, it's not your fault, you'll keep feeling like an inferior human being.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
- State / Receptivity: This one bothered me tbh. Much of rejection and success is actually just totally, totally arbitrary. Many times girls will reject you without even looking at you, it's that arbitrary. There is not a whole lot you can do to make a woman more receptive to you other than demonstrating confidence by being forward. All you can do is aggressively screen out those who're not receptive, and connect with the small subset of women who will bond with yourself as a male. What he refers to the state is reality shaking to see - for example, guys online doing this stuff will just come out with outrageous stories, of fucking women off the street within 2 minutes of meeting them, married and engaged women fucking them within minutes of knowing them, just all sorts of madness, and what these stories illustrate is that some women are in a receptive state, and others aren't, and it's your job to find those who are receptive. That's kind of it. Playing the long game doesn't work and tends to create very weird sexual dynamics, getting to 'know' can be much the same. I have lived this for 30 years - wishing and praying and hoping you meet someone never worked for me. But what that did teach me is that much of conventional wisdom is bullshit. And for that, I am glad.

Glad this bothered you, because it personally disturbed me haha.

It's a very refreshing principle, especially in an industry that's a cesspool of confirmation and hindsight biases. I like Mike's and the other guys' in the Whatsapp group mindset; "oh well, she'll ghost either way".

I also understand why so many guys quit cold approaching. You really need to make peace with the fact that 99% of girls will not be receptive and stop kicking yourself, asking what you could have done differently. Unless you internalize that, ultimately, it's not your fault, you'll keep feeling like an inferior human being.

It disturbed me big time too my dude.

Reason being, I thought, fuck, I spent so many years trying to make myself a better man - learned a lot, read, worked hard, got into great hobbies, cultivated new skills, travelled a lot, did so many things to enrich my life. Did that count for nothing, do women not see that, do they not even care?

Man, the conclusion I drew, was that this life is one's individual, personal journey - what matters is SELF RESPECT, what matters is being proud of yourself, period.

Cold approach is quite fascinating in that it burns away layer after layer of delusion and bullshit conditioning, and gives the man a fleeting glimpse of Truth.

We will see how it bears out in the years to come.

TUE 31/08/21


-Gym (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching
-Cold Approach
-Walk 2hrs
-Jog 20m
-Digital Marketing (2hrs)
-Video Work: Shoot

Few life admin tasks, tomorrow I am going to get a consult for something called the homeobloc, which can bring some health benefits and also possibly improve the structure of the face. We'll see. I will log the whole thing and if I get results from it, it could help me long, long term - if it improves the structure of my face, I am sure my future wife will appreciate it.

Keep grinding,
Out for an hour. Kept bitching out over and over. When I'm approaching solo in the day, it's super hard atm. I simply couldn't make myself even say hi.

Approach: Saw a chick right at the end, and thought, fuck it, I have to do 1. She looked at me in stunned silence and I walked off. She then asked was this a prank? I said no and she excitedly told me to have a good day lol.

Now gonna keep working.

MakingAComeback said:
Out for an hour. Kept bitching out over and over. When I'm approaching solo in the day, it's super hard atm. I simply couldn't make myself even say hi.

Approach: Saw a chick right at the end, and thought, fuck it, I have to do 1. She looked at me in stunned silence and I walked off. She then asked was this a prank? I said no and she excitedly told me to have a good day lol.

Now gonna keep working.


good job for doing that approach
Greenranger said:
MakingAComeback said:
Out for an hour. Kept bitching out over and over. When I'm approaching solo in the day, it's super hard atm. I simply couldn't make myself even say hi.

Approach: Saw a chick right at the end, and thought, fuck it, I have to do 1. She looked at me in stunned silence and I walked off. She then asked was this a prank? I said no and she excitedly told me to have a good day lol.

Now gonna keep working.


good job for doing that approach

Thanks bro.

It's hard out here for a pimp!!!!!

Trying to get the money for the rent
I had a really excellent therapy session today, and had what felt like a lightbulb moment: my therapist asked quite an evocative question after an hour of work, I actually got slightly emotional, almost cried but of course held it together.

After a lengthy discussion, she asked me: "...So why are YOU not as good as other people?"

It caused me to pause and reflect for quite some time.

It made me realise, that feeling better about yourself does not mean you need to stop improvement. You can keep improving yourself until the end of your days, but you don't need to make it harder on yourself. It was a big moment of realisation to be honest.

In self-improvement, some of us can come from deep feelings of lack and scarcity, and this can make the road harder than it needs to be. You can still head down the road without it being miserable.

Somehow I had not realised that.

Feeling bad about yourself can actually give you a profound drive and can make you move mountains. It is such a powerful emotion, it can drive you your whole life like a nuclear reaction. Many successful people speak about this, saw a fascinating video from Michael Phelps where he talked about lifelong low self esteem and anxiety. I simply couldn't believe such a beast of a human had a headspace like that, but he did, and frankly, he sounded like he had it way, way, way 'worse' than me.

I then went to a really productive orthotopic consultation with a interesting dentist who does expansion work with devices like the myobrace and homeobloc. I have done a lot of research on this stuff as I am an advanced student of the Buteyko Method. Retraining can get you quite far but I have come to learn remodelling using devices can help us maximise our aitway development in a potentially powerful way. This is mostly for enhancing function, but it MAY slightly improve facial aesthetics as it widens the upper jaw, which is how it was supposed to be by natures design.

My first float tank session on Friday!!!!!!!
