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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [HAPPY NEW YEAR]

Feeling great, we are on the right track to recovery and breakthrough. Gotta remain CONSISTENT with inner game work and I will heal and recover 100%


Core Masculinity University:

Really enjoying working with Coach D. He is 200000000000000% the business partner Scotty was. Coach D's work ethic, determination, and drive is just insane.

He is a few levels above me in sheer mental strength, the guy is a fucking animal. I've not known a human being of this sort, this closely before. This is GOAT tier mental determination, how on it he is, how motivated he is, day in, day out, boggles the mind.

Plus, his skills are just so good. For instance, as you can see in IronWIll, I struggled with content for years, with thee visual branding element, and all that.

D is just a killer for all this shit, how he comes up with content, branding, titles, thumbnails, the job lot

Check out the visual look and feel of CMU's channel:

The banner, the concepts, the subtle details. He is so good with this shit.

We made 3 reels just now.

I am confident in the CMU project, as the service delivery is super strong, the weekly calls, are in depth and very focused.

As you can see, I am putting everything into Inner Game now, and bringing it all into alignment with the projects I am building.

2025, will be a monk type year just cracking organic content and building a real audience.

Inner game work evolving. Working a lot with regulating the nervous system. This involves self awareness and taking time to do inner work throughout the day as needed.

Coaching was super fun today, a few of my guys are working on biz growth via organic content, which is cool. We're all at it.

If you guys ever watch any Alex Hormozi, his videos on biz growth and organic content are quite helpful. I think the one he did with Tom Bilyui on Impact Theory was good. 100 mins on organic content a day for 12 months and Lord H tells us our biz will slap.

Well alright then boyo.

I have learned more about the content game and progressively will crack it, I have struggled with it so much, as it wasn't my forte. This has been a steep learning curve. Biz that is. Not muhhhhhh laycount. Though that was too lol.

My checkins aren't as structured as the inner work I am doing, is about feeling, and responding to your nervous system with cultivating safety, which means you have to be adaptable with schedule. I am feeling better to be honest, so I will keep at it.

Day was solid performance wise. Spent 3-4hours with Coach D making content, which was 3 long forms. They're uploaded, scheduled for throughout the week.

IW work today, was just client calls. I've had some real breakthroughs on client calls lately. After a few years of learning the coaching game, you get a lot better at it.

Biggest sticking point for me is inner game so prioritising that still. Business and cracking organic content will be done next year. Which will bring the right clients, right community, and let me live aligned.

Hope yall well

THUR 7/11/2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Inbound training
-Block 3: Inbound training
-Block 4: Inbound training

(2) Body:
-Rest day

(3) Inner Game:
-Inner Game: The Practice x 2

We're averaging over 100 views on the CMU, channel, seriously encouraging for a new channel.

I think we've got a unique brand with an interesting angle that will strongly appeal to a subset of the market

Beyond muhhhhh laycount bros

And towards finding men interested in growth, self-actualisation, and building actual meaningful experiences
Focused on inner work. Had a good chat w/ my biz mentor, V. Considering all factors, and how much I need to learn about how to do organic content to be effective at it, we agreed best to put aside the final few weeks of the year for inner work.

I had to take a healthy distance from V. This year was my inner game year and I slowly, but progressively, basically just stopped talking to most of my old tribe. Left all my groups. Just created space for myself. If you're not good for yourself, you're good for no one. You have to be who you actually want to be. And I am not sure about the direction I was headed a while back. You can't reach level 10 in anything without true alignment. Seriously. So I respectfully found the space away from everyone.

V would get on my ass about learning to do content better, and tell me how much my content sucks, and I was also trying to figure out dating, approaching, inner game. All of this, was so overwhelming, I think I was stuck for a while due to this alone. My escape to Mex earlier was multi factorial. I needed fucking peace.

So, staying with it. In my IronWIll philosophy, which I suppose is the holistic philosophy I developed for my own life, my decision-making seeks to prioritise sticking points and the "actual issues", as I believe that is what holds human beings back from their next level. You're as good as your weak links.

Drop all other goals apart from inner game for now.

Inner work maxxing until 2025 and then will pick up biz growth again.

Still get client enquiries. Got 2 people who may be coming into IW. And CMU is steadily growing which is awesome. That is enough.

No need to sweat all that now. To grow a biz using organic content, realistically it's going to be a hustle, until things start really moving. You have to not only post excellent content, that looks professional, but you have to nail the titles, engage with everyone, really speak to your audience, and also build trust, add value, all this. While also really optimising your offer. My passion is really joyful performance, performance development, performance recovery, helping people reach their A-Game, effortlessly, which involves alignment.

I think I also might need to improve my offer a bit. The website, I will work on to speak to my core prospect more, get a bit more targeted. and try some new angles.

just a reminder to all u cucks

just lul @ u subhumans just lol at your copecel thinking you can get plastic surgery to be as good looking as Gandy nothing can fix your lateral orbital rim retrusion or your retracted maxila even the great Mike Mew praise be his name can't save you buddy boyos!!!!!!

my god I don't know why I am remembering all of this right now but it is cracking me up. i even went back and began commenting on the blackpill content creators from back in the day, like when I was properly rekt, and let them know I actually turned my shit around. as expected they just called me a currycel copper that will never heal from his childhood trauma and left it at that. lmao. i offered to link them to my log to prove I actually did it. fucking deleted my comment. HAHAHAHA.

while those dudes rotting I was able to smash dozens of hoes to where I cant actually be fucking bothered anymore and travel the world while building muhhh bizness

I even did it while not recovered from trauma. goes to show how far determination can take u in life. where there's a will there's a way.

i do recall the experience of being an older virgin and how I did feel like it was ovER. i think in the back of my mind, I knew i'd get myself right one day.

i am convinced 95% of those guys just are trauma cases. and what they'd need is a safe group to do the work to confront and heal. sadly most are too toxic to be helped. you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make them drink. they have to come to their own conclusions alone. now I am wrapping up my getting laid stage, I am glad to be able to reflect on the progress, and how I was ultimately victorious in this chapter.

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The Inner Game Era.

Taking a break right now from a few hours of inner work (literally)

My sense of humour is at the forefront atm, lot of shit cracking me the fuck up

Hitler takes the Blackpill

"mein fuhrer our sources report that it is in fact over"

fucking dying lmao

I am not sure why I drawn to laughing at this part of my psyche atm, there will be some inner reasons for it. Gonna roll with it.

Re doing my offer a bit to focus IW more on attracting performance recovery & development types for 2025

Already got a customer base, don't necessarily need more clients now, and CMU is growing, we're onboarding peeps and it's showing the signs of being a really excellent biz

Just ALIGNING my life with what I actually want

I love performance development, recovery, healing, growth, all that shit - gotta make IW speak to that deeply

Re-did the copy, the website I think I'm gonna do again, plus the VSL is shit lol

Changed the names of my socials to align also.

Will work on visual identity and branding more and align that further.
Socials: Tweaked the banner, slightly different messaging and positioning

Group & 1 on 1 will be likely speaking to these core people, of performance development, healing, growth, and rebuilding their foundation on joyful performance & aligned principles

Have to speak to what you really like working with, IMO, your fave clients.

Mine have been, the ones I snapped out of hustle culture, and got to recovery from being very stuck!
Sat on the deck, sun shining.

Inner work has been consistent. Doing the exercises, meditation, studying healing & inner game theory.

Embodying practice. Doing what I can.

Some thoughts......

I've seen what it's like online now. I've also seen the tides shift in things like cold approach. The world and culture, is different now, and we have to learn how to respond to this, and navigate it, successfully. When even my CHAD friends like Ralph are feeling it, it's real:

I spoke to so many in NYC, who are successful in the game, who let me know that things just have gotten way worse in general across all metrics, the quality, the way women treat them, the job lot.

It's not like we're not getting results. We are. But are we happy and satisfied?

The lifestyle, wasn't hitting for me after 3 years in it. That period in NYC, though difficult, I was getting laid every 2 weeks, was getting instadates, did get ca numbers, did have dg dates, instadates, shit I would have been happy about a year or two ago. But I was actually quite sad to be honest.

I didn't care. And what I know about healing, is that the mind/body, is connected, and innate body wisdom speaks to us in subtle cues. It gives clues. When your inner being is telling you, to move away, it speaks progressively louder, until it forces you to engage with the problem, by giving you physical symptoms. I believe this is why I couldn't sleep for 3 weeks after coming to California.

The psychological roots of trauma and how the body speaks to us is covered well in the book, When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection, by the great Dr Gabor Mate.

When it starts to feel so empty, I believe it is a call to action to go deeper, and engage in unresolved parts of our psyche.

Many aren't ready to go there yet. Which is why they can't stop. You see the rationalisation and they are just that. It's a very personal journey, and not all wake up, some souls will twist in the wind, this way and that, their whole lives.

Guys like Ralph I find interesting, he's done it all, banged several hundreds of these hoes, and he, like MOST of the successful players I know, actually didn't find it worthwhile, didn't find happiness from it, andthen had to go deep anyway!

The conclusion I am forming, is very similar to his, though I'd respect any difference of opinion anyway. I do think purpose is where a man has to align his energies when he has began to grow more, actualise further, and if he is to have any real impact. I don't just want to be MAC hacking away on the internet. I actually want to create something, and to make some form of difference. Andy, HAS made a difference, which is something I highly respect. I gotta do the same, in my own way.

Seeking true inner peace, for me, is being fully aligned with the goals I have, which are to build movements, via IronWill & CMU.

Why these effectively "stayed small", was that I didn't crack marketing.

I had to learn SO much, and it was all a pain in the ass, while ALSO trying to improve my looks, ALSO learning to build better social skills, vibe, and masculinity, and ALSO healing myself which was the hardest part of all.

As you know from reading my log, this has actually been a hard ass road man, but being so determined, working, and not quitting, has produced good things. I have 2 businesses now, which is great. I've travelled the world. I am a better man than I was.

I do still have an inner sense of pain, and it has become more clear to me that much of my pursuit of women in the first place, was driven by pain-avoidance, and this unknowingly did make me internalise unhelpful narratives, that kept my nervous system in a state of tension and agitation, and removed any sense of "safeness" from my life. That is building a business while on the road, I'm afraid, at times unbelievable stress, uncertainty, and you do get into some damn sticky situations.

But the overall principles of joyful performance, get me through to the other side.

I believe I know how I will crack my own puzzle. A lot more healing. A lot more letting go. And I do believe I have to have a long, long time away from any form of dating/pursuit of women, to find the deeper joy and happiness in my experience of being connected to my purpose in life.

I do not actually believe playerish behaviours and thinking, attract quality women who will be good partners. Those who get away with it, are doing this by virtue of SMV & phenotype, which is largely genetic, unfortunately. And then guys just follow it, thinking this is "success". The nature of people I suppose. I do not believe the pathways presented here, hold any water when it comes to building proper, healthy relationships with worthwhile women, and we have a survivorship bias of Just Exist bros, who are not useful case studies for one who does not not have comparable genetic stock.

I think you have to form yourself into a different type of man, and have a very different value system. Which one has to construct, deliberately, piece by piece. I saw this in Coach D, which was why I gravitated away from Scotty, and oriented towards something more holistic and full-stack, and which I actually saw results with.

If I am right, we'll see in a year.

Greater psychological transformation, I posit, will not only unlock a far better physical image (getting lean, muscular, attractive), but will also lead to business success, better relationships in general, and will see me create the happy, fulfilling, rewarding connections I seek. I've had a taste of that now, so know it's possible, and I believe that inner game is the most straight line to that.

Cheers for listening to my rambles

Back to it, CMU call is about to start, then making content with D

Fly home tomorrow. WIll take 2 days off to do inner work. And then slowly get back in the content machine. Slowly. Inner game is a focus until Jan 2025 at least. I might create a form of retreat for myself somehow.....

Doing the work was challenging today. Felt remarkably stressed/bad, for no reason.

Recovery is tough & is going to be a bit of a journey.

Taking it one day at a time.

I spoke to so many in NYC, who are successful in the game, who let me know that things just have gotten way worse in general across all metrics, the quality, the way women treat them, the job lot.

It's not like we're not getting results. We are. But are we happy and satisfied?

The lifestyle, wasn't hitting for me after 3 years in it. That period in NYC, though difficult, I was getting laid every 2 weeks, was getting instadates, did get ca numbers, did have dg dates, instadates, shit I would have been happy about a year or two ago. But I was actually quite sad to be honest.
I'm just glad it's not in my head how the tide has turned in the western world. It's exponentially harder to succeed with western women now compared to a few short years ago. And even if you're succeeding, the fulfilment isn't there unless you find a unicorn.
I'm just glad it's not in my head how the tide has turned in the western world. It's exponentially harder to succeed with western women now compared to a few short years ago. And even if you're succeeding, the fulfilment isn't there unless you find a unicorn.

Yeah, I'd say the market shifted:

-A lot more bitter, resentful, jaded, angry, broken & mentally ill women who not even bothering with dating at all
-Decline in social skills. People are just less social than before, go out less, and the world of remote work and disconnection has made things more challenging
-Extreme delusion, unrealistic standards/concepts for what a relationship is. Narcicism, solipcism. Agree with me, or 4B! for thee.
-Polarised market, as women become more looks/image obsessed and more tethered to a social media-based reality, than one grounded in the real world, their physical desires start to shift eerily toward perfection

This, is where it does start to look grim. There is a wholesale mating crisis, decline in people in relationships. fewer people getting married and having kids than ever before, and just less connection in these things than previous eras.

Much of where we're coming from, was GLL, the pre-online dating and social media era. Where guys being attractive, cool and confident, and taking massive action, was enough to live like a fucking king.

Not anymore, sadly. The chicks were a lot nicer back then, pre-MeToo, and how toxic women's spaces are in terms of dating and relationships. If you ever view female content creators and their shared spaces, it's quite disturbing what their concept for relationships are like, and clearly, isn't helping women. It can feel like an anti-world or a psyop - informing women that they need to learn to pull away, do nothing for a man, not show any warmth or kindness, and make him either invest huge levels of time and resources upfront, for nothing, or find someone else who will......

No thanks LOL

Ofc, results are possible, but if you want something satisfying, where there is real positive treatment and behaviour, and you don't have the luxury of above-average looks (and I would argue the right phenotype/archetype), there is just the option left of maxxing out looks, game/social skills, inner game, and go from location to location, until you have what you seek.

Better to not dwell on it. The more negative you are in an area, the more you project cynicism and jadedness onto it, and see the worst in it. Better to be informed by actual data. I know my apps got worse every year, as did cold approach. I, however, was getting better, so closed more, retained more, and actually got some quality experiences out of it.

To become even better, will need to get to where I give zero solitary fucks about "the market" and move on.

God, that most actually reads quite negative.

NOT GOOD. I am not perfect by any stretch, and this has been one of the areas I've had to work on a lot.

I am going to write a more balanced post below.
On Decline? Things Getting Worse? Or, Is This A GOOD THING?

Maybe it's ovER buddy boyos. Or, maybe not.....

I know I spent 30 years, not going on any dates, or meeting any women at all. So things have gotten a lot better than that ;-) Back then, yes, you could certainly argue, "it never begun"

I do recall, at the start of this, getting my first match after 6 months of photoshoots and weight loss, felt like a miraculous win. And I recall how getting my first date at 30 years old, off of my 10th cold approach, felt like magic.

First lay. First FWB. Going through a year long dry spell. Coach D BootCamp. And then getting some proper success after that. The results were coming, but they would become increasingly empty and for some strange reason, I would feel worse....

While it WAS a fuck tonne slower in terms of matches overall, and it was a lot of hard work, quality left a lot to be desired, until I'd get to here and there, the experiences were super complicated and difficult to go through. Brought up a lot of other challenges.

Which showed me what was actually going on.

Here's the truth....

When you have unresolved emotional words, outer results, won't take you the whole way. They help you heal a bit, yes, but it's work beyond that.

Why this matters, is that when the anger, pain, and darkness has run it's course and it's no longer in you, you lose a lot of the motivation you had. I recovered from that shit over the course of time, and then just didn't have the same drive I had before to just push and push. It was a weird thing to go through. The negative energy, ran out, because there was no real reason for it to exist anymore.

And with that, came this sense of.....wtf am I actually doing....and there were some confusing ass moments wandering around Mexico, my sense of reality shifting

That is where you just have to deal with the real issues.

Trauma. Beliefs. Unhealed wounds. Nervous system dysregulation.

That shit, when it is in you, makes you project into the world, stuff that isn't reality. I whined about quality for years, and then began getting it, and was still not really feeling right,

Whilst I can objectively look at the dating market and see how much worse it has gotten, This is where the real game of development begins.

Where you begin to do things, FOR YOU, YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR MISSION

This is where the fire will come back, IMO. I am deep in healing right now, and not undergoing any expansion.

But I think the fire and drive will come back, with more inner work, and I will seek excellence in body, business, and mindset again. But, for the person I want to be, and the reality I want to construct.

To As such, much of the journey, put me here, when I can now deal with the "real" issues. That, gives one the possibility of freedom, and living an aligned, healthy, happy, positive life, and not one stuck in misery of complaint, negativity, longing for "results" which I I doubt will make you happy but rather will be fleeting and gone with the wind.

Developing jadedness, bitterness, and cynicism, is just adding to the problem.

The world needs men, who are:

-Happy, positive, loving, strong leaders
-Compassionate, considering, who help their fellow man
-Loyal, brave, and upright morally
-Try to do the right thing
-Consider the impact they have on others
-Do their best, in mind, body, and spirit

We are NOT helping the problem, by whining, complaining, and being negative IMO.

I know, I will do my part. I am not in the casual sex era of my journey anymore, it was making me far too sad and depressed, and creating some deep soul pain would you believe. It would come out as various bouts of strange anger and enbiterment, but it was so irrational I didn't get it. Nervous system dysregulation, activating fight or flight for no reason, because of unhealed wounds that are festering in the subconscious.


I have read stories of people living their whole lives and figuring out they have trauma at 50-60. I did it at 33, because of Self Improvement, and how it showed me where my issues are.....That, is GOOD.

So, this journey, should be framed as a developmental one. Taking personal responsibility. Every guy can get laid. Every guy can get some quality. Every guy can be in a happy relationship with a quality girl.




You properly work on that shit, you WILL get the rewards. I remember how S was treating me well, I remember those texts, I remember how she was around me. KING SHIT. I enjoyed my really epic lays this year, of which I would say there were 2 that were just fucking legendary.

And I enjoyed the WIN about finally going all the fucking way IN on inner game......

I will re-emerge when I have handled my inner game. Its holding me back in all areas, biz, body, everything.

When its sorted, you will see a beast just take the fuck over.

And when biz/body/mind is absolutely nailed down, and I am able to justify it, I will go "all in" again, and do a year + world tour going around this planet and finding ONE gal I can do life with.

We can't get wrapped up in negativity boyos.


Flying back to the UK today.

Mon, Tue, and Wed I think I am going to give myself a form of "healing retreat"

A few days of water fasting, movement, breathwork, reading/studying healing, doing my inner game exercises, and spending those 3 days doing intensive inner healing work.

It'll take as long as it takes, but I do have to put this next leg of my journey, on a clear inner game trajectory. So will start off strong.
When even my CHAD friends like Ralph are feeling it, it's real:

This guy is lacking in self awareness. After watching it and a bit of another, I still can’t decide if it’s an elaborate parody.

His whole point of this video is “I heard some girls talking and one of them said ‘if a guy isn’t happy with me/my lifestyle, he can leave”.

This is just basic advice I’d give to any of my male or female friends. Note it’s not “leave them”, it’s “they can leave if they don’t like who you are”.

I don’t get why this winds him up and his indirect bragging, sarcasm and the passive aggressive “take an shot then say I’m not taking shots” is overall giving strong incelly vibes. Yeah I’m sure he’s pulled women, but the whiny vibe is still there.
This guy is lacking in self awareness. After watching it and a bit of another, I still can’t decide if it’s an elaborate parody.

His whole point of this video is “I heard some girls talking and one of them said ‘if a guy isn’t happy with me/my lifestyle, he can leave”.

This is just basic advice I’d give to any of my male or female friends. Note it’s not “leave them”, it’s “they can leave if they don’t like who you are”.

I don’t get why this winds him up and his indirect bragging, sarcasm and the passive aggressive “take an shot then say I’m not taking shots” is overall giving strong incelly vibes. Yeah I’m sure he’s pulled women, but the whiny vibe is still there.

The thing he, is very rarely gave a fuck, I've know him for years.

It was only this year he'd occasionally make these sorts of comments. Which is why it piqued my interest.

Whiny vibe, I don't think is a fair statement, he was clearly a bit triggered in that video, and he himself is going through his own shifts and realisations, moving away from decades of playerism, and probably lamenting the many women he had who were top tier and he could have settled down with, but didn't

I don't think he lacks self awareness, he's actually a very open, considerate, and quite balanced person
Why Can't I FOCUS And Stay On Top Of My A-Game? Ravi Coaching Performance Recovery In The Clinic

If you resonate, a like, comment, and subscribe, is always appreciated.
