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RECRUITING: Accountability group chat


Aug 19, 2020
I'm running a group chat with a few other guys on Telegram. It used to be more active, but lately things have gotten quiet (mostly just me and colgate) which is why I'm looking to recruit. Here are the rules:

1. Post only about things you've DONE. Nothing is too small
2. You can still post about things you will do. BUT if you do, you must follow the format:
"What (objective and quantitative):
Time I will do it by:
Bounty (including where it will go):

What: I will walk up to five girls in a banana suit and tell them to FUCK OFF.
Deadline: Tomorrow 5pm
Bounty: $30 to UN Women's USA

Then, you will post either that you did what you were going to do, or you will put the receipt here. Or you will be kicked from the group.
3. Keep general chatting to a minimum. There's other chats for that.

Anyone thinking of joining let me know. To give an idea, my things yesterday were getting up by a certain time, applying to a certain number of jobs, approaches out around the bars, and doing a weekly review of my numbers.

PS: This is literally how I got 10 daygame lays last year, I precommitted to my approaching every single night before. Otherwise I was literally never going to approach.
I'm down! I am currently working on doing approaches. My telegram username is cram7415
Always got my blessing to do things that support your growth.

However, rhere's got to be a way to contain this hustle on the forum man.....

I will speak to the mod team and get their views. Surely we can like have a thread here and guys can log in and share gold.

We're losing traction here with guys siphoning off. Hmmm......

This community is a group effort at the end of the day, I'm paying for it to see you rise to the top. If I can't actually SEE it, it is a bit of a pain in the ass.

not a mod, but agree with additionally making another thread that basically rips off this format. guys can post in their medium of choosing.

if this thread is made, i will post in both the telegram group and the ww thread.
Yeah, I didn’t think about it too deeply but the last thing I wanna do either is siphon people off or make people feel excluded. I think that a group chat is a better format for this sort of thing than a forum because it allows people to post about the things they’ve done throughout the day more conveniently, but I would also be supportive of an official version if it were made.
We can keep things here and ban whoever doesn't complete their accountability. Happy to be the one doing the banning.
lacroix said:
Yeah, I didn’t think about it too deeply but the last thing I wanna do either is siphon people off or make people feel excluded. I think that a group chat is a better format for this sort of thing than a forum because it allows people to post about the things they’ve done throughout the day more conveniently, but I would also be supportive of an official version if it were made.

I don't see why this shouldn't be on the forums

I am happy to start a daily accountability thread & we can get f**king busy in there

If it would support people that is?

The worst case scenario, is we trial it for a month, it is a slow mover, and we just carry on........

Will chat to the mods. We're still doing the transition, and some new mods are yet to be appointed.

Good news is we have The Greek Troll on board, Top T, to ban people for not stimulating the Greek economy enough
