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Revtach's Log


Feb 3, 2023
I'm restarting my cold approach and getting-laid journey. I took a shot at this when I was about 26-27 (when GLL was new and fresh) and had some mild success at that time. I picked it back up a few times since then but never committed to it as much as I could have. I'll be turning 35 soon and am now making a fairly hardcore concerted effort to have the success with women I've always wanted.

My definition of success is to develop the ability to go out any time and get laid, within 1 week, by a woman I'm attracted to. In my 20's I did get laid plenty. Some were from work, some from cold approach, some from bars, but most were from online. Most of the girls were 4's-6's (I hate objectifying them btw) with a handful of 7's and maybe a single 8. My sex life was inconsistent and I was never happy with it or the attractiveness of the girls I was with. Most of them had at least 1 sexually attractive feature (big boobs or butt), but on the whole they were not girls I was was excited about. I will say that the most attractive ones were all from cold approach (I had shitty pictures for the online game).

This time around I'm only going after the girls I actually want. I made a written outline of most of GLL's articles and a handful of really good KYIL's articles and have absorbed and understood the information. I've now started applying what I've learned and I'm not quitting until I hit my goal.

I've updated my fashion and have started cold approaching again this week. I've done 9-10 approaches in the last 3 days. I'm getting a much different reaction from girls this time around. I can't figure out if my style screams player, ridiculous, or if at 35 I'm just looking too old to be talking to girls in their early 20's. All but 1 of the cold approaches were rejects. They were pretty cold/hard rejects meaning the girls did not really even engage in the conversation. Some looked at me a little petrified when I started talking to them and most were really quick to brush me off and walk away.

Prior to updating my fashion, when I dressed like an average guy, I did not get rejected like this. Most girls would at least talk to me and the rejection would be them telling me they have a boyfriend or just a courteous "no thank you" when I asked to meet again. I'm curious why the responses are different now. I'm wondering if my fashion is simply filtering out the non-available and non-DTF girls?

I've been going out dressed like this (and plan on sticking with this basic template):


I'm going to continue playing the numbers game and refining my routine. In the mean time, can anyone spot anything off-putting about my appearance, just so I can rule that out? I think I look just fine but sometimes you don't know that you're delusional until others give you a reality check.
10 approaches today. 5 of the girls gave me cold outright rejections. 4 were nice rejections. 1 seemed excited to talk to me and I got her number. I texted her right after and it's not really clear when or if we're going to meet. I invited her out for a drink tomorrow night but she said she's too busy but then asked me if I have a girlfriend. Then I suggested we get a drink at my place and watch a movie and she responded by saying I should come over and see her dogs. I'm not really sure what's going on with her. I told her to let me know when she's free. She seemed excited through texts as well, so I'll hit her up in a few days if I don't hear from her. She's 28 years old and Italian/Albanian.

I'm still trying to figure out why I'm being brushed off so abruptly on some of these approaches. One thing I changed in the middle of the day was I tucked my pendant necklace into my shirt so that I looked like this:


The girls I talked to after doing this were warmer to me. So, I'm thinking the angel wings pendant is a little too much in some way, either too cheesy or too edgy. Tucking it into my shirt hides it and tones down my edgy appearance. Idk though, I'm going to continue mixing it up and trying new things to see what works.

Another thing I noticed today was that the 28 year old I mentioned earlier asked me how old I was when we were talking. When I told her I'm 34 she gave a little bit of a gasp that I'm not sure how to interpret. Of all the cold approaches I've done this week, all the younger girls (<25) have been the quickest to brush me off and walk away without really even talking to me. The two best interactions I've had were with older girls, so I'm thinking my age is starting to show and is a factor and that I don't look as young as I thought I did. Again, the sample size is still small and I'm still trying to figure this out.

I'm also considering that perhaps a combination of my appearance and older age is simply making me more polarizing than before when I was younger but dressed more bland. Girls are either ok with an older edgy dude or they're not. There is no question though that I wish I took a hardcore approach to this 10 years ago instead of now. When I go out, the absolute best looking girls are all college-aged and I think they want older guys but not too much older (<5 years). So if you're a guy in your 20's and you're reading this, do this shit now and do not wait. Also, move to at least a medium size city (>200K people). The city I'm in is small (<50k) and I feel like my options are very limited here. I'm seriously considering moving for this reason, and that sucks because I'm pretty established here and don't want to start over somewhere else.

There are however some benefits to doing this now than when I was younger. The time-pressure is very real now and is causing me to take this more seriously and to be as effective at it as I can be. Being older also means I have more general life experience and also a considerable amount of money in my bank account which gives me a sense of security. The general experience for me has multi-faceted benefits but particularly it means I've gotten laid in the past and I've played the cold approach game before, so I'm not completely new at this and am able to build on what I've done earlier in my life. That's about it in a nutshell.
I wouldn't read too much into the blowouts. They happen to every guy, no matter what he looks like.
Technically speaking I accomplished my goal already. The Albanian/Italian girl hit me up yesterday and we hung out. I picked her up and brought her back to my place. No date or anything.

She was super sexy and a lot of fun. We drank a bottle of wine and banged a few times. She stayed overnight and we got breakfast this morning before I dropped her back off. She's apparently moving out of state today so there isn't much in the way of relationship potential although last night she was all about how she really likes me and needs a guy like me in her life. Honestly I felt really bad like I really wanted to be that guy for her but yet I was slow playing everything. I've been there before with girls and I always feel bad when they're throwing themselves at me like that. She had just broken up with her boyfriend a couple weeks ago and he was constantly calling and texting her when we were hanging out. She answer his call at one point and told him that she's with another guy right now and that she's not his girlfriend anymore. The call got kind of dramatic and she almost called an uber and left (this call happened before we banged). Thankfully she changed her mind and stayed.

I did really like her and I feel accomplished. I give this girl a solid 7.5-8. This morning when I dropped her back off she seemed happy about how everything went and us simply parting ways and agreeing to stay in touch. She was really cool. I'll def hit her up from time to time, even if she lives in another state.

By no means am I done with cold approach and this getting laid stage. This result could of been a fluke and I'd like to know I can consistently do this. I am surprised how variable my results are though. I went from getting mostly complete blow out interactions to suddenly connecting with one girl and it escalating to banging within a couple days. You never know what you'll get I guess and you'll never know unless you try.

I'll keep the log going, but it was very nice to have this breakthrough.
Congrats mate. Here's to more to come.

Revtach said:
Girls are either ok with an older edgy dude or they're not.

Sorry but a pendant doesn't make you edgy. I got both ears pierced, a nose earring, a necklace, and 3 rings, but I can still look "eh" if I'm not careful with the rest of my clothes.

Revtach said:
I'm still trying to figure out why I'm being brushed off so abruptly on some of these approaches.

Approaching location matters. In a busy street, you can approach 15+ and get brushed off easily. Not the case if you approach in a college campus.
I got sidetracked with my job and other things in life the last 2 weeks.

My job is another part of my life I desperately need to address. I hate it. It consumes me some weeks and drains me so bad that I have no energy or motivation left to do anything I want to do when I'm not at work.

I started approaching again this week. I did 5 in the last 2 days. All blow outs. A couple girls were really nice about it but one girl was an absolute horror. She was young, may have been a teenager. I approached her in a department store and as soon as I told her I noticed her walking around and thought she was good looking she flipped the fuck out and got in my face and started telling me to "Get the fuck out of here" and "I'm not dealing with this shit" really loud and pointing away. Even as I told her ok and started walking away she was threatening to call someone. It was pretty awful. I don't know what set her off like that.

While that's not a success story, this forum is based on honesty which I think means sharing the good and the bad.

I'm still in it and will continue with the updates as they come.
Did three approaches while grocery shopping today. Fortunately, all the girls were really nice and I got 1 number so I feel like I bounced back from that bad experience with the girl that flipped out.

I am definitely learning and getting better at this after only a couple weeks. I can share some random insights if anyone is interested, although they're nothing groundbreaking.

I swear I'm have much better luck when I approach with my pendant tucked into my shirt. I'll try one last time with it out just to confirm again if there's a correlation with worse results. I'm not even joking when I say that women seem less receptive to me when it's out.
I have not been doing much approaches over the last 2 weeks. Probably a total of 5. I definitely want to get those numbers up but I feel limited in what I can do.

Part of the problem is that I've been cramming to sort my life out to try to figure out the most effective way for me to tackle a few goals at once and there is no easy way to do it. After work, I work on my career change and then any time I have to leave the house for anything like groceries I make it a point to incorporate approaches while I'm out. It kind of works but I've found most days I'm so wiped out by the time I go out that I'm just not at my best. This is definitely something I can do better at though and I will work on it.

The other part of the problem is that the city I'm living in is too small. I've only found 4 spots that are decent for approaches and two of them are walmart stores that have a high turnover of people. There is a small mall and downtown area which are pretty dead most of the time. I spent a couple hours out yesterday and only approached 2 girls the entire time because there were no others that I was attracted to. There is a fairly large college here but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to walk around the campus at my age. I would be too out of place I think and I can see myself creeping people out and having security called or something.

So I'd like to move to somewhere more populated. Any recommendations for cities or areas? I may have a job opportunity in Knoxville, TN and that area looks like it would be a big upgrade from where I'm currently at.

Also, after more consideration I have started to wonder how much more guys could pull if they put their efforts into something that made them a local celebrity. Just playing in a band or hosting parties or something. Any way you can set it up so that girls know who you are and come to you would be better than you cold approaching them as a complete stranger. I'm not going to stop approaching because it is my best option at this point and I've gotten over my approach anxiety to the point where I can approach almost any girl any time. So there is no point in throwing that skill away now but the numbers game is just very much not in our favor and this is time consuming. Honestly just looking for a discussion here more than anything if anyone wanted to share their opinions.

I'll keep the updates coming and fully intend on pushing the rate of progression. I am fully committed to the notion that my life is a project that I absolutely have to put all my efforts into.
Revtach said:
I have not been doing much approaches over the last 2 weeks. Probably a total of 5. I definitely want to get those numbers up but I feel limited in what I can do.

Part of the problem is that I've been cramming to sort my life out to try to figure out the most effective way for me to tackle a few goals at once and there is no easy way to do it. After work, I work on my career change and then any time I have to leave the house for anything like groceries I make it a point to incorporate approaches while I'm out. It kind of works but I've found most days I'm so wiped out by the time I go out that I'm just not at my best. This is definitely something I can do better at though and I will work on it.

The other part of the problem is that the city I'm living in is too small. I've only found 4 spots that are decent for approaches and two of them are walmart stores that have a high turnover of people. There is a small mall and downtown area which are pretty dead most of the time. I spent a couple hours out yesterday and only approached 2 girls the entire time because there were no others that I was attracted to. There is a fairly large college here but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to walk around the campus at my age. I would be too out of place I think and I can see myself creeping people out and having security called or something.

So I'd like to move to somewhere more populated. Any recommendations for cities or areas? I may have a job opportunity in Knoxville, TN and that area looks like it would be a big upgrade from where I'm currently at.

Also, after more consideration I have started to wonder how much more guys could pull if they put their efforts into something that made them a local celebrity. Just playing in a band or hosting parties or something. Any way you can set it up so that girls know who you are and come to you would be better than you cold approaching them as a complete stranger. I'm not going to stop approaching because it is my best option at this point and I've gotten over my approach anxiety to the point where I can approach almost any girl any time. So there is no point in throwing that skill away now but the numbers game is just very much not in our favor and this is time consuming. Honestly just looking for a discussion here more than anything if anyone wanted to share their opinions.

I'll keep the updates coming and fully intend on pushing the rate of progression. I am fully committed to the notion that my life is a project that I absolutely have to put all my efforts into.

I have daygamed in 15+ cities in the United States. Most cities are completely untenable for daygame post-pandemic due to limited street volume. This includes Knoxville (I've daygamed there, albeit in the summer).

The way to win smaller cities is through status game, like you mention. However, it's easier said than done and requires a LOT of investment and setup.

As far as the age issue, you can read my log - I'm old and have smashed several 18-20 year olds this year, all from daygame. There's no issue with walking around a campus as a 30+ year old man. I've daygamed at Vanderbilt, Ohio State, UC Berkeley, Penn State, etc.

...can you not just hoof it a bit south here to the City? NYC is the best place in the country for a man in his 30s. You will have an abundance of options.
pancakemouse said:
Revtach said:
I have not been doing much approaches over the last 2 weeks. Probably a total of 5. I definitely want to get those numbers up but I feel limited in what I can do.

Part of the problem is that I've been cramming to sort my life out to try to figure out the most effective way for me to tackle a few goals at once and there is no easy way to do it. After work, I work on my career change and then any time I have to leave the house for anything like groceries I make it a point to incorporate approaches while I'm out. It kind of works but I've found most days I'm so wiped out by the time I go out that I'm just not at my best. This is definitely something I can do better at though and I will work on it.

The other part of the problem is that the city I'm living in is too small. I've only found 4 spots that are decent for approaches and two of them are walmart stores that have a high turnover of people. There is a small mall and downtown area which are pretty dead most of the time. I spent a couple hours out yesterday and only approached 2 girls the entire time because there were no others that I was attracted to. There is a fairly large college here but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to walk around the campus at my age. I would be too out of place I think and I can see myself creeping people out and having security called or something.

So I'd like to move to somewhere more populated. Any recommendations for cities or areas? I may have a job opportunity in Knoxville, TN and that area looks like it would be a big upgrade from where I'm currently at.

Also, after more consideration I have started to wonder how much more guys could pull if they put their efforts into something that made them a local celebrity. Just playing in a band or hosting parties or something. Any way you can set it up so that girls know who you are and come to you would be better than you cold approaching them as a complete stranger. I'm not going to stop approaching because it is my best option at this point and I've gotten over my approach anxiety to the point where I can approach almost any girl any time. So there is no point in throwing that skill away now but the numbers game is just very much not in our favor and this is time consuming. Honestly just looking for a discussion here more than anything if anyone wanted to share their opinions.

I'll keep the updates coming and fully intend on pushing the rate of progression. I am fully committed to the notion that my life is a project that I absolutely have to put all my efforts into.

I have daygamed in 15+ cities in the United States. Most cities are completely untenable for daygame post-pandemic due to limited street volume. This includes Knoxville (I've daygamed there, albeit in the summer).

The way to win smaller cities is through status game, like you mention. However, it's easier said than done and requires a LOT of investment and setup.

As far as the age issue, you can read my log - I'm old and have smashed several 18-20 year olds this year, all from daygame. There's no issue with walking around a campus as a 30+ year old man. I've daygamed at Vanderbilt, Ohio State, UC Berkeley, Penn State, etc.

...can you not just hoof it a bit south here to the City? NYC is the best place in the country for a man in his 30s. You will have an abundance of options.

That's a good idea man and yeah I would definitely like to live in NYC for at least a couple years. It seems expensive though and I think I'd have to continue working full time and put my career change on hold. It might be worth it though, I'll seriously consider it. How are you getting by?

I read some of your log but not all of it. Good stuff man I saw how you were a promoter. I'll check out the rest as soon as I can.
Revtach said:
That's a good idea man and yeah I would definitely like to live in NYC for at least a couple years. It seems expensive though and I think I'd have to continue working full time and put my career change on hold. It might be worth it though, I'll seriously consider it. How are you getting by?

I read some of your log but not all of it. Good stuff man I saw how you were a promoter. I'll check out the rest as soon as I can.

It's not expensive if you're street smart. I spend 80K per year and it could be less if I settled for a less-than-luxury apartment.
Another success story.

Approached a girl at Walmart on Monday. It was a warm approach as we made eye contact first. I ran into her again in another area in the store and approached. She was super receptive to me and was really easy to talk to. Got her number and we texted for a couple days and met up for a drink tonight.

Just talked and flirted for about 45-60 minutes and I invited her back to my place to hang out some more and she agreed to come. I found out she's 26. We sat on my couch and had another glass of wine and it escalated pretty easily and naturally. We banged a couple times and my god she was hot. She has an amazing figure. I'd give her an 8-8.5.

Funny because when I approached her at Walmart she was pretty but was wearing looser clothing and I wasn't totally sure what her body looked liked. I was prepared to be underwhelmed but when she showed up I was stoked at what I saw.

So all in all I've had 2 lays in the last 4 weeks with what I consider to be hot girls. There are times where I'm frustrated at my results but then things like this happen and suddenly it's all worth it and I feel successful. I think we're going to hang out again and she might become a fuk buddy at minimum. She was sweet and kind and I liked her but she does have some red flags.

I'll keep the updates coming.
Goddamn. You may be the first guy I've ever heard of that banged from a Walmart (and the girl was hot).

When I was travelling around the US in a van, one of the hottest girls I approached was in a Walmart in Amarillo, Texas . I was demoing daygame for some high school seniors that were skipping class (funny story...)
Nice work my guy. It's always nice to run into those "super yes" girls as I like to call them haha

Not much to update. The girl from Walmart stopped responding. It might be because the sex wasn't that good. I was tired after working all day, had a few drinks in me, stressed, etc. Def not my best performance but I liked her and thought we'd get together again. She ghosted so idk. Whatever.

I've been continuing to work full time, work on my career change, and approach in my spare time. I've given up on online dating completely but getting numbers through cold approach seems almost as useless. About half the girls don't respond and with another quarter of them it goes nowhere. I've gotten pretty good though at telling when a girl is just giving me her number to be nice and get rid of me. My skill at this is ever so slowly evolving. I think my next step is going to be to try to get laid same day with these girls (screening them harder) instead of getting numbers.
Revtach said:

Not much to update. The girl from Walmart stopped responding. It might be because the sex wasn't that good. I was tired after working all day, had a few drinks in me, stressed, etc. Def not my best performance but I liked her and thought we'd get together again. She ghosted so idk. Whatever.

I've been continuing to work full time, work on my career change, and approach in my spare time. I've given up on online dating completely but getting numbers through cold approach seems almost as useless. About half the girls don't respond and with another quarter of them it goes nowhere. I've gotten pretty good though at telling when a girl is just giving me her number to be nice and get rid of me. My skill at this is ever so slowly evolving. I think my next step is going to be to try to get laid same day with these girls (screening them harder) instead of getting numbers.

Revtach Yo dude, any updates? It's been a inspiration to read this log as a 30+ year old