Rice photo log

I do primarily online, and I'm still in the West. It's definitely gotten harder. It's probably just a mix of bad factors coming together.

You're correct about the arms race. There's more guys than ever on Tinder, who have better photos than ever, and Tinder is prioritizing guys who spend money more than ever.

On top of that, most girls are just tired of Tinder and apps in general. Notifications off, getting overwhelmed with the two million matches they get, Instagram has become more important and they're getting hit up constantly over there too.

And maybe this is a personal thing, but I feel like girls in the 18-21 y/o bracket are just different from the same girls 5-10 years ago. Gen Z is kinda fucked in the head. They're noticeably much worse at texting, being interesting. I get more one-word answers than ever. Not necessarily because they aren't interested, they're just boring.

That doesn't really help you though. My two cents wrt your profile would be that you still have room to add edge. More tattoos, more polarizing style. I also don't smile in my pics, I just don't think it looks masculine/threatening/fuckboyish. Losing some more bf% wouldn't hurt either.

I think the match-to-date ratio has gone down for everyone. So you need to compensate in another way.
I echo what Holden said

Stay the course, keep making the adjustments until it clicks and them continue improving to stay in business

While there is an evergreen framework to aim at, online is a bit of an arms race, if i put my profile from 3 years ago up i dont think it would do well. Slight improvements overtime, keeping in touch with whats working for over guys and adapting it for me has kept me in a groove that returns results

We are self improvement addicts anyway
We love the process
Itd be boring otherwise
Before I say this, know that it comes with the most loving intention. I want to see you succeed. Based on your introductory post, you sound like you're in a good enough headspace to hear it and not take it literally. So now I'll be blunt.

You're incredibly good looking. Like a model. But in an Abercrombie & fitch way. Great style, great physique, great smile, great hair. So much so... you look gay. I have some really good friends who are gay and they dress just like you.

Girls probably want to hang out with you and have fun, but they are not perceiving you as a sexual threat. Online is ALL about perception. In person when approaching you probably overcome this with your body language and game, so you actually are a sexual threat.

Unfortunately, your cheek bone structure also makes you look young. Which throws you into the pretty boy/ boy band camp. Which again, makes you look gay.

Now I think this would easily be turned around by adding way more edge. Think less pretty boy, more yakuza.

IMG_9029 is starting to reach into that territory. But it could be way more.
IMG_9028 is ok, gives me the vibe of nightlife and what a gangster would be doing... but you're smiling like a pretty boy.

Look at this guy...

Is he here to have fun with these girls or is he here to fuck?

Where is the photo that is your KYIL avatar? The tat on your arm, the stance, and the veins popping out makes you look like a badass motherfucker. I don't know if you're going to fuck or kill someone. That's what you want.

What I think would help you is:
  • More tattoos
  • A street clothing style
  • Less smiling. Only one smiling photo for your profile to reassure them you are not actually a serial killer
  • More hard stares. Literally go look at a dozen photos of yakuza members and see how they hold their face.
  • Don't faceapp at such high levels. A little is ok. Men are rugged. Boys are airbrush pretty.
  • Don't talk about hobbies in texting. You're here to fuck, not to hang out and do hobbies. Gay best friends do hobbies.
  • Hair still works, keep it.
  • No outdoorsy/beach photos. That's Abercrombie & fitch territory.
  • Get more photos in the city. Preferably neon lights like Adrizzle's avatar. Doesn't he look like a badass motherfucker in that photo?
  • The photo with the girls is iffy. You look like a fun guy, maybe a sexual threat since your shirtless. I'd disregard what we are saying about it and ask some girls what they think of you when they look at the photo. Id prefer to see the girls looking at you/ interacting with you instead of looking at themselves in the mirror. Look at Pancake’s Golden Rules of Group Photos on Apps

Really, I think this is an easy fix. You just need to switch archetypes.
Bman is spot on.

Also, having a verified profile isn’t enough.

You need to have your photos taken with prominent landmarks in your local area to assure that you’re real. I’ve had feedback from women who thought I was a fake profile because my photos were so good and that I was so much fitter and better looking than most of my competition (sounds like bragging but the locals here are dogshit).

I make sure that I have photos with prominent landmarks plus photos in popular local venues mixed in. I no longer show “tRaVeL pHoToS” because they don’t matter in my experience.

That photo with the girls is giving off gay best friend energy. You’re bending over in front of them shirtless while they’re dressed up in costumes. If you took the photo of you in a more dominant position with them, the vibes would be a lot different. I’ve spent over 15 years in gay clubs to meet women and that’s the instant impression I get. That’s why the women were comfortable with using that photo in their own dating profiles, because in that particular photo you give off the gay best friend vibe. Making that image sharper would just make it a higher quality gay best friend pic.

You’re already a good looking dude and have done most of the hard work, some minor adjustments in style and better photos with local spots to assure them you’re real is all you really need to do.
I was about to reply that you are undoubtedly above average in look, physique and style but in these pictures you have an androgynous young kid vibe, like justin bieber. Not JB nowdays but him in 2010s. A style that makes 12yo girls blush (dunno about nowdays girls but definitely so in 2010s. My sisters had their room filled with posters of guys who looked exactly like you).

But Bman said way better than I could have said it.

I personally prefer you with dark hair, it gives me more masculine feeling, but I would ask girls what they prefer. I'm also very looking forward to read any update about the yakuza style results haha :D
Vice said:
That photo with the girls is giving off gay best friend energy. You’re bending over in front of them shirtless while they’re dressed up in costumes. If you took the photo of you in a more dominant position with them, the vibes would be a lot different. I’ve spent over 15 years in gay clubs to meet women and that’s the instant impression I get. That’s why the women were comfortable with using that photo in their own dating profiles, because in that particular photo you give off the gay best friend vibe. Making that image sharper would just make it a higher quality gay best friend pic.

That’s really interesting. Hadn’t thought of that. Preselection photos are really difficult to nail…
I am struggling to find the Incel in question. You are a good looking guy. I like your hair, style, phsyique, and style. You have great sex appeal. You have 14 lays, which well above the average sexual partners a man in the west has. You should give yourself credit bro. And this is despite being 5’3”. Hell, you and colgate both are some of my inspirations and have helped me immensely in dark times.

With that being said, you can definetly get laid on OLD. But how consistent? That depends entirely on the abundance you have. The turth is this. Most girls on OLD are not looking to meet up. I have almost 60 matches in little less than 4 weeks on hinge, without paying of course, and it’s hard to get them to meet up.

Even dudes who are 6’3” i know, are struggling to get consistent sex from online dating. Getting consistent lays from OLD us hard. Yoh need to optimize your profile, pay for the apps, and not only be good looking, but flaunt your wealth as well. It’s very hard. You can definitely get constant lays, but you need to max out everything in the book.

Best of luck to you mate!
Thanks so much for the detailed feedback guys. Sorry for the late response as I was travelling and didn't have access to a laptop for a while.

Couple of things happened though.

First off I went back and double checked the time stamps on a few hundred of my messages. And while I claimed that I was indeed messaging girls "within a reasonable time frame", I did leave a 12 hr gap in at some point with almost all of my conversations.

Talked to pancakemouse about it, and this is a bigger deal than I thought. I had previously believed that as long as I go from match -> date pitch within 24 hr, I was being sufficiently fast, but it turns out I was only getting away with it because I was in Ottawa, a city of only 1.3 million. Now that I am in big city Montreal, this doesn't fly. 12 hr is more than enough time for her to move on to the next hot guy.

Second issue is this:

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Basically I learned pretty early on that if a chick doesn't put in some investment, I am not getting her out, so I tend to stop replying when I see this. But as Holden pointed out, this new generation is just bad at texting so perhaps I am misreading it. As well, there was a bit of a language barrier potentially making the girls less chatty.

In this particular case (Il post more details on my log) I actually got this chick out on a date. She didn't speak a word of english and my french isn't very good. But I still managed to pull to her bedroom and messed around with her before she gave LMR that she just got out of a relationship. Pretty much, she actually was interested but I didn't read it. She double texted me, but most girls won't. I am probably bleeding a few leads this way as well.

So to rectify these two issues with my texting, I have been following september's texting as well as making a commitment to log down every single match as well as keep my phone with me at all times to ensure I won't answer any texts more than a few minutes late.

I won't be going on any dates since I am with my family for the week in Ottawa. But I would like to see if I can get some dates scheduled, even if I don't actually go. Being back in Ottawa also helps A/B test if somehow being in a different city had any effect on my results.

The good news though is that I am actually getting way way more matches than I thought. Now that I have to count every single match, I am not getting 2-4 as I thought I was. I am actually getting 5-8 per day using just tinder platinum and swiping, no boosts.

The bad news? kratjeuh was right.

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I never got called out explicitly before. Perhaps because in Montreal the girls would rather move on to another guy than invest into background checking some guy she really likes. But as with compliments from girls, if one girl says something, at least 10 others are thinking the same thing and not saying it.

I am actually trying to catfish girls to some extent though. This is my plan to win the arms race. Because at this point I am confident enough in my looks that I will be fine with potentially a girl straight up telling me in person I am uglier than she imagined. But if it is way too obvious to the point I barely get dates then it defeats the point.

Though I will say in general, girls have always still been into me once we meet in person. I've always used faceapp heavily. Except for like 1-2 times where she was half a head taller than me. But that could very well have been bad in person game as well.

Short term actions

Going forward, my first priority is to see if the changes to texting makes a difference. I will report back in a week or after 50 matches, whichever comes first. For now I will keep my photos the exact same as to not mess up the experiment. This has zero cost anyway since I am not dating this week.

If I don't get dates still, then I will know for sure I need to change my photos. In preparation for this, I have thrown different faceapp levels of my photos onto photofeeler (none, medium, catfish level) to see how much of an impact that makes. I will also report back with those photo's scores. Just like I did with my old pictures in the past:

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I know photofeeler isn't the best but I'd imagine comparing different edits of the exact same shot is still useful.

Regardless of results. I also have plans with some of my white friends to hangout when I get back to Montreal and spend a lot of time taking social pictures together. If this doesn't yield useable shots, then my next payed shoot I will prioritize a social shot as there seems to be a unanimous agreement that I need white boys (or girls) in my profile.

Verifying my profile will be the last thing I do. Mainly because I don't want to risk difficulty resetting my profile if I end up getting banned at some point in the future (especially since I plan to catfish). But if I still have poor results after profile and texting modifications, then what do I have to lose.

Long term

Bman You are right. And its actually way worse than that because I am actually more gay in person than I present myself in photos. This is why I know I have potential, simply because I have so much to clean up behaviour wise.

I still plan on getting more tattoos and getting more jacked but I don't want to rush the tattoos as I would like them to have more personal meaning. As for the avatar photo, heres the original:

I feel like the expression isn't that good and cheeks don't look very flattering. But I liked my body langauge and style so thats why I used it here. I have a few photos from that shoot where the face looked better but ended up not using it because I already have too many photos just standing around.

I like your idea overall of trying to create an image of a pure sexual threat instead of Mr. Smiley boy. And I can already do this to some extent by just swapping around existing photos. I will definitely try this out once I get my results from changing texting habits.

I have done archetype analysis recently by going on instagrams of chicks I've been with and seeing who they follow. At this point its still not super clear if I am more of a kpop pretty boy or tatted gym guy (sample size isn't big enough). But regardless of what look I go for, the vibe needs to be more masculine.

Other comments

foducossy42 I only date white girls (I like asians too but there aren't any that like me on apps). I seem to attract pretty much any girl that likes cats, which is a pretty wide market. But because I am autistic I tend to only end up closing with girls that are a bit on the weird side as well (red hair, piercings, ect).

Because of this, I keep forgetting that being asian is actually a disadvantage. But I can see that its always better to be "part of the tribe" than not, so hard agree with you about having white people on my profile.

Thebastard Yeah I don't know man. Nowadays hearing how hard it can be for short ethnic guys usually encourages me because I can appreciate more just how many blackpill "rules" I have broken already. I have had a lot of girls tell me they usually date tall white guys but say for whatever reason I am their type too. So I have come to view myself as the rule breaker.

And thats why I want to get this online thing figured out as well. Perhaps I can break the rules there too. But it can get lonely sometimes because I don't have as many guys I can bounce ideas off. Since other guys who can actually relate to my experience usually are hoping to even get the same results I can.

I know there has to be a short ethnic guy somewhere doing better than me though. For example, in the gym I have yet to meet a guy my size who is actually stronger than me and I have been looking for years for that too. But I know if I go to a powerlifting meet at a high level I will find them. A local city meet? Probably not.

At this point, the mindset I have been trying to adopt is this: The current version of me can be a mentor for the version of me a few years ago. So the version of me in the future can be a mentor for me right now. What would the best version of me do?
Rice said:
I know photofeeler isn't the best but I'd imagine comparing different edits of the exact same shot is still useful.

This is actually pretty smart. Not sure if it provides any data that our intuition would not already provide, but interesting use of Photofeeler.
Rice said:
Though I will say in general, girls have always still been into me once we meet in person. I've always used faceapp heavily. Except for like 1-2 times where she was half a head taller than me. But that could very well have been bad in person game as well

Do you mind sharing just how heavily you faceapp (maybe I do too little)?

Also are you aware of the no makeup filter? This one usually just removes extensive shiny skin which is the biggest catfish giveaway
Hey dude, Awesome log and congratulations for getting out there.

Just wanted to share from a 5'3.5" short fat kid. Daygame is your friend if you want quality is what I found over my years, been doing pick up for 12 years but spent about 6 years of that in relationships and the first year or so not really taking it seriously, along with 1 other year off with injuries so actively going out for maybe 4 years.

My advice is don't see yourself as an incel, my mindset was always like I know this pick up stuff so I can hack the system of what society says I should be or whatever the norms are. I guess then all I did was work harder than anyone else especially when I started out and I was learning. If you have only done 400 approaches and gotten 14 lays you are doing well.

It took me close to 1000 approaches to get my first lay when I was 18 and a complete utter loser retard who finished school with no friends and no social skills, I learned social skills through cold approach, actually daygame has to be one of the biggest hacks for public speaking and networking skills I have carried over to business success now.

With the face app stuff, I heavily face apped and did headshots only the last time I did a run online dating, I had maybe half the girls go that I catfished them, the other half I made super horny they didn't care, and the ones that catfished my back that I decided to sleep with stayed around much longer, but I did a steak of about 1 new girl per week after doing about 2-3 dates per week which took me Bumble, Hinge daily swiping.

Big take away for me is that online dating will always yield lower quality as I never have had that great of photos but I would say my text game and everything else is very on point after all the years.

For you, you are doing really fucking well, up the daygame, and wear some height increasing shoes if you go out at night, most girls wear heels so when you both take your shoes off they are shorter than you or don't notice or care, the hottest girl I pulled from nightgame was this fitness model back ages ago from night game with fake tits who had flat shoes and I had 3" boots on, took off my shoes and she was taller than me, it didn't matter.
Honestly though if you can find a great spot in your city for daygame hit it hardcore you will eventually forget some women you approached and you will re approach them but who cares just get out there
kratjeuh I usually use charm at 1/2 - 2/3 strength depending on how bad my expression is, and then throw in holywood 4 at half as well. But in the photos I added here I just straight up used filters at maximum setting. The no makeup thing is an excellent idea btw I just tried it out. I usually use a light tan to offset the whiteness but it doesn't fix the glossiness.

Lusty69 Amazing. This is pure gold. I didn't realize you cold approached for that long. No wonder you have the killer instinct necessary to straight up catfish girls (and I say this with utmost respect). This is something I strive to do as well but until recently I didn't have the confidence for it.

For the longest time I would feel insecure even just putting unedited photos of myself as I thought I was already catfishing girls by being short. I've prob only got about 4-5 months of consistent cold approach experience at this point and its already changed my mindset a lot.

I can't thank you enough for dropping in as this is exactly the kind of inspiration I was looking for.
Rice said:
Is it because I am too fuckboy for Hinge? maybe. But I doubt it. I think its because I am forced to list my height and that instantly disqualifies me. If there are any other guys here who are 5'5 or shorter and get good results on Hinge then please respond. (@Ed_ ?)

I have my height as 5'7" on my Hinge profile and I get matches. Not a lot with my ideal dating market (hot 18 to 22 year olds), but I do get matches, numbers and a date every month or two.
Ed_ said:
Rice said:
Is it because I am too fuckboy for Hinge? maybe. But I doubt it. I think its because I am forced to list my height and that instantly disqualifies me. If there are any other guys here who are 5'5 or shorter and get good results on Hinge then please respond. (@Ed_ ?)

I have my height as 5'7" on my Hinge profile and I get matches. Not a lot with my ideal dating market (hot 18 to 22 year olds), but I do get matches, numbers and a date every month or two.


I remember from your interview with Andy that you were killing it a few years ago. A monthly frequency is pretty bad for the caliber of profile that you have and really shows how insane the market is today. I am determined to make something work though. Even if it means lying that I am 6ft and then frame battling the girl on it IRL if thats what it takes.
Rice what are you even dating for?

I remember writing on your log ages ago and seeing that you were all over the place. I think you want to screw around but you kind of want a girlfriend?

Going beyond your profile and messaging and onto the girls you do convert. Why is your retention so low? If you were keeping 2 girls a month on a 3 girl rotation, you wouldn't have time to be worrying about getting more girls in. Using the step your on (dates) clearly your not delivering good dates. If you did, these girls you do get out, you would be enjoying and the whole process wouldn't be stressing you out.

Going a step back from that, your text game is super low effort and it shows. You barely acknowledge what the girl says before you snap go for the number. There's no chance for Push and pull or banter, it's the irl version of looking at someone, smiling and then changing the subject right infront of their face. You don't need a million messages, but you inbox like every other fuck boy on there, so while you pass the first filter, you kill yourself on the second.

This isn't a profile thing, your photos are strong. To be honest it probably is an app thing. I find that on hinged I'm on fire because I'm very good at contextual openers and follow up banter. I tend to do really well with young professionals who want a guy who has their shit together. I really don't do well with girls that are clearly useless outside of the bedroom (professional party girls). Each of the dating eco systems are different and there's probably a mix up of skills you need to succeed on each one.

Lastly, don't lie and say your 6ft tall, the last thing you need is to be put on blast all over social media as "that guy who added a ft to their hight".
Rice said:
Even if it means lying that I am 6ft and then frame battling the girl on it IRL if thats what it takes.

Just put your height at the max because it can come across as funny instead of insane catfisching
Lusty69 said:
Hey dude, Awesome log and congratulations for getting out there.

Just wanted to share from a 5'3.5" short fat kid. Daygame is your friend if you want quality is what I found over my years, been doing pick up for 12 years but spent about 6 years of that in relationships and the first year or so not really taking it seriously, along with 1 other year off with injuries so actively going out for maybe 4 years.

My advice is don't see yourself as an incel, my mindset was always like I know this pick up stuff so I can hack the system of what society says I should be or whatever the norms are. I guess then all I did was work harder than anyone else especially when I started out and I was learning. If you have only done 400 approaches and gotten 14 lays you are doing well.

It took me close to 1000 approaches to get my first lay when I was 18 and a complete utter loser retard who finished school with no friends and no social skills, I learned social skills through cold approach, actually daygame has to be one of the biggest hacks for public speaking and networking skills I have carried over to business success now.

With the face app stuff, I heavily face apped and did headshots only the last time I did a run online dating, I had maybe half the girls go that I catfished them, the other half I made super horny they didn't care, and the ones that catfished my back that I decided to sleep with stayed around much longer, but I did a steak of about 1 new girl per week after doing about 2-3 dates per week which took me Bumble, Hinge daily swiping.

Big take away for me is that online dating will always yield lower quality as I never have had that great of photos but I would say my text game and everything else is very on point after all the years.

For you, you are doing really fucking well, up the daygame, and wear some height increasing shoes if you go out at night, most girls wear heels so when you both take your shoes off they are shorter than you or don't notice or care, the hottest girl I pulled from nightgame was this fitness model back ages ago from night game with fake tits who had flat shoes and I had 3" boots on, took off my shoes and she was taller than me, it didn't matter.
Honestly though if you can find a great spot in your city for daygame hit it hardcore you will eventually forget some women you approached and you will re approach them but who cares just get out there

How much faceapp do you use?
kratjeuh said:
Rice said:
Even if it means lying that I am 6ft and then frame battling the girl on it IRL if thats what it takes.

Just put your height at the max because it can come across as funny instead of insane catfisching

I did this for a full month already and if anything it hurt my matches more than 5'5. The only thing I haven't tried yet is setting my height to an average number like 5'10. Will do that now and report back my findings. I may or may not actually go on any dates, but this will answer once and for all if its the height cucking me or something else.

With that in mind, I don't know how believable it is though. I've had a few tinder girls tell me they expected me to be on the shorter side. They just didn't care and still met up anyway.

Also my Hinge in general is weird af. I get incoming likes every few days but its from fat chicks. I also matched a few hot girls this way (who ghosted) but virtually none of my outgoing likes match.