Rice photo log

Rice said:
kratjeuh said:
Just put your height at the max because it can come across as funny instead of insane catfisching

I did this for a full month already and if anything it hurt my matches more than 5'5. The only thing I haven't tried yet is setting my height to an average number like 5'10. Will do that now and report back my findings. I may or may not actually go on any dates, but this will answer once and for all if its the height cucking me or something else.

With that in mind, I don't know how believable it is though. I've had a few tinder girls tell me they expected me to be on the shorter side. They just didn't care and still met up anyway.

Also my Hinge in general is weird af. I get incoming likes every few days but its from fat chicks. I also matched a few hot girls this way (who ghosted) but virtually none of my outgoing likes match.
your in the exact same predicament as me
rohanp said:
Lusty69 said:
Hey dude, Awesome log and congratulations for getting out there.

Just wanted to share from a 5'3.5" short fat kid. Daygame is your friend if you want quality is what I found over my years, been doing pick up for 12 years but spent about 6 years of that in relationships and the first year or so not really taking it seriously, along with 1 other year off with injuries so actively going out for maybe 4 years.

My advice is don't see yourself as an incel, my mindset was always like I know this pick up stuff so I can hack the system of what society says I should be or whatever the norms are. I guess then all I did was work harder than anyone else especially when I started out and I was learning. If you have only done 400 approaches and gotten 14 lays you are doing well.

It took me close to 1000 approaches to get my first lay when I was 18 and a complete utter loser retard who finished school with no friends and no social skills, I learned social skills through cold approach, actually daygame has to be one of the biggest hacks for public speaking and networking skills I have carried over to business success now.

With the face app stuff, I heavily face apped and did headshots only the last time I did a run online dating, I had maybe half the girls go that I catfished them, the other half I made super horny they didn't care, and the ones that catfished my back that I decided to sleep with stayed around much longer, but I did a steak of about 1 new girl per week after doing about 2-3 dates per week which took me Bumble, Hinge daily swiping.

Big take away for me is that online dating will always yield lower quality as I never have had that great of photos but I would say my text game and everything else is very on point after all the years.

For you, you are doing really fucking well, up the daygame, and wear some height increasing shoes if you go out at night, most girls wear heels so when you both take your shoes off they are shorter than you or don't notice or care, the hottest girl I pulled from nightgame was this fitness model back ages ago from night game with fake tits who had flat shoes and I had 3" boots on, took off my shoes and she was taller than me, it didn't matter.
Honestly though if you can find a great spot in your city for daygame hit it hardcore you will eventually forget some women you approached and you will re approach them but who cares just get out there

How much faceapp do you use?

I just use the preset called handsome and because I am fat I use small face, and depending on how the preset worked and lighting I might add a tiny tan
Lusty69 said:
rohanp said:
How much faceapp do you use?

I just use the preset called handsome and because I am fat I use small face, and depending on how the preset worked and lighting I might add a tiny tan
Handsome 1-2 is not much catfishing. But 3-4 is straight up catfish. The small face is def catfish lol
rohanp said:
Lusty69 said:
I just use the preset called handsome and because I am fat I use small face, and depending on how the preset worked and lighting I might add a tiny tan
Handsome 1-2 is not much catfishing. But 3-4 is straight up catfish. The small face is def catfish lol

Yeah I do handsome 1 and smaller face on one of the lower presets along with only using face photos and no body shots due to my current fatness which I have been struggling to shift but with that style I got quite a few matches and about 5 lays with decent enough looking women, one pretty good one the other 4 were just average looking.

Damn, I got click baited,

Sup bro

First of all, you are not 'too ugly'. Imo you look attractive and clearly made efforts in that area.

I haven't done any online dating in the past year except 1 time to get rid of my boosts on my old phone, so I'm not sure if it has changed, but since we are living in the same city and we met IRL I can share you my experience.

Also, yea I know I'm tall... and also my memory is shit so I might not remember things accurately, but here I go...

>> 50 dates in a 6 month period from May 2022 to November 2022

wow that is a lot, I think I did like 50 in my 1st year

>>2-4 matches a day automatically, so in the 2 months its been running I have gotten over 300 matches

This seems like a lot to me. I'm pretty sure you are somewhere at the top of users with most matches. I'm pretty sure I never got that many matches on tinder.

I used to get 0-2 passive likes per week. And if my memory is correct around 7 matches per boosts. Last time I used tinder I was using the double boost once on sunday (90min) with a lot of success getting 20+ matches by double boost. Before that I was doing 2 normal boosts per week.

So the number of matches on tinder seems good.

>>Except I've only gotten 3 dates and one lay
Yea only 3 dates for 300+ matches seems pretty bad

>>This seems obvious thats its "text game" but I don't see it. My texting has a few steps:
1. Clickbait opener
2. Compliment, sexual if possible (somehow how all my lays been with the compliment: "I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves"

I know lots of guys would probably disagree with me, but I personally don't like the 'I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves' at all. I would avoid this. I'm trying to think how my female friends would react to this if they were swiping by my side and I can only imagine neutral or negative reactions unless she's a gym girl that puts effort in growing her butt and would like the free validation.
I think in general its a bad idea to directly compliment girls body/looks (when you don't know them at least). Imo better compliments would be: what she's wearing, outfit, nails, hair, accessories, etc.

I agree with Andy that you should avoid sexualizing before the date. Imo, it just increases the flake rate to ungodly amounts. Maybe she's horny in the moment at night in her bed texting, but 2 days later on the night of the date, after work she might feel reluctant about meeting that guy she said all those things to and with the built up expectations.

>>Its also worth noting that I have never gotten a single date from Hinge despite having matched 200+ girls
wtf, how is that possible

For me I would say my dates were maybe 45%tinder 40%hinge 15% Fruitz. A lot of the times Hinge was the better app.
Maybe its the height thing idk. Also, I think hinge can deliver greater results if you are confident/good vide and you are using voice msg. If you both vibe through voice messages, you are very likely to meet.

Btw the Fruitz app is maybe something to consider. I paid premium and didn't get consistent results at first , but in the summer I met a bunch of great DTF girls from this app.
Though its mostly French-speaking girls on there, so it might be harder for you.

I think in general here there's a lot of people from all over the world, and most french canadian girls are bilingual, but I have a feeling maybe some girls might have an easier time making a connection/dating French-fluent guys. So I can see it being a bit harder with them in particular.

>>About Gen Z girls no effort texting
I think you are right about giving up too early. I mean girls are bombarded by guys on tinder, you cannot expect them to put effort in every msg. Imo if she doesn't give you much, try to push it until you get a yes/no. Also if she acts bored, don't be a nice guy and qualify to her. I would rather say stupid shit and get a blowout than saying boring shit to a bored girl. Like with girls that makes zero effort i used to just ask them a really stupid FMK question to break the interaction. If she doesn't bother putting effort into playing the game and explaining her answer/reasoning, I move on to the next, but a lots of girls would find it funny and I got a bunch of dates with this. With girls that didn't gave me much at first.

Also, last date I had from tinder was a Filipina. She would only respond with few words to my msg. Looked like no effort. Well I met her IRL and turns out she was just ultra shy, very insecure girl and had shit social skills, but we still we made it work.

Also you say you only go for white girls, so ofc it probably limits your options a bit more than the rest of guys

>>About catfishing
I think its a good thing to look better on the app than IRL (As long as the difference is not extreme). Like the McDonald burger that seems so much better on TV. It's just having good marketing. I find girls care more about looks online than IRL. And they are the OG master catfisher obv.

I'm not sure what you were trying to show with that screenshot of the girl trying to make sure you are not fake. I think she was just trying to make sure you were not an actual fake account, especially with your professional photos. I would just send her a selfie of me outside (with good lighting and angle), but not worry too much about it. Voice messages can help too.

>>lonely girls with cat
I met a lot of girls like this. They have a cat and watch netflix. From my experience, these girls live in scarcity. A lot of them just work 9 to 5(or study full time) and go back home, are lonely and don't have a great social life (especially after the COco). They don't meet that many potential guys IRL. Then they try to use tinder, are overwhelmed, have to filter through all the crap(guys) and find it exhausting.

I also think a great way to improve 'game', is keeping girls you like around. When you have options, something happens in your mind and you just act less needy/more attractive and you're less worried about scarcity.

Here you go, that was my massive wall of crap. Hopefully, there is some value somewhere in there.
Aku said:

Damn, I got click baited,

Sup bro

First of all, you are not 'too ugly'. Imo you look attractive and clearly made efforts in that area.

I haven't done any online dating in the past year except 1 time to get rid of my boosts on my old phone, so I'm not sure if it has changed, but since we are living in the same city and we met IRL I can share you my experience.

Also, yea I know I'm tall... and also my memory is shit so I might not remember things accurately, but here I go...

>> 50 dates in a 6 month period from May 2022 to November 2022

wow that is a lot, I think I did like 50 in my 1st year

>>2-4 matches a day automatically, so in the 2 months its been running I have gotten over 300 matches

This seems like a lot to me. I'm pretty sure you are somewhere at the top of users with most matches. I'm pretty sure I never got that many matches on tinder.

I used to get 0-2 passive likes per week. And if my memory is correct around 7 matches per boosts. Last time I used tinder I was using the double boost once on sunday (90min) with a lot of success getting 20+ matches by double boost. Before that I was doing 2 normal boosts per week.

So the number of matches on tinder seems good.

>>Except I've only gotten 3 dates and one lay
Yea only 3 dates for 300+ matches seems pretty bad

>>This seems obvious thats its "text game" but I don't see it. My texting has a few steps:
1. Clickbait opener
2. Compliment, sexual if possible (somehow how all my lays been with the compliment: "I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves"

I know lots of guys would probably disagree with me, but I personally don't like the 'I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves' at all. I would avoid this. I'm trying to think how my female friends would react to this if they were swiping by my side and I can only imagine neutral or negative reactions unless she's a gym girl that puts effort in growing her butt and would like the free validation.
I think in general its a bad idea to directly compliment girls body/looks (when you don't know them at least). Imo better compliments would be: what she's wearing, outfit, nails, hair, accessories, etc.

I agree with Andy that you should avoid sexualizing before the date. Imo, it just increases the flake rate to ungodly amounts. Maybe she's horny in the moment at night in her bed texting, but 2 days later on the night of the date, after work she might feel reluctant about meeting that guy she said all those things to and with the built up expectations.

>>Its also worth noting that I have never gotten a single date from Hinge despite having matched 200+ girls
wtf, how is that possible

For me I would say my dates were maybe 45%tinder 40%hinge 15% Fruitz. A lot of the times Hinge was the better app.
Maybe its the height thing idk. Also, I think hinge can deliver greater results if you are confident/good vide and you are using voice msg. If you both vibe through voice messages, you are very likely to meet.

Btw the Fruitz app is maybe something to consider. I paid premium and didn't get consistent results at first , but in the summer I met a bunch of great DTF girls from this app.
Though its mostly French-speaking girls on there, so it might be harder for you.

I think in general here there's a lot of people from all over the world, and most french canadian girls are bilingual, but I have a feeling maybe some girls might have an easier time making a connection/dating French-fluent guys. So I can see it being a bit harder with them in particular.

>>About Gen Z girls no effort texting
I think you are right about giving up too early. I mean girls are bombarded by guys on tinder, you cannot expect them to put effort in every msg. Imo if she doesn't give you much, try to push it until you get a yes/no. Also if she acts bored, don't be a nice guy and qualify to her. I would rather say stupid shit and get a blowout than saying boring shit to a bored girl. Like with girls that makes zero effort i used to just ask them a really stupid FMK question to break the interaction. If she doesn't bother putting effort into playing the game and explaining her answer/reasoning, I move on to the next, but a lots of girls would find it funny and I got a bunch of dates with this. With girls that didn't gave me much at first.

Also, last date I had from tinder was a Filipina. She would only respond with few words to my msg. Looked like no effort. Well I met her IRL and turns out she was just ultra shy, very insecure girl and had shit social skills, but we still we made it work.

Also you say you only go for white girls, so ofc it probably limits your options a bit more than the rest of guys

>>About catfishing
I think its a good thing to look better on the app than IRL (As long as the difference is not extreme). Like the McDonald burger that seems so much better on TV. It's just having good marketing. I find girls care more about looks online than IRL. And they are the OG master catfisher obv.

I'm not sure what you were trying to show with that screenshot of the girl trying to make sure you are not fake. I think she was just trying to make sure you were not an actual fake account, especially with your professional photos. I would just send her a selfie of me outside (with good lighting and angle), but not worry too much about it. Voice messages can help too.

>>lonely girls with cat
I met a lot of girls like this. They have a cat and watch netflix. From my experience, these girls live in scarcity. A lot of them just work 9 to 5(or study full time) and go back home, are lonely and don't have a great social life (especially after the COco). They don't meet that many potential guys IRL. Then they try to use tinder, are overwhelmed, have to filter through all the crap(guys) and find it exhausting.

I also think a great way to improve 'game', is keeping girls you like around. When you have options, something happens in your mind and you just act less needy/more attractive and you're less worried about scarcity.

Here you go, that was my massive wall of crap. Hopefully, there is some value somewhere in there.
One thing i’ve started to notice is that girls themsleves are insecure about their online looks vs IRL. Had a girl ask me on FT if she thought i was a catfish.
I had some new photos taken a while ago, just waiting to get them. In the meantime here are the photofeeler results:

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There seems to be something off with the drinks photo and using various filters on faceapp resulted in way different ratings. Considering replacing it with the standing black shirt photo. Other than that, I am surprised the shirtless photo scored so low. Maybe because my face was dark or cus it was too douchy in which case I should ignore what e-girls have to say.
Got my new photos finally. Would appreciate any feedback.


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iPhone (note: my friend is black which apparently scares the asian hoes away)
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-quick edits because I am fat lol-

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I am not going to do a payed shoot again until after my bulk and then cut for next spring. Mainly because right now I feel like my biggest issue is my facial fat.

Although I honestly don't know if that is even necessary. If I do cut, I will look a few % more attractive for sure. But I can't maintain that low of a bodyfat for more than a few weeks (I need to be under my healthy body fat range to have chiseled features). So that means when I do show up to the date in person, I don't look as good as my photos (facially). So why not just turn the faceapp filter up? Same effect of looking better than I normally am but for way less hassle.

With that in mind I am going to cut anyway because faceapp works better on lean faces. That and because I am doing bodybuilding for hobby purposes so may as well take advantage of it.

I also need more vibe photos, so when I do hang out with my friends again (which right now is basically never) we will take group pictures with our phones and eventually there should be one useable photo.

But in the meantime I probably have enough DSLR photos to experiment with my profile for all of winter. I am considering removing the shirtless photo since it seems kinda redundant with my muscles visible in almost every other photo.

If I still can't get a gym bunny with these photos I am gonna juice up lol.

Also something is definitely off with my hinge account... I changed my height to 5'10 but it isn't really making a difference. It don't know if its an archetype thing or prompts REALLY matter on that app.
First shot is clean my guy but it also feels like something you could send to your mum.

Please take everything I’m saying with a grain of salt. I could be very wrong. I look at the photos and they seem too posed, too made for dating app. Idk if that is a deal breaker but maybe it is. Second I would say these don’t really tell any different story from your older photos. Well dressed guy who goes to gym. Do you think they tell a different story?

I don’t know what other solutions to give you. Have you tried to make a fake female OLD account to scope out the competition where you’re at? My current hypothesis on dating apps is that guys killing it also have a mix of phone photos. 1. Because if you are living a cool life you would have these experiences and photos that are hard to fake and 2. because we all know at a level that phone/cadid photos feel “more real”
Gonna jump in quick, I've been boxing for years and so far I've got zero useful photos from it even though I'd love to get one. There's two problems with them always

1) shot doesn't look like you're boxing at all (like in your pic, it just looks like you're static, not punching the bag, but just lightly touching it for the purpose of the photo)

2) if it does look like you're actually boxing, your face is contorted and weird

Unless you have a pro taking a million photographs of a training session I think it's nearly impossible to nail it right because the odds of capturing the perfect moment are so slim.

And I think ideally you'd want a pic of you sparring another guy, not with a bag. Have the shot made in a way where you see the blurred back of the guy's head with your face in focus as you're punching him. Something like that.

But as I said, it's difficult.

Btw, I have my gloves hanging somewhere visible in my apartment so girls can ask about it, I like to believe it's a good DHV
Rice you’re a chill dude who’s been trying very hard so I hate going at you but

We’ve been saying for ages that your pics show no personality, no fun, no vibe and this explains your lack of matches or compliance

White blonde girls are your preference which are the hardest girls to get due to competition. You won’t get them consistently if you only have looks and a nice shirt to show them.

Also can we please once and for all stop using pool photos?

I’ve seen profiles of dudes with helicopters, bots, porches and then ok need a hobby shot. LETS PAY 3 BUCKS AND GO TO THE ARCADE FUCK YEAH

Rice said:
I am not going to do a payed shoot again until after my bulk and then cut for next spring. Mainly because right now I feel like my biggest issue is my facial fat.

If you’re not at 12% or below body fat (probably less for you), it’s not even worth doing a photoshoot in the first place