(Roundtable Discussion) Guys Who've Gotten Laid from Cold Approach

KillYourInnerLoser said:
That means you have 5 weeks to go FUCKING CRAZY with getting laid. I want to see you all rack up a couple of lays, minimum.
Nice a time crunch. Puts the pressure on to succeed. Needed some sort of external motivation to make me push even harder.
Good Motivation. Trying the tinder guide.

I don't know why I thought no girl would ever reply to this. Just have to do this 10 more times. SHE DIDNT GIVE ME HER NUMBER THO. Should I ask for it again or just set it up on tinder :)
Right now I've pretty much just tell girls they're cute and ask for their number (12 approaches) - how long are your conversations when you're more comfortable approaching and how long did it take you to get more comfortable talking for however amount of time you talk for (I'm assuming somewhere from 1-3 minutes from what Andy mentions alot, but curious if anyone tries for more, or intentionally keeps it even shorter than that).

I think 5 or 6 out of the girls I've approached have been girls that were working - anything on pushing yourself to talk to girls that are just out and about, or does it just come with time?
Cold approach lays: Hmm... I never counted. Probably something like 50, suuuuper rough estimate.
Lays: Something like 115. Rough estimate.
Cold approaches: Thousands and thousands.

Down as long as I'm free the day you choose.
Cold approach lays: 2 (3 if u include the BJ)
No lays from online cuz I'm not very serious about it yet. Lifetime lays is 7 now.
Cold approaches: ~500 and climbing

10 am Brisbane time I believe is 5 pm my time. I'm free around then.
I think it will be cool.

Lays 1
Cold approach lays 1
Cold approach count ~300 - 350

Just shoot out a date Andy.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Alright, let's do 10am Fri 23rd July, Brisbane time. For you Americans that'll be Thursday night (NOT Friday).
Good to know lol. Ill be free on this day at this time
Cold approach lays: 4 (5 if you count a bar approach)
Total lays: over 35, less than 40
Cold approaches: over 350, less than 400

10am Brisbane is 3am my time and I can barely speak in my language then, let alone English. If you can set up an afternoon call (your time) I'm in.
Don't really have any more questions. But this will be on YouTube I'm hoping right?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yeah you're on the Truman Show dude! We record everything you do.

We'll likely do another of these if other people wanna come on - I know Radical and Crisis_Overcomer are up for it it. Maybe some newer guys like Master too (if you've had at least 1 cold approach lay - can't remember if your lays were all online)

Havent approached much yet, but I did get a lay on my third cold approach. I think I have 5-6 approach only. I dont mind cumming on the podcast, but yeah on the approach side of things I dont have as much experience as other guys in here.
I think I need more pillows and plushies in my room. Definitely the secret to my success so far. More pillows = More Sex