Screening during cold approach


Jul 19, 2020
Higher quality girls
Los Angeles
I'm curious to hear how the people on this forum typically "screen" for DTF girls when cold-approaching. The GLL physical stuff is pretty hard to do, and seems risky in this feminist/MeToo day and age. I always ask if a girl is single before getting her number -- that's bare minimum screening. But I've gone on too many sexless first dates at this point with girls who turn out to be "sexually unavailable" for one reason or another, so I want to start screening harder.

I'm going to start using Andy's classic Tinder message "btw, I'm not looking for anything super serious, just a drink, a flirt, and to see what happens" when actually texting a girl after getting her number. Thoughts on that? I'd literally rather scare girls off with that than go on more sexless dates.
Maybe I'll share some recent stats for context.

Past few months, did 74 approaches, 9 dates, 2 lays. Maybe that lay-to-date ratio is normal even with screening, but I'd like it to be higher.
I'm def gonna start saying "sexy" instead of "cute" -- that'll probably screen better.

What do other guys on here do for screening?
I don't know how to do any extra screening past direct approach for the daytime, but I have found something probably more aggressive for night.

I'm not speaking from a LOT of experience, but I can tell you I just started going up to girls and putting my arm around them before opening them. I like doing this because any girl who wants to deflect will tell me in 0.5 seconds that they have a boyfriend or whatever. The occasional receptive girl will continue to talk to you while your arm is around her and then you can try to escalate.

I now do this with most girls I approach at night because I have found it's not really a "big deal" to the girl to compliment a girl at night or buy her a drink or whatever. You can have a 5 minute conversation and then when you try to escalate or get her number or whatever, she'll just decline you then.
FWIW in one of the recent More Plates More Dates podcasts with Chris on YouTube (if you haven't watched them, check them out -- they're gold), Chris said that he would use mostly verbal screening if he were approaching these days. Since there's like virtually no competition these days (nobody approaches directly).
drop some sexual verbal innuendos or comment towards the mid / end approach about something you think is sexy about her. I think "That's what she said" still works even a decade later if you find the right spot for it (don't force it).

Like if you open with "I think your cute and wanted to come meet you." as your opener. Then towards the end after you have seeded the date idea say something like "I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those sexy (insert body part or something about her outfit). Let's get those (insert date plan you suggested in the middle, drinks, coffees etc) this weekend. what's your schedule like?"

So like written out here are examples

"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those sexy yoga pants and athletic style. Let's get those margaritas at ABC bar this week. what's your schedule like?"
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those sexy lips. Let's get those tacos at ABC restaurant this week. what's your schedule like?"
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with that sexy long dark hair. Let's get that drink at ABC bar this week. what's your schedule like?"
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with that sexy booty of yours. Let's get that coffee at starbucks this week. what's your schedule like?"
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those sexy long legs. Let's get that coffee at starbucks this week. what's your schedule like?"
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those short sexy curves of yours. Let's get that coffee at starbucks this week. what's your schedule like?"

This will help push intent and screen much better in person.

Or just do what Andy said use Sexy first.
countingsheep7878 said:
"I'm glad I ran into you, you're really my type with those sexy yoga pants and athletic style. Let's get those margaritas at ABC bar this week. what's your schedule like?"

This sounds like a great first message to send via text. Gonna try that from now on.