
Feb 5, 2022
Guys, if anyone is/will be in Serbia and wants to meet up to shoot photos, hit on girls or just hang out and discuss our dreams, goals and achievements, feel free to reply or shoot me a PM.
This offer is available as long as my profile says Serbia :)
This guy is a private client of Andys and is fucking legit, he is onto big things and we are all gonna push him wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond his limits to ensure he wins in life.

Bro, you will find the peers you need, and if you're in London before Dec, we will work on this shit together.

Otherwise, I am travelling next year making my money via biz, we'll link up then.

I am so glad to see you go all in. You are making the best decision for yourself you could have made. Andy and Radical will change your life as they did mine.

I also love that we're both starting our biz at the same time. We got this.

I love Belgrade, should be again there in a few days.

Nightlife approaching in Clubs rocks there.
Hey there. Still in Serbia man?

I love what Andy is doing and am looking to meet likeminded people.