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Seriously, what do you want in life? Where do you want to go?

One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is that if most people don't choose to have children, then this whole human experiment will cease to exist.

Almost like it's a responsibility most of us need to take on just to ensure humanity continues existing.

To me it feels so foundational it's almost like it's the meaning of life (or at least it feels like it needs to be the meaning of life for most of us).

I totally agree. Its also strange to me people downplay having children, or being a good parent. Like, I seriously can't think of many things that you should be proud of more than producing strong healthy children that make the world better. The idea that traveling to Italy to sip wine and eat pizza and post it on instagram is a lifestyle more worthy of respect and social status is truly insane.
I totally agree. Its also strange to me people downplay having children, or being a good parent. Like, I seriously can't think of many things that you should be proud of more than producing strong healthy children that make the world better. The idea that traveling to Italy to sip wine and eat pizza and post it on instagram is a lifestyle more worthy of respect and social status is truly insane.
It's not hard to see why there are a lot of people who don't want children. The childfree perspective is definitely more common among my generation.

Children are expensive as hell. A lot of young people are financially struggling, and with inflation and the worsening economy, it's becoming harder and harder to maintain a decent quality of life in addition to taking care of children.

In addition, children are stressful and time consuming. You basically have to put your own life goals on hold to raise them.

This additional stressor can also lead to more marital problems and tension.

Furthermore, the world we live in seems to be rapidly deteriorating, and to me it feels questionable to bring a child into such a world. It might be a doomer perspective, but I think it's a realistic one.

That said, I myself am undecided on whether I will have children. When I was younger I said I was childfree, but honestly, if that was really true I'd get a vasectomy right now. I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here, but I fail to see how having children is required to have a happy and fulfilling life.
Children are expensive as hell. A lot of young people are financially struggling, and with inflation and the worsening economy, it's becoming harder and harder to maintain a decent quality of life in addition to taking care of children.
This is the number one reason I've waited so long to have them, and why most people wait longer than they'd like, or never have them at all
I totally agree. Its also strange to me people downplay having children, or being a good parent. Like, I seriously can't think of many things that you should be proud of more than producing strong healthy children that make the world better. The idea that traveling to Italy to sip wine and eat pizza and post it on instagram is a lifestyle more worthy of respect and social status is truly insane.
Imagine sitting with your son or daughter in Italy, sipping wine after they have graduated. Much more fulfilling.

It's not hard to see why there are a lot of people who don't want children. The childfree perspective is definitely more common among my generation.
The thing is, people are just too young and not intellectually ready to see the longterm outcome of this decision.

Children are expensive as hell. A lot of young people are financially struggling, and with inflation and the worsening economy, it's becoming harder and harder to maintain a decent quality of life in addition to taking care of children.
This argument is used again and again. However, people with significantly poorer financial circumstances do not ask themselves this question. That's too simple, the reasons are more complicated.
I want to live the player lifestyle for a bit and have children. I’m hopeful of finding a partner I click with but that’s extremely challenging in the modern world and I’m fine with having children and living alone with some form of shared custody. I do screen for maternal instincts in women on dates. If it’s anything less than a “hell yeah I need babies to feel fulfilled” I downgrade them to never long term potential.

I do wonder what the world is going to look like in 50 years especially in places like South Korea where the fertility rate is 0.7 (2.1 is required to maintain the population). Unless there’s a huge breakthrough in extending life expectancy, these countries are basically finished.

I also notice fewer women looking at babies or children when I’m on the streets. I wasn’t used to this growing up. My high school girlfriend and her female friends would stand outside the school bus and greet the 1st and 2nd graders when they entered the bus and gush at them (my school had grades 1-12). Before, when out on the streets I would see women of all ages go “awww he’s so cute” at random babies and children but now I mostly see that reaction for dogs.
This argument is used again and again. However, people with significantly poorer financial circumstances do not ask themselves this question. That's too simple, the reasons are more complicated.
Fair point.

Children being too expensive to have is probably mostly an opinion shared by highly educated, middle-to-upper class, westerners
Having children is also in diametrical opposition with the current spirit of the West: lot of people want things to be just the way they want, happen instantaneously and with low effort from their part; and in spite of the epidemic of loneliness more and more people feel uncomfortable with social interactions. In that sense children are everything a lot of millenials and GenZ hate.

I do wonder what the world is going to look like in 50 years especially in places like South Korea where the fertility rate is 0.7 (2.1 is required to maintain the population). Unless there’s a huge breakthrough in extending life expectancy, these countries are basically finished.
My prediction is, seniors will make up a greater and greater percentage of the population, will realize there's a shortage of support (fewer doctors per inhabitant, fewer people working to support their retirement...) and will open up the gates to immigration (you see that in Japan, over the past year I've seen South East Asians pop up behind convenience store counters and as manual workers, something I really thought was impossible given Japan's xenophobia, especially towards SE Asian). And maybe some opportunistic politician will start pushing laws promoting births (see USSR's tax on childlessness, which a politician in Ukraine put again on the table this year).
Children are expensive as hell. A lot of young people are financially struggling, and with inflation and the worsening economy, it's becoming harder and harder to maintain a decent quality of life in addition to taking care of children.

If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. That said, people have been producing dozens of children while being in poverty since the dawn of humanity. The idea that poverty prevents childbirth is the exact opposite of the truth. The people having the most children have the lowest socioeconomic status and live in the poorest countries.

in addition, children are stressful and time consuming. You basically have to put your own life goals on hold to raise them.

This additional stressor can also lead to more marital problems and tension

What exactly is the point of getting married if not to produce children? What advantage is there, especially to a man? To give a woman leverage over half your assets? Seriously, if you're a man in the West and getting married for any reason other than starting a family, I seriously question your wisdom and intelligence. There is no benefit to you or the relationship by doing so.

As far as life goals, what do you have to do that's more important? I don't understand the argument. If you're struggling with last stretch of school or something, fine. Otherwise, I just don't get it. The entire point of the struggle for wealth, status, and a partner is to create the ideal family unit. At least in my opinion. I get other people don't feel that way, but I've heard very, very few coherent arguments for more important activities that people should be doing. We sacrifice what's less important for what's more important. That's why we diet, that's why we're not drug addicts, that's why we spend time in the gym, etc.

Furthermore, the world we live in seems to be rapidly deteriorating, and to me it feels questionable to bring a child into such a world. It might be a doomer perspective, but I think it's a realistic one.

This is so fucking dumb it offends me. The world has never, ever been better. This is the golden age of humanity. Everyone throughout the history of humanity had greater struggles and less access to resources. All of their futures were more bleak, with less agency, less information, and a shorter lifespan. The idea that its questionable to bring a child into this world is only proof that you think this world sucks, and further implicitly suggests it would be better if you were never born at all.

At no point in my life have I been ungrateful to be alive. Even when I was an obese incel living like a hermit. I still had access to food, shelter, entertainment, health care, personal agency, and access to information. This world is amazing, and it would be even more amazing if people took the task of raising good children seriously and acknowledge its something worthy of praise.

IMO, the real reason people don't want children is because they are afraid of any form of responsibility and have yet to mature past childhood. The idea that duties and responsibilities only make your life worse is the mindset of a child. If you don't believe this, take the opposite extreme. Surviving off UBI in gov't housing and food stamps, free health care, spending your money only on entertainment and drugs. A life entirely devoid of duty and responsibility, devoted only to pleasure seeking. Does anyone seriously consider that a positive fulfilling life? What kind of character would that person have? What would they be proud of?
Iam not sure if Iam right in this topic, but since its about what one wants in life (in regards to women):

Many users here are coping the absolut fucking shit out themselves with superficial sex and avoiding responsibility and emotional closeness with women.

Just be careful your not tricking yourself into believing you want something in life which you deep inside you dont.

If you are not sure take 2,5-3gramms of magic mushrooms and question yourself.