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Short guy approach


Jan 2, 2022
Short guy checking in!! 8-)

I am a 5'4 South Asian (Pakistani) guy living in Toronto. I actually moves here in 2019 so not exactly a FOB but not a "Toronto guy" by a long shot. I know this topic has been thrown around on the forum way too much but I gotta ask anyway. What's it like cold approaching when you're the same height or shorter than the average Canadian female? Any experiences from my fellow shorties? And how do you overcome that aspect of your person in those situations??

I can't vouch for this guy's personality at all - in fact, I think he's a complete twerp - but he's 5'4", Indian, and kills it with women in Toronto with cold approach.
haven't done a ton of cold approaching in particular so ymmv, but here is my experience with social circles and online dating as a fellow 5'4 king:

the main difference seems to be that your overall success rate will drop because certain girls will never be accessible to you, but with the girls that ARE still open to you, there is no difference at all. seems like some of them REALLY care and others don't care at all, and there aren't as many in-betweens where it's a factor that works slightly against you. this went kinda against my expectations.

once or twice, a girl has told me she was MORE attracted to me because i was confident and gregarious despite being short. seems like they are very used to short guys being insecure, so you can break the mold easily and surprise them by being confident. of course, if height matters enough to the particular girl, you still won't overcome it.

last point, i don't live in a place like NYC/LA/Miami/etc where social perception is more important to people. i would imagine in those places, women might be more hesitant to be seen with short men. i'm not sure how Toronto compares to these places.
pancakemouse said:

I can't vouch for this guy's personality at all - in fact, I think he's a complete twerp - but he's 5'4", Indian, and kills it with women in Toronto with cold approach.

This guys seems cringe as fuck. But hes fucking out there doing things.

Thanks for the link
Andy I take this as a personal attack, and i will be launching a personal counter attack on the stream tomorrow

(na this is sarcasm, keen for tomorrows stream!)
Some girls care, some girls don't care, at the end whatever it's a number game for everyone (i'm 166cm) look at the vids of andy on youtube about this subject my fellow small bro