Short Log - 24 Days Approaching


Sep 28, 2021
Hey guys.

So recently I committed myself to finish the AAP. Also, I traveled to Miami last week. Back in my place in Colombia, I had a commercial area that was frequently crowded, with a lot of girls I could approach. I thought Miami would be the same deal (It's my first time traveling abroad).

However, I see that distances here are longer and you don't really see that many people walking on the street (especially cute girls). So I decided I won't be taking a rest at all and come back being a pussy. I'm going to do one approach a day (maybe more) as Andy recommends during vacations. Then, when I return to Colombia, I will fire my ass up and finish that fucking program.

Here's what I've done so far:

Day 1

Approached a hot girl that was walking her dog. I touched her shoulder from the back. She got scared off. I wasn't expecting that reaction and I got a bit nervous. She asked me if I needed anything. I asked for her number directly. She said she had a husband. Then she told me not to touch people on the street. I think I pissed her off, but anyway, I did it.

Day 2

I wanted to skip. But I said no, fuck off, I'm not coming back until I've approached. I went to the nearest mall. I walked around for a bit there, until I saw a cute employee with a short skirt. I was so nervous that I pretended I was looking at some products as I stared at her from the distance. I don't know if she noticed. I stood there for 10 minutes. Luckily she was organizing a lot of clothes in the stands. I man up and walked towards here. I told her she was cute and asked for her number directly. I think I looked kind of insecure. She said she didn't know me, so I got rejected. However, I congratulated myself for the effort and I felt empowered.

I'll try to keep a long conversation before asking for her number and improve my body language.

BTW guys, anyone reading this, if you could give me feedback on my photos trying to buy new clothes, I would appreciate it:
Where in Miami are you? Not sure your transportation situation, but if you can get yourself to a mall, they have very good volume. Miami Beach also has excellent volume.
Hey pancakemouse . I'm in north Miami. I don't have a car and money to transport. I could spend time walking there and doing the drills,but I'm also trying to enjoy with my family the whole experience without stressing out too much. I'm just traveling for a month. That might be quite too much but that's why I'm doing this so I can crush the program when I come back

Day 3

Two girls sitting in a bench in Bayside Marketplace. I passed by, the I turned back and said hi. I asked for her names. Then I asked what they were doing there. 15 sec later I asked one of the girls for her phone numbers She rejected me.

I noticed I kept my hands in my pockets the whole time, because I was a bit nervous. Will try to be more secure and open.
D4vidDG said:
Day 3

Two girls sitting in a bench in Bayside Marketplace. I passed by, the I turned back and said hi. I asked for her names. Then I asked what they were doing there. 15 sec later I asked one of the girls for her phone numbers She rejected me.

I noticed I kept my hands in my pockets the whole time, because I was a bit nervous. Will try to be more secure and open.

I notice you said you asked three questions in a row.

Asking questions is something that takes value from someone. Between each question, you want to provide value as well, by demonstrating higher value, providing personal info about yourself, teasing, or doing anything else besides asking another question. In an ideal approach, the girls are asking YOU more questions than you ask them. Keep the questions to a minimum.
Hey guys, sorry for not journaling.

pancakemouse, yeah, maybe you're right. I was trying to follow Andy's template from his original post I'll try to add some value and see how it goes.

So I didn't do anything one day and the other I wasn't able to approach.

Today and yesterday I did approach. I know I have two approaches remaining from Monday and Tuesday, so I'll try to do that tomorrow.

Day 4
I saw a girl and I passed by. Then I approached here. She seemed surprised and suddenly really nervous. I told her she was cute and I wanted to greet her. Then I asked if she was single. She wasn't. I left.

Day 5
I saw this girl from the back. She didn't see me. I stood behind a stand for a minute while I gathered courage, Then I came from the back, said "Excuse me", and proceed with the same routine as the day before. She said she was not single and then she moved away from me. I wished her a good day and I left.

You really kind of start ignoring the increasing anxiety when you're getting near the girl.
Congrats on approaching but you will not see any results approaching 1 girl a day. If your real goal is the vacation with your family then I say do that but if you can be away on your own for an hour see how many approaches you can do in that hour. You’ll surprise yourself. 1 is a warmup 2-3 is calibration but beyond that you’ve got flow state and social freedom. Good luck.
Hi guys. I'm back again.

I still miss 5 approaches

Day 6
I saw a girl sitting on the beach. I stood behind here for a minute then I approached. I told her she was cute. After some conversation I asked her for her number. She said she didn't give her number to strangers for security reasons. Sorry for the lack of details but I cannot remember this approach that much

Day 7 & 8

I did 3 approaches yesterday.

I saw the first one from the back. I avoided here first, but then I went back. I was walking behind here. Then I called her from the back. I got nervous and I asked for a direction. She said she wasn't from Miami and went away. I think she though I was going to harm her, maybe the way I approached was creepy.

That wasn't enough so I tried again.

The second time I entered a H&M shop. I saw a girl sitting on the stairs and looking at her phone.I approached from the back. I told her she looked hit and that I wanted to say hi. She told me she had a boyfriend directly. I said thank you and sorry (I suck at saying goodbye).

I was waiting for the bus. Then I saw a girl in front of a pharmacy. I think she saw me too. I took 10 seconds to prepare and then I approached her from the front. She spoke Spanish so she didn't understand me at first. I repeated the script in Spanish. She said thank you and told me that her bus had just arrived. I told her we could exchange numbers but she said the bus was leaving. I wished her a good day, she did the same. Even though she rejected me, she was really sweet. Idk if the bus was a way out or she really needed to leave. Whatever
Hey guys.

I approached 5 girls today after walking for 4 hours :'). I missed the one from yesterday. in total I have to do two approaches more

Day 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13

First approach - I saw this girl from the front and then I passed by. I quickly turned and approached her from the back. I told her the same lines. She told me she wants single so I left.

Second approach - I approached this girl as soon as I saw her. She was listening to an audio in her phone, so I caught her a bit by surprise. The same script, she said she was not single , I left.

Third approach - I saw this girl in the other part of the street waiting to cross. I stepped back a bit to avoid talking in the middle of the road. I approached. The same script. She actually said she was single, but she moved away telling me she was in a hurry. I said it was ok, I interpreted it as she was not interested. I left.

Fourth approach - This was a really hot one that was standing still, alone, watching her phone. This made the approach easier ( that sounds like what a rapist would say XD).
She said the worst thank u I've heard. She seemed annoyed by my presence. She wasn't single so I left.

Fifth approach - I did this one when I arrived to the apartment. I intercepted her while she was heading to the beach. I told her she look pretty. She asked me if I knew her with confusion in her face. I told her I didn't. She told me she didn't lived there. I asked her how long she was going to stay. Bla bla... Finally she agreed to give me her Instagram.
Bad luck for me because I left Miami beach today and I went to another house. :(
Hey guys.

I still miss 3 approaches. Today I had a date with a girl, I'll count that as an approach.

Day 14

It was pretty quick. I told her my lines and she said she had a boyfriend. I left.

Day 15 (DATE)

We met each other. We walked towards a Starbucks to have a coffee. Then we sat down and we talked for like an hour or so. I did some physical contact touching her arm. She said she wanted something casual. Then I finally went for the kiss. She started kissing me really quickly, it felt really weird. I don't know if it was me who messed up. She move apart a bit, she seemed uncomfortable, like she wasn't ready. I took her face and kissed her again. She moved apart again after a couple of seconds. After an awkward silence, she asked me to not touch her arm because it hurt (she had recently done a tattoo there), I guess she tried to cool things up. Then she said we should leave.
I realized I left my phone so I had to say goodbye sooner.

I'm not sure what happened. Maybe the kiss was horrible and that was a turn-off for her because she seemed so involved with me before that.

Should I ask her what went wrong? We're not meeting again because she's travelling to Suecia soon.
Hey D4vidDG Fucking amazing job at getting to the approaching!
Takes a lots of guts well done man.

You should ask the coffee girl what "went wrong" more for your peace of mind than anything. Girls are unlikely want to talk about awkward or uncomfortable moments especially over text. But you're not seeing her again, so what's there to lose?

Keep the approaches up man
D4vidDG said:
Should I ask her what went wrong? We're not meeting again because she's travelling to Suecia soon.

Worth a shot. Suecia is Sweden in English, by the way :)