Should I do something immoral just to get laid

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nobody can tell you what to do, you'll have to decide for yourself

personally, lying to get sex reeks of scarcity mentality to me. like you're admitting that you have principles about what kind of life you want to live, but you're willing to compromise them for a crumb of pussy. just my .02 though
nipple-flip said:
nobody can tell you what to do, you'll have to decide for yourself

personally, lying to get sex reeks of scarcity mentality to me. like you're admitting that you have principles about what kind of life you want to live, but you're willing to compromise them for a crumb of pussy. just my .02 though

Nah you're right. This chick has brought out the worst blue pill shit in me, I need a bit of a reality check and sort some out some deeper shit I got going on.
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