Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty


Feb 8, 2022
Regarding approach anxiety and the approach anxiety challenge, would it hurt your progress to use anti-anxiety drugs and supplements during the drills? I'm thinking that your body has to experience anxiety during the AA drills in order for the drills/exposure therapy to work.

I'm thinking about substances like Phenibut, Propranolol, Kratom, etc...
ninjaboynaru said:
Regarding approach anxiety and the approach anxiety challenge, would it hurt your progress to use anti-anxiety drugs and supplements during the drills? I'm thinking that your body has to experience anxiety during the AA drills in order for the drills/exposure therapy to work.

I'm thinking about substances like Phenibut, Propranolol, Kratom, etc...

I would say you should do the vast majority of approaches without any substances at all and just accept and embrace the anxiety. I have tried phenibut and it can be good once in awhile but shouldn't be used often.
ninjaboynaru said:
Regarding approach anxiety and the approach anxiety challenge, would it hurt your progress to use anti-anxiety drugs and supplements during the drills? I'm thinking that your body has to experience anxiety during the AA drills in order for the drills/exposure therapy to work.

I'm thinking about substances like Phenibut, Propranolol, Kratom, etc...

I've done approach sessions on kratom, molly, nicotine, and no-sleep (yes I'm considering this a drug). But I did these all after I got over approach anxiety.

but as SamJ_ said, I recommend embracing the anxiety and going sober. You're right that you need to do the drills (and approach) while experiencing real anxiety.

doing approach sessions on drugs is more of a fun thing if you want to fuck around but I'd only do it sparingly and if you're e.g. going with friends.
While using state enchanters occasionally is fine, the vast majority of this needs to be done sober.
Propranolol? Wow it’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen this mentioned anywhere. This is old but stay the fuck away from this general nonselective beta blocker.

It basically slows everything down, lowers BP, it’s good for certain last ditch treatments but it’s old!

Go sober. Go in with a smile.
ninjaboynaru said:
Regarding approach anxiety and the approach anxiety challenge, would it hurt your progress to use anti-anxiety drugs and supplements during the drills? I'm thinking that your body has to experience anxiety during the AA drills in order for the drills/exposure therapy to work.

I'm thinking about substances like Phenibut, Propranolol, Kratom, etc...

The point of the AA program is to deal with it through repeated exposure, not through drugs/enhancers that only really last a finite amount of time.
If you drunkenly talk to chicks every weekend for example, it doesn't mean that you're also good at that sober. So for a short answer: No :D
Outside of the health risks I don't see the issue with enhancers at all tbh

Said as someone who has never used them for daygame

If gaming on drugs gets you more approaches, conversations, numbers, dates, lays, then you're getting more quality and quantity of interactions in the time spent, which gives you more experience. A lot of social/dating skills are a snowball effect, where more success precipitates even more success, so even if drugged-you skills transfer inefficiently to sober-you, it's probably still more than you'd get from trying to sober rawdog the whole thing

It also really really helps destroy limiting beliefs, like Rice getting a ton of success on phenibut and realizing just how much of what his brain was normally telling him during daygame was bullshit


also independently of the whole developing your skills thing - don't we want to GET LAID? if taking drugs gets you LAID more then why not do it just for that effect alone?
september to be fair though I already did around 400 approaches before I used any drugs. I think this was about AA program, in which case I would say no drugs because the point is to experience and accept the anxiety.
september said:
Outside of the health risks I don't see the issue with enhancers at all tbh

Said as someone who has never used them for daygame

If gaming on drugs gets you more approaches, conversations, numbers, dates, lays, then you're getting more quality and quantity of interactions in the time spent, which gives you more experience. A lot of social/dating skills are a snowball effect, where more success precipitates even more success, so even if drugged-you skills transfer inefficiently to sober-you, it's probably still more than you'd get from trying to sober rawdog the whole thing

It also really really helps destroy limiting beliefs, like @Rice getting a ton of success on phenibut and realizing just how much of what his brain was normally telling him during daygame was bullshit


also independently of the whole developing your skills thing - don't we want to GET LAID? if taking drugs gets you LAID more then why not do it just for that effect alone?
I get what you're saying, but I would disagree. I've speculated about this in another reply, but I now know for sure. You should feel fear before approaching. It's mandatory. We're not trying to become drug dependent and eliminate fear whenever we want to approach. We want to feel the fear and act in spite of it. This is courage. You will become better at cold approaching by constantly overcoming the anxiety that comes beforehand. This is when it can become something fun. Whenever, wherever. I don't recommend anyone trying to beat approach anxiety on drugs, because then you're not dealing with the problem. You would only be sidestepping from the problem. If approaching wasn't scary, no-one would be talking about using drugs/enhancers. Most importantly ninjaboynaru wants to beat his AA. You've beaten AA when you can walk up to almost anyone and ask/say what you want to.
These substances are nowhere near damaging as alcohol. Yet alcohol is widely accepted for nightlife. If you feel very anxious it may help you. You'll get desensitized with our without using the substances. But it certainly helps if your anxiety is so bad it's stopping you from going out and approaching.