Skelly92 Log

I have lost another 1.1 pounds of weight this week.

I ended up seeing another escort on Wednesday this week, I didn't do as good a job of dealing with my anxiety before as I did the first time and ended up just getting BJ from her, as I didn't last.

I am going to at somepoint this week ring my bank and see what I can lend to get myself a mortgage, so I can eventually move out of my mam's house.
I have stalled on my weight loss goal this week, it is a mix of drinking over the weekend with the football being back on and having a couple of takeaways during the week. I have tried this weekend to not drink as much as I did last week and will try to reduce my drinking next weekend aswell and to cut the amount of takeaways I have in a week to just one.

I also went and saw an escort again this week, I was less nervous this time than last time.

I have been reading up on mortgages this weekend and have started the application process with a mortgage advisor, I just need to fill in a couple of more details before I apply, which I will do on Monday.
I have only lost 0.5 pounds over the last two weeks. The last week I have been to a meal out with work, along with going to a concert, which has meant that I have been drinking alcohol than I usually do. I also only went to the gym twice doing a weight workout compared to my regular of 4 times a week. I am going to get back to what I was doing before and make sure that I am eating within my calorie intake.

I finished the application for a mortgage advisor and found out what I could borrow to buy my own place. I now just need to keep and eye out for properties and go and view and bid on ones that I am interested in.
I only lost 0.5 pounds of weight this week. I have made some adjustments to my meal prep for my lunches at work this week and hopefully that should help to get me back to losing 1-1.5 pounds of weight a week.
On Friday I am going to go out and take some new dating photos of myself. I didn't get any matches this week from my boost.
Sewerdog said:
How have you been progressing on your goals?

My weight loss has stayed the same over the last month. I haven’t taken any new dating photos, which I still need to do. I have though passed my driving test last week! I have bought myself a car this week and it should be coming on thursday. It will save me a good amount of time in my day and whenever I start getting dates with girls, it should make it easier to schedule now that I can drive.
So my car that I bought on Saturday came on Thursday, I did a practice run of my route to work on the same day. I drove to work for the first time on Friday, I stuck to the 30-40mph roads instead of the motorways as I am still getting used to driving the car, along with getting used to not having the driving instructor there. I am going to try and build my confidence up when driving and then start going on the motorways, which will end up saving me 20mins in the morning and will let me spend more time at the gym in the evening after work.

I have stalled again this week on my weight loss goal, when I have had a review of what I have been eating I have seen that when I was losing weight I was consistently sticking to my calories on the weekdays and that on the weekends I was skipping breakfast and having salad's for lunch, this helped me to better control my eating on the weekends. I am going to from this week skip breakfast on the weekends to help control my eating habits over the weekend.
I have ended up putting on a pound or two over the last couple of weeks as I have gotten out of the routine of what I usually do and have let bad habits slip in, such as ordering takeaway instead of making my own food that I would usually do.

I have ended up cancelling my membership to tinder platinum, as I am not getting any results really from tinder and I need to place more focus on getting 3 or 4 good dating photos. I have also stopped swiping on the apps daily, with only getting 1 or 2 likes a week and most of them coming from boosts. If I am being honest, I haven't put the necessary work into improving my photos over the last 4-5 months since I created this log as I should of.

I have been re-reading the first part of the tinder guide and also bought the ebook Andy/Cam have just put out on getting laid in 6 weeks even if your inexperienced. I used that to research some dating inspiration photos that I am going to try and copy when I go out to do my photos.
I am going to aim to get the following photos:

1. A great portrait of myself
2. A photo of myself in the gym lifting weights
3. A photo of myself with my families rabbit
4. A photo of myself in my car

I have taken a couple of photos of myself sitting down earlier in the week, one looking at the camera and one looking away, which do you think is best and do you think they are usable?

I also have a group photo of myself, which I have attached do you think this one is any good to use or not?
Skelly92 said:
I have ended up putting on a pound or two over the last couple of weeks as I have gotten out of the routine of what I usually do and have let bad habits slip in, such as ordering takeaway instead of making my own food that I would usually do.

I have ended up cancelling my membership to tinder platinum, as I am not getting any results really from tinder and I need to place more focus on getting 3 or 4 good dating photos. I have also stopped swiping on the apps daily, with only getting 1 or 2 likes a week and most of them coming from boosts. If I am being honest, I haven't put the necessary work into improving my photos over the last 4-5 months since I created this log as I should of.

I have been re-reading the first part of the tinder guide and also bought the ebook Andy/Cam have just put out on getting laid in 6 weeks even if your inexperienced. I used that to research some dating inspiration photos that I am going to try and copy when I go out to do my photos.
I am going to aim to get the following photos:

1. A great portrait of myself
2. A photo of myself in the gym lifting weights
3. A photo of myself with my families rabbit
4. A photo of myself in my car

I have taken a couple of photos of myself sitting down earlier in the week, one looking at the camera and one looking away, which do you think is best and do you think they are usable?

I also have a group photo of myself, which I have attached do you think this one is any good to use or not?

These aren't usable yet, but like anything else it's a process you build up to.
Living room is not a good location and your posing can look more natural with practice.
Keep taking hundreds of photos and use the tinder guide and you'll get some good ones.
Awesome you got Radical's guide! those guys really know their stuff, one of the main things I've learnt so far is if your inexperienced at something pay an expert to help you get results 100× faster.
Sewerdog said:
Skelly92 said:
I have ended up putting on a pound or two over the last couple of weeks as I have gotten out of the routine of what I usually do and have let bad habits slip in, such as ordering takeaway instead of making my own food that I would usually do.

I have ended up cancelling my membership to tinder platinum, as I am not getting any results really from tinder and I need to place more focus on getting 3 or 4 good dating photos. I have also stopped swiping on the apps daily, with only getting 1 or 2 likes a week and most of them coming from boosts. If I am being honest, I haven't put the necessary work into improving my photos over the last 4-5 months since I created this log as I should of.

I have been re-reading the first part of the tinder guide and also bought the ebook Andy/Cam have just put out on getting laid in 6 weeks even if your inexperienced. I used that to research some dating inspiration photos that I am going to try and copy when I go out to do my photos.
I am going to aim to get the following photos:

1. A great portrait of myself
2. A photo of myself in the gym lifting weights
3. A photo of myself with my families rabbit
4. A photo of myself in my car

I have taken a couple of photos of myself sitting down earlier in the week, one looking at the camera and one looking away, which do you think is best and do you think they are usable?

I also have a group photo of myself, which I have attached do you think this one is any good to use or not?

These aren't usable yet, but like anything else it's a process you build up to.
Living room is not a good location and your posing can look more natural with practice.
Keep taking hundreds of photos and use the tinder guide and you'll get some good ones.
Awesome you got Radical's guide! those guys really know their stuff, one of the main things I've learnt so far is if your inexperienced at something pay an expert to help you get results 100× faster.

Thanks for the feedback, I will keep working on improving my photos and my poses. I will do the photos outside next time.

Yeah you are right about paying an expert to help you, as I bought radical's guide on style a while ago and have used it to improve my wardrobe and got some good feedback from the people I work with recently when I went out for a meal/drinks with them, saying I look stylish and looked good.
I have done a good job this week of working on my photos for the dating apps and have taken photos of myself in the gym, in my car, with my family's rabbit and one of me walking. Only the walking photo is the only one I think is usable at the moment and the others I need to work on getting the right angle/shot for the other ones. To be honest taking photos of myself makes me quite feel a bit self conscious and a bit nervous about taking the photos, especially in the gym. I think I will head to the gym early in the morning next time, with there probably being less people there.

I also got a fresh haircut today and trimmed/shave my beard. I didn't put any weight on this week and ended up staying the same weight as last week.
I worked on improving my pictures a couple of weeks ago and I have started getting more likes than I would usually get with my old one. I am probably getting about 1 or 2 likes a week now. I ended up matching with a girl this week on tinder and was able to get her number and gave her a ring to set up a date, but she said that she didn't have anytime this week to date as she is a single mother and it tough for her to sort out child care. She didn't seem to enthused on the phone and I am guessing its not going to go anywhere, but it was nice getting the number and I was a lot less anxious when I called her than the last time I got a girls number a few months ago.
I have the last couple of week been able get back to losing weight and I lost about a pound and a half of weight.
My weight loss stayed the same this week, but I have lost about 0.5 inch on my waist. This was mostly because on Thursday we had Christmas jumper day at work and I ended up eating way more food on a Thursday than I usually would.
I spent some time this weekend working on improving my bio for my dating profiles, along with the prompts on bumble and hinge.
What are your numbers looking like in the gym so you can track progress on the big compounds.
I'd recommend getting some outfits from Radical's 70 outfits too and spamming more photos.
Thirdly, what's your social life like in terms of meeting women?
I think with some sustained work you can reach your goal of getting a girlfriend a lot quicker if you want.
Sewerdog said:
What are your numbers looking like in the gym so you can track progress on the big compounds.
I'd recommend getting some outfits from @Radical's 70 outfits too and spamming more photos.
Thirdly, what's your social life like in terms of meeting women?
I think with some sustained work you can reach your goal of getting a girlfriend a lot quicker if you want.

When it comes to the numbers for the big compound lift, I recently tested my 1RM for both the squat and deadlift a week ago.
For Squat I did 115kg and for deadlift 135kg. My training maxs for the Bench and Overhead are 79.5kg and 58.5kg respectively. I have been running Bullmastif by Alex Bromley, which has been a big help in getting stronger and I managed to beat my TM for my deadlift by 15kgs from when I started running it back in July.

I have actually got Radical's style guide and bought the phase 1 items from it though I will have to go through it again and get the next phase of items, but I have been checking out the thread Radical made on the forum. I need to go out and buy some new jeans, as with the weight I have lost they don't fit as well and look a bit big on me now. I also need to get back to taking photos, as I did a good job a few weeks ago of being trying to improve them.

When it comes to my social life in terms of meeting women, I don't really have any and I haven't been on a date since I started the log.
Nice, I'm a fan of Bromley that's a great way to gain mass.
I'd try to socialise with girls while your improving your profile, gaining muscle and upgrading clothes. Might even hit it off with a few soo er than you think as well.
Sewerdog said:
Nice, I'm a fan of Bromley that's a great way to gain mass.
I'd try to socialise with girls while your improving your profile, gaining muscle and upgrading clothes. Might even hit it off with a few soo er than you think as well.

Thanks, I will try and socialise more with girls. I have been going along to a spin class at my gym for the last couple of weeks, I will try and be more social with the girls who go along to them.
Do you have any advice on where to socialise with girls?
Skelly92 said:
Sewerdog said:
Nice, I'm a fan of Bromley that's a great way to gain mass.
I'd try to socialise with girls while your improving your profile, gaining muscle and upgrading clothes. Might even hit it off with a few soo er than you think as well.

Thanks, I will try and socialise more with girls. I have been going along to a spin class at my gym for the last couple of weeks, I will try and be more social with the girls who go along to them.
Do you have any advice on where to socialise with girls?

I got the first two lays from the music circle at an open mic night in the next town over from me (I knew the organiser)
Meetups where you can see the group members and there's a few pretty women could work.
Bar crawl type meetups might be good, I had some good experiences with some miles at one before. Also have met some really cool high performance types at these.
Improv groups could work - Had a good time talking to a girl at one of these before.
Make friends with an extravert who invites you to parties - I've been to a few from this that looking back were great opportunities to get laid.

All just ideas to try out but might be a good way to get some experience and small victories while your improving your profiles.
It has been about 5 months since I last updated my log. I am going to be 32 on Tuesday which has inspired me to update my log.

While I haven’t updated the log I have made some progress on my life goals. I have lost the weight I put on over Christmas and broken through the plateau of being 224lbs.
I also got a new job in march that pays about 3k a year more than my old job. I feel I have now got my career set in the right direction and can place more of a focus on the rest of my life.

I haven’t made much progress on the dating side but in feb I took some new photos and have been getting more likes on tinder.