Skin care


Jun 20, 2020
Recently acne has been getting worse, idk if it's just me but there's so many things saying different things i'm not sure what to listen to, anyone got any reccomendations?
oh mate I'm so glad these days are behind me. I suffered from acne well into my mid 20's, mostly the little forehead bumps and random puss mountain on the side of my nose. Something I never did or took seriously back then was drinking plenty of WATER. Gotta be the most underrated acne fix in my experience. The other thing is once you have washed your face - moisturize every day! Whatever you apply to your face will most likely dry it out - if you don't moisturize then your body will naturally find a way to add moisture back (oil) and you don't want that. I did use pro-activ back in the day which worked exceptionally well, though you have to keep it up, and it also apparently bleaches your skin slowly over time. good luck brother.
First off I'll say definitely try what chado said. No need to do more than necessary, and it's good to start with a baseline to see how your skin does naturally.

If that doesn't improve, feel free to try out what I did. I struggled with acne for ages and ages, now I very rarely have acne. So here are all the things that have worked for me personally:

1. Never ever ever touching my face - Even now, if I touch my face I can more or less guarantee I'll have a zit there the next day. I'm pretty sure this is from the oil on fingertips.
2. Eating well/keeping stress to a minimum - If I eat like absolute shit one day (especially oily foods), I sometimes have a zit the next day. Same goes for if I had a ridiculously stressful day and didn't take time to calm myself down.
3. Go to a store for skin care or the skin care section of any department store. (I went to The Body Shop since my friend worked there.) Talk with the employees working there about your skin type (oily/dry/combination/etc.) Start using cleanser, toner, moisterizer they recommend for your skin type (I use the Seaweed product line, which is for oily/combination skin). And FYI, it took my skin a few days to adjust to this - got a little worse before it got better.
4. Use Benzoyl Peroxide. This has definitely helped me the most. I use this ( And again, it took my skin a few days to adjust to this. Once it did and I started using this consistently, my skin really cleared up.
5. Use one of those products if you've been sweating. I usually use the cleanser/toner/moisterizer every morning in the shower, then the benzoyl peroxide RIGHT after a workout. Or if I haven't worked out but my face feels a little oily, I'll just give it a wash before bed.
6. If you still have acne issues after this, see a dermatologist. They'll know best and will be able to recommend next steps. I believe the last thing they'll recommend is accutane (which is the nuclear option, but supposedly it works great).

Keep in mind that most likely you'll always get acne from time to time. I still get a zit every month or so, but they're rare and gone quick.

And as a last note, try working out more. I'm not 100% about this, but once I started working out consistently and getting into good shape it seemed like acne became less common (as long as I washed my face ASAP after I was sweating).
rydawg said:
Honestly, low dose accutane >> everything else.

I use 7mg/day & it almost completely gets rid of my acne with no side effects.
I start to get very mild dry lips if I go up to 10mg/day. Haven't gone high enough to notice dry skin or anything like that.

Accutane is an extremely powerful drug & the 40-80mg doses doctors prescribe are meant to permanently change your skin. It's very effective at getting rid of acne, without side effects, at much much lower doses.

how long do you stay on that low of a dose?

I did like 40mg when I was a kid and it lasted 3-5 months and I've never had a problem with acne afterwards.

Would rather carry around some moisturizer and get that shit over with than take it for a year or more.
Also interested in low dose accutane. My last dermatologist said he doesn't prescribe accutane lol... Have had moderately bad acne over shoulders/back and more mild on my face since I can remember. Nothing has really worked for it so far.
Topical tretinoin for mild-moderate acne

isotretinoin for moderate-severe acne.

Try tret first before going. One skin cycle is 12 weeks long. Exspect results after 8-12 weeks. Both medications are the best anti aging agents that are proven. Some people delvelope really good skin, with glow and shit long term and it will delay wrinkles.