

Jan 19, 2021

Sup bros.

I have a photoshoot on Thursday, which will be a positive bit of progress for my online dating game.

I want to know if there is something I can do for the next couple of days to get my skin looking as good as possible pre-shoot?

My skin isn't too bad, it does have some blemishes and red patches, which I will incrementally improve over time.

Other than drinking a tonne of water and having a green smoothie a day, does anyone have any recommendations that may be worth be considering right now?

I have some salicylic acid that I could put on areas with blemishes once a day and see what that yeilds.

Thoughts welcome

My go-tos are as follows:
1: rinse my face with lukewarm water every morning and every night before going to bed.
2: Don't touch my face all day
3: Drink plenty of water
4: If I'm using hair products or beard oil, try hard to avoid getting it on my skin.
5: Recently got a face-wash and a blemish-reducing cream I'm applying after step 1.

Hope this helps, keen to get some more tips on this subject my self.
Thanks bro. I remember reading The Bastard's log and he mentioned Caleb Jones' skincare routine. I just copied it! Went to the shops and bought myself some stuff. I had sacylic acid based face wash already, but didn't use it. I will use that as my morning face wash, and will follow up with some moisturiser. I also got some exfoliator, which I will use 2 x a week as per Caleb's recommendations.

I will use the same moisturiser in the evening to help support further skin revunevation.

I have heard positive things about retin-a, and the user drifter recommended me this.

We will get there :D
I use exfoliator every 3 days - thats pretty much the entirety of my routine

Very little else, although im using sunscreen here in Mexico

I know you have an aversion to sunscreen MakingAComeback but some of us are pale fuckers that burn
(For other pale guys, you want to stick to sunscreen that doesnt use oxybenzone, Zinc based is what i go for)
Goodlookingloser and his other site "GLLGetalife" has a series of posts on skincare. The egg facial would be good the day of the shoot probably.