Some critique on my quite developed profile is greatly appreciated

Ran a few boost tests and you guys were right, the BW photo hurts the results it seems. Not necessarily because BW but probably because of the total vibe and intensity.
I think you look fine and your pics are good, but in the last 5 years womens standards have skyrocketed. If you hit the gym for the next couple months and build up the neck, traps, shoulder & chest area you’ll get there. For optimum results these days you have to look like a DI athlete at minimum—this is what I’m seeing from successful guys’ logs, they are uniformly muscular and/or jacked.
klondike said:
I think you look fine and your pics are good, but in the last 5 years womens standards have skyrocketed. If you hit the gym for the next couple months and build up the neck, traps, shoulder & chest area you’ll get there. For optimum results these days you have to look like a DI athlete at minimum—this is what I’m seeing from successful guys’ logs, they are uniformly muscular and/or jacked.

I'm working out for about 3 years already, the pic was taken at 2-2.5 years. There is not much to built for me anymore without steroids, can't outplay genetics. Was super skinny in my early 20s.
klondike said:
I think you look fine and your pics are good, but in the last 5 years womens standards have skyrocketed. If you hit the gym for the next couple months and build up the neck, traps, shoulder & chest area you’ll get there. For optimum results these days you have to look like a DI athlete at minimum—this is what I’m seeing from successful guys’ logs, they are uniformly muscular and/or jacked.

I disagree. His amount of muscle is scientifically proven the most attractive. Getting even more muscle would make him less attractive in general but more polarising. Which basically means that the girls that still like him, would love him even more.

Asst has done everything he can until his genetic potential. The profile is amazing except for the first B/W pic which can be improved or he could just go with 5 pics.
kratjeuh said:
I disagree. His amount of muscle is scientifically proven the most attractive. Getting even more muscle would make him less attractive in general but more polarising. Which basically means that the girls that still like him, would love him even more.

It's true that, of all body types, Fight Club Brad Pitt has the widest appeal.

The issue is the competition. Basically half of guys look like that.

Getting big reduces the pool of interested women, but reduces the pool of similar competitors by far more than that, so the total volume of interest in you skyrockets.

(Oh, also, there's a difference between what girls find attractive when looking at pictures vs when standing in front of the guy. Bigger is better here)

Besides that, the more hypergamous your environment, the more you have to be loved, not liked, even if it means sacrificing mass appeal. Girls have no reason to go out with a guy they like when they know they can get a guy they love.

That's all theorycel talk though.


In practice everyone I know who's gone from athletic to yoked has told me it's well worth it and gotten way better results out of it. It's why I'm putting all my effort on getting big now, even at the cost of temporarily losing facial attractiveness and leanness.

Other benefits to being big:

- More attractive with clothes on
- More socially valuable. People want to be friends with the big guy
- More frame. You can always fall back on knowing you have an in-demand, objectively attractive trait that you're better than 9x.x% of other guys at.
- Less audience anxiety and intimidation factor, especially at night. You don't feel as much like you could be defeated in a fight. This is a huge part of why we have a primal fear of rejection - we expect the male relatives/protectors of girls that reject us to kick our ass for it. Being big cancels out a lot of this
- More confidence because you just have a sense of accomplishment from getting a tangible result out of consistent work

Point being, pretty much everyone should be getting big. Now. And if your genetics are shit or you want to accelerate timelines, considering gear. Very little is going to return a better ROI value wise than being huge. Staying ottermode is only gonna be good advice when the supply of big guys gets saturated, and that's never gonna happen.
september said:
kratjeuh said:
I disagree. His amount of muscle is scientifically proven the most attractive. Getting even more muscle would make him less attractive in general but more polarising. Which basically means that the girls that still like him, would love him even more.

It's true that, of all body types, Fight Club Brad Pitt has the widest appeal.

The issue is the competition. Basically half of guys look like that.

Getting big reduces the pool of interested women, but reduces the pool of similar competitors by far more than that, so the total volume of interest in you skyrockets.

(Oh, also, there's a difference between what girls find attractive when looking at pictures vs when standing in front of the guy. Bigger is better here)

Besides that, the more hypergamous your environment, the more you have to be loved, not liked, even if it means sacrificing mass appeal. Girls have no reason to go out with a guy they like when they know they can get a guy they love.

That's all theorycel talk though.


In practice everyone I know who's gone from athletic to yoked has told me it's well worth it and gotten way better results out of it. It's why I'm putting all my effort on getting big now, even at the cost of temporarily losing facial attractiveness and leanness.

Other benefits to being big:

- More attractive with clothes on
- More socially valuable. People want to be friends with the big guy
- More frame. You can always fall back on knowing you have an in-demand, objectively attractive trait that you're better than 9x.x% of other guys at.
- Less audience anxiety and intimidation factor, especially at night. You don't feel as much like you could be defeated in a fight. This is a huge part of why we have a primal fear of rejection - we expect the male relatives/protectors of girls that reject us to kick our ass for it. Being big cancels out a lot of this
- More confidence because you just have a sense of accomplishment from getting a tangible result out of consistent work

Point being, pretty much everyone should be getting big. Now. And if your genetics are shit or you want to accelerate timelines, considering gear. Very little is going to return a better ROI value wise than being huge. Staying ottermode is only gonna be good advice when the supply of big guys gets saturated, and that's never gonna happen.

This is spot on. I keep seeing guys confuse the benefits of mass appeal and polarization.

It's not good enough to be "attractive". In a hypergamous society, you need to be her most attractive option. Every attractive feature should be polarized as much as possible.
pancakemouse said:
It's not good enough to be "attractive". In a hypergamous society, you need to be her most attractive option. Every attractive feature should be polarized as much as possible.

When has 500+ attractive guys writing her, it's the one that stands out (and not with a pick up line in the 1st text) that get the deal
I think it looks good man.
I do wonder whether the headshot is a bit too 'LinkedIn-esque' though? A bit formal maybe?
Sonofagun said:
I think it looks good man.
I do wonder whether the headshot is a bit too 'LinkedIn-esque' though? A bit formal maybe?

Actually thought about using it for linkedin... But yes, it doesn't work on tinder.