Start of my tinder journey

Hey guys,

figured i'd do an update.

From the 3 dates last week, I got to 1 in the end with the chick I have sex with for the past month. But that will be coming to an end since she doesn't want to suck dick. This is unacceptable since this chick isnt anything special looks wise and I feel like she should be happy I'm even fucking her. Do you guys have issues when girls dont want to suck you off and how often does it happen?

Yesterday I had a second date with the super cute girl that was at my apartment after 1st date but didn't want to fuck.

The date was a coffee date 10 minutes from my apartment (her's too). We do chit chat, have a few make out sessions there and I invite her to my place again. She agrees, even buy's herself a beer on our way to my place.
When we arrive at my apartment, we again start making out basically immediately. Well this time I just pull out my dick and she starts jerking me off (thanks pancakemouse :D) But she again doesn't want to go further. A few moments later she tells me how I didn't show her my room. As soon as we enter the room I "push" her onto my bed and we start making out, touching. After a few more moment's she is on my bed LITERALLY naked and she says she is going home in 2 seconds. Can't make this hit up. Of course she didn't, we had sex, life is good. She also said she wont suck my dick, this time. I dunno if it's just my bad luck but ALL girls I had before tinder fucking loved sucking dick and even swalloving. I can't have worse game than 3-4 years ago lol.

Afterwards, as we talk some more, at one point she says that I am just "playing" this cool dude, and that at times it is really cute. I guess she was getting at that that im fake or something. I casually laugh at her statement and says "wow, well you know everything". Still kinda confused with that statement and why she would say it LITERALLY after we had sex. What do you guys think about this, I took is as another random behaviour from girls.
Hey guys,

need help on this one:

the hottie I had sex in the previous date... things were going really went until yesterday, we were seeing each other and yesterday, when I was at her place, she was a message from another girl on my phone while she was changing the song (I saw her face after seeing, she wasn't too happy). We have sex and during sex she just mounts off and has this sad/upset face. I try getting out of her what's the issue, even though I assumed it was the message. After I get home she said that that was on her mind + that we are not using condoms and that she doesn't know all what im doing ATM. Btw she is the only one im having sex with atm.

I told her that I'm gonna continue seeing other girls, which is true, and the fact that we're not using condom is because I got carried away and that the sex was good.
She said that she thinks its better if we stop seeing each other. We had a phone call then discussing all of this, and she basically said she is not that type of girl.

What is my next move, I actually like this girl and would love to keep seeing her. If all goes to shit my response would be something like:
"It's sad its come to this, I'l miss so much about you" to walk away from this like a man + keep open doors JUST in case.

How would you guys go about this situation and trying to salvage this?
Hey man I’m not expert at this at all but being honest is probably the way forward.

I think you should own up and she’ll respect that honestly. Yeah maybe you lose her. But if you really like her do you want to keep lying to her?

“Hey I really like you. It always feels X when we are together. I am seeing other girls, I caught a vibe that you don’t like that. I get it if it’s a dealbreaker for you but I’d love to talk about this to see if we can work something out “

Btw Andy has a video coming out about this exact topic very soon!

I didn't lie to her at any point though. btw that line is golden, im stealing that one. :D

what I did was something different. When she came over, I told her that I wont be seeing other girl since she said she's not that type of girl, but that she will have to stop seeing other guys, to see her reaction. She had no problems with that (she mentioned male friends and that she has 3 gay friends, im fine with gay friends). After that we drank and had a long night of sex and listening to music, good times. Well the very next day, after she left and when I went out of my apartment, I already felt this, lets just say pressure, that i cant talk to other girls. This means that im no where CLOSE to being to fulfilling my, lets just say fuckboi phase. To be fair, she is super cool when we hang out, sex is great, talk is great but I already see that im gonna have to end things with this girl INSTEAD of cutting ties earlier.
JurcekThePurcek said:
I didn't lie to her at any point though. btw that line is golden, im stealing that one.

what I did was something different. When she came over, I told her that I wont be seeing other girl since she said she's not that type of girl, but that she will have to stop seeing other guys, to see her reaction. She had no problems with that (she mentioned male friends and that she has 3 gay friends, im fine with gay friends). After that we drank and had a long night of sex and listening to music, good times. Well the very next day, after she left and when I went out of my apartment, I already felt this, lets just say pressure, that i cant talk to other girls. This means that im no where CLOSE to being to fulfilling my, lets just say fuckboi phase. To be fair, she is super cool when we hang out, sex is great, talk is great but I already see that im gonna have to end things with this girl INSTEAD of cutting ties earlier.

Seems like the right choice to me too. The relationship you have with this girl seems (massively) antagonistic, where she keeps saying she's going home every time you escalate or even getting off during sex. While she's definitely in her right to feel that way, I avoid these situations by telling the truth about what I want (sex, make out et cetera). When I did what you described (kind of ignore the elephant in the room by push-pulling these kinds of girls) it would always bite me in the ass later on.

Please note: I've had this experience only with these types of girls (entitled/cocktease) and if they detect your desperation for sex they'll make it harder for you to please their own ego. (not all girls are like this).

Mindset said:
Please note: I've had this experience only with these types of girls (entitled/cocktease) and if they detect your desperation for sex they'll make it harder for you to please their own ego. (not all girls are like this).

I'l elaborate a bit more how things went with this girl.

1st date - yes it was a cocktease, but I guess that was because she was on anti-slut defense on sleeping with a guy on first date
2nd date - we have sex
Time goes on, we are going on dates and later to her place.. she sees a text from another girl recently,, decides to have sex but then in the middle of sex it bothers her and she mounts off, we have sex later on that night. I can understand if that threw her off guard in that moment after seeing that text.

All in all, when we hang out IRL its all smooth sailing, she is obviously very into me, doesn't do push and pull anymore, she even escalates on me sometimes. All in all loving the vibe and this is why is will suck even more to break ties. My fault though :D
JurcekThePurcek said:
All in all, when we hang out IRL its all smooth sailing, she is obviously very into me, doesn't do push and pull anymore, she even escalates on me sometimes. All in all loving the vibe and this is why is will suck even more to break ties. My fault though

All's well that ends well in my opinion but it's a good experience nonetheless. Look forward to your many future conquests!
Hey everyone,

a little update on what's going on.

Im still seeing the girl from my previous posts. We had a convo about me seeing other girls, she told me she would like to be friends with me. I told her I cant see us ever being just friends, it has to be romantic and explained to her how i see male - female relationships. Then we just kinda moved on and went to her place... :)

This is perfect situation and exactly what im looking for. Really interested in seeing how long this will last before she finds a boyfriend that wants to be monogamous with her.

My vacation starts next months and going to sea for 2 weeks. 1 week with my friend, and second week with the rest of my friends. Have to get some new pictures, need 1 good shirtless photo (good lighting + not too tryhard), and a some in t-shirts.. Atm im on a 1600 - 1700 calorie diet with cca 120g protein.

Regarding seeing new girls, there is no update. Dating apps kind of died out for me. Likes here and there, but for the last 2 weeks no dates. This is why im starting with cold approach tomorrow... for the 1000th time. I need to get into approaching girls IRL asap.

did 3 cold approaches on 20\6\ - no numbers, very positive reactions though.

2 cold approaches on 22\6\ - 1 number, sent her a text today we'l see, other approach also went positively, but she had a boyfriend for 2 years. To this I will always reply "so it's not that serious". think I saw this response from pancakemouse. Always have a good reaction to this so tnx man :D

Just letting some thoughts out:

I feel like its SO much easier to cold approach when you already have a girl who you are having sex with. Feel as though there is not as much pressure which results in better overall approach.
The plan for this summer is I need 2-3 more new pictures (shirtless + some shirtless) to get the dating apps back in action. In the meantime im focusing on cold approach.
Hey everyone,

I'n the meantime, I've been on 2 dates from cold approach, 1 tinder date.

My first cold approach date was a "insta date" one. The girl was sitting down, and was actually waiting for her tinder date lol... and i open with "sorry, im late to our tinder date". And then thought I was using that guy's pictures to setup the date and approach directly as another guy. All in all retarded, terrible date, finished with it very early, didnt even bother taking her number.

Second one was great though. very cute, we were on 1 date, made out but wouldnt want to come to my place. this is unfortunate because there will probably be no second date because in 2 days she went out of town for 2 months. Doubt she will still be down for a date in 2 months..

The tinder date i wont even comment :D

Going to summer next week, super hyped, will approach all day with my friend. When picking the apartment for 1 week that we'l be there, i went with a place that has abalcony and is 5 minutes from all the clubs by walk. Logistics are covered, now it's just up to us to make something happen :D