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Still Freaking Out If I Will Get STDs or Girl Will Get Pregnant Due To One Unprotected Sex Encounter


Jun 2, 2020
Fuck. Apparently I should have used a condom yesterday. And the thought that I might get an STD still can't escape my mind. What are the odds of getting an STD from one unprotected sex encounter, especially from a stranger?

She said she had one ex, and it was her 1st time to hookup with someone else. Also trained in HIV detection but last HIV test was 2017. But I don't know, can't fully trust a stranger's word. Help your bro out, because I am still freaking out.
Can you get a test quickly?

Like a free clinic or something? If so go in the next couple weeks.

Wrap up in future dude. You'll be fine im sure but remember how you feel now next time so you take precautions.

Any STD symptoms you think you have are fake btw - just your paranoia. You had sex way too recently for them to show this quickly.
Radical Is there a time window where it is ideal to get tested? Just worried if I will test too early or too late.
I dont know about whats common in your country tbh mate

Our most common is Chlamydia which takes like a week before it shows up on tests

3 weeks to a month for most things

Id go in 3 weeks then go again in 2 months (Hepatitis is like 6 weeks incubation) if you went to be extra sure your clear
Radical said:
Id go in 3 weeks then go again in 2 months (Hepatitis is like 6 weeks incubation) if you went to be extra sure your clear

Thanks a lot Radical. Soonest I will test would be 3 weeks, but I will start calling clinics and ask them for recommended times to wait for this.

Just chatted with her, and she also wanted to verify my sexual activity for the past months, too. Just too scared to ask. That makes us both paranoid, which is a very good sign we both want to be and are most likely safe.
If you're freaking out, just remind yourself that HIV is pretty much the only "common" STD that can kill you. Anything else is annoying and might hurt a bit but won't kill you (edit: obviously only if your vaccinated against hepatitis)

Then research the chances of contracting HIV as a guy who has unprotected sex with an already infected person (I believe it's a 0.08% chance for vaginal intercourse; for women and anal sex it's much higher).

You'll come to the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely to catch HIV. Even if the girl you banged has HIV, it is very unlikely that you got infected.

Having said that, of course it's recommend to always use protection. Unprotected sex is an unnecessary risk. The downside is extremely big (might ruin your life) while the upside is limited (sure sex without condom feels better but if you always use a condom you will just get used to it).
Thanks for the reassurance AGF. Good to know odds are low, and next time I will not go bare again.
Obviously do your own research. The last time I looked into this topic was a few years ago.

I might be wrong about the 0.08% (also heard that the chances of contracting it is higher if your sexual partner just recently got HIV themselves).

Don't want to give advice here that might harm other forum members.
Did some reading on it. Seems like the odds are 0.08% to 0.11% for men who are not HIV positive.

If anyone has anything else to add, let me know.

aidsmap.com/about-hiv/estimated-hiv-risk-exposure (this source doesn't separate chances of contracting HIV through sex and using needles)
SIGMA_1234 said:
Fuck. Apparently I should have used a condom yesterday. And the thought that I might get an STD still can't escape my mind. What are the odds of getting an STD from one unprotected sex encounter, especially from a stranger?

She said she had one ex, and it was her 1st time to hookup with someone else. Also trained in HIV detection but last HIV test was 2017. But I don't know, can't fully trust a stranger's word. Help your bro out, because I am still freaking out.

If anything you should be much more worried about getting a stranger pregnant than getting any STD (much less HIV, which is very rare for anyone other than homosexual men). Not to mention this girl has allegedly only had sex with 1 other person? Even if she's lying and she's had sex with say 10, the chance of getting any STD is still pretty low.
Following up on Radical's answer, after the initial test a few weeks out, it's a good idea to get tested every six months to a year in case of syphilis - which is harmless if caught but deadly if not (as Andy's article mentions).
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Politely: Don't PM me and take up my limited time if you're going to literally ignore what advice I give you.

Alright. I am sorry, and I did take your advice, read the article. This was insensitive of me.
Thansk for sharing the article, Andy. This reminds me of going to take a test more often, after I have been engaged to some russian penis roulette.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Fuck. Apparently I should have used a condom yesterday. And the thought that I might get an STD still can't escape my mind. What are the odds of getting an STD from one unprotected sex encounter, especially from a stranger?

She said she had one ex, and it was her 1st time to hookup with someone else. Also trained in HIV detection but last HIV test was 2017. But I don't know, can't fully trust a stranger's word. Help your bro out, because I am still freaking out.

It's already been answered pretty well, but I'll share experience that'll help you.

You're freaking out over nothing.

Sure, go get tested and be more careful.

I'm riskier than most on here with sex. I (no vasectomy yet) fuck girls bare until I need to cum then I wrap it up and cum in the condom inside her.

I've had sex with over 120 girls (and hundreds of trans girls and guys, that's a story for another time) and the only STD I've gotten was chlamydia... once. Cured it with pills and I'm Gucci, although I'm due for another test just to be sure.

Sure, I could have gotten more. And sure, I should be more careful, and you shouldn't necessarily take the risks I take.

But what I'm trying to say is it's less of a risk than you think.

Plus my ex had kids with a guy who was HIV positive. She'd gotten tested over and over and over and it always came back negative (I wouldn't have dated her if she was positive.) Even though they dated for a while and had sex multiple times where he came inside her, she didn't get HIV.

I'm NOT saying take stupid risks. But what I AM saying is it's not a CATASTROPHE!!!! if you fuck without a condom. Especially if she's not confirmed positive. Even if she had something she didn't know about it's not a guarantee you get the STD she has.

Sure she might be, and you should probably be more careful, but you're freaking out over nothing here. HIV takes up to 3 months to detect, so get tested in a month for most things, then again in 3 months for HIV, then get tested every three months as a habit.
MILFandCookies said:
Plus my ex had kids with a guy who was HIV positive. She'd gotten tested over and over and over and it always came back negative (I wouldn't have dated her if she was positive.) Even though they dated for a while and had sex multiple times where he came inside her, she didn't get HIV.
My roommate said that the medication for HIV is so good nowadays that it's practically not transmissible if you're on them. Plus like, I think the odds of getting HIV through unprotected vaginal sex is pretty slim, like 1 in 2000. It's higher for anal or IV drugs though.
Squilliam said:
MILFandCookies said:
Plus my ex had kids with a guy who was HIV positive. She'd gotten tested over and over and over and it always came back negative (I wouldn't have dated her if she was positive.) Even though they dated for a while and had sex multiple times where he came inside her, she didn't get HIV.
My roommate said that the medication for HIV is so good nowadays that it's practically not transmissible if you're on them. Plus like, I think the odds of getting HIV through unprotected vaginal sex is pretty slim, like 1 in 2000. It's higher for anal or IV drugs though.

Yup. Guys only need to be worried about getting HIV if they use used needles or get fucked in the butt.

A noteworthy exception is if you rawdog a girl with cuts, scrapes or burns on your dick. That'd up the risk significantly.
MILFandCookies said:
Squilliam said:
My roommate said that the medication for HIV is so good nowadays that it's practically not transmissible if you're on them. Plus like, I think the odds of getting HIV through unprotected vaginal sex is pretty slim, like 1 in 2000. It's higher for anal or IV drugs though.

Yup. Guys only need to be worried about getting HIV if they use used needles or get fucked in the butt.

A noteworthy exception is if you rawdog a girl with cuts, scrapes or burns on your dick. That'd up the risk significantly.
The 1 in 2000 statistic was assuming the person was HIV+, btw. It's 0 if they're not infected, lol.

To add to my previous comment, you can also go on prep meds, which makes it very unlikely to get HIV.