Successful Black Men on Tinder


Jun 3, 2021
I have pretty high quality photos I use for my IG normally - and yet they are not getting decent to high scores on photofeeler. This is with ~20ish votes on tons of different photos.

There are several different reasons I tested:
- not smiling too much
- not looking at camera
- photo too far away
- composition of photo
- photo was too flashy, i.e nice car was seen as flex

I then compared with a random nice looking indian, and got good photofeeler scores.

Are there examples of black men on this forum who're relatively successful with their photos? I would like to see what works.
Best bet would be for you to post your photos here and we can say for sure.

Photofeeler is not a good representation of potential results, especially for black men. Think about the audience: why would some hot girl be browsing photofeeler? It's basically made up of jaded catladies.
As a black man myself I am also looking for some good black role models in this space.

You are not alone on this one.
Austin Dunham comes to mind. Although he definitely benefits from a large IG following he said in a recent interview (playing with fire) that all of his hookups come through girls reaching out to him on tinder. Yet another example that having an elite body + sexy photos is like fishing with dynamite no matter who you are

On this forum though? Not sure. Guys like that are truly rare
pancakemouse said:
Best bet would be for you to post your photos here and we can say for sure.

Photofeeler is not a good representation of potential results, especially for black men. Think about the audience: why would some hot girl be browsing photofeeler? It's basically made up of jaded catladies.

100% agree.

Would love to see the different photos you put up. In my experience some guys think their photos are elite but in reality they have room to improve... I can't say until I see what you got.

I don't have the experience of being black on Tinder so I don't know if girls have a bias - that said I do know black guys who slay it, so it's def. possible.

Even if girls do have a bias, focusing on it won't help you succeed... I'm on the shorter end (5' 7") which isn't great for dating, but I can't focus on it... I just control what I can and get results anyway.