Suggestions for OLD photos

Jun 20, 2020
So old timer here, but still a novice when it comes to OLD.

Here are my current photos that my first professional photographer selected for me last year, including three she took herself out of a couple hundred or so.

She said the white shirt photo rated highest according to her algorithm and recommended it be my main photo. I didn’t like it much, but I tried it on photo-feeler and it scored 8.8 out of 10 for attractiveness - surprisingly, as I was expecting a much lower score. Results with using it as main photo on apps were not that great though. The ocean photo with sunglasses seems to perform better. Anyway, I am thinking of eliminating 3 and 6 in the above, regardless of the high photo-feeler scores. I think 4 could have potential if I could edit to get the hairline looking a bit better (lower and denser)

To best compete at my age, I’m aiming for the wealthy well dressed guy archetype, e.g. think Roger Sterling in Mad Men, but with a more edge.

So, anyway, recently had a new photographer take about 250 shots. Here are a few that I thought may have potential, in various degrees of editing (me playing around with FaceApp). They still need more editing though.

8 photos in suit

Leather jackets 8 photos

Which ones do you guys like the most? I know they still need more editing. Any suggestions?
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
So old timer here, but still a novice when it comes to OLD.

Here are my current photos that my first professional photographer selected for me last year, including three she took herself out of a couple hundred or so.

She said the white shirt photo rated highest according to her algorithm and recommended it be my main photo. I didn’t like it much, but I tried it on photo-feeler and it scored 8.8 out of 10 for attractiveness - surprisingly, as I was expecting a much lower score. Results with using it as main photo on apps were not that great though. The ocean photo with sunglasses seems to perform better. Anyway, I am thinking of eliminating 3 and 6 in the above, regardless of the high photo-feeler scores. I think 4 could have potential if I could edit to get the hairline looking a bit better (lower and denser)

To best compete at my age, I’m aiming for the wealthy well dressed guy archetype, e.g. think Roger Sterling in Mad Men, but with a more edge.

So, anyway, recently had a new photographer take about 250 shots. Here are a few that I thought may have potential, in various degrees of editing (me playing around with FaceApp). They still need more editing though.

8 photos in suit

Leather jackets 8 photos

Which ones do you guys like the most? I know they still need more editing. Any suggestions?

I actually think the green buttondown is your strongest photo there. Unfortunately you're wearing sunglasses so it cant be used as your main.

The one of you against the ocean with sunglasses I don't like at all. You look old... and you're hiding your eyes. Plus the way the shirt is billowing makes you look overweight, and the photo resolution is low.

White shirt is generally good, but it looks way too edited to my eyes. Note that I'm generally sensitive to these things because I look at edited photos often.

This one in the blazer could be a new main, though:

The other ones aren't good, you need to focus on squinching on your next shoot, your eyes are giving off a fear response.

This one has potential:

The others in the leather jacket series aren't good for big eye reasons and the latter for fashion reasons (the cuban link is just way too big)
+1 on the learning squinching

If you live in LA I'm happy to take photos of you. I have a good camera/lens and am decent (not professional)
The chain and leather jacket shoot doesn't really suit you for the reasons discussed here--

Accessories like big cuban chains, earrings, etc are predominantly for young men... when older guys try to pull it off, it ironically signals low status.

To best compete at my age, I’m aiming for the wealthy well dressed guy archetype, e.g. think Roger Sterling in Mad Men, but with a more edge.

Vincent Cassel has that style down pat. Take a look at him on Instagram, and literally just copy what he does. Do your best to morph into a hybrid between you and him; the market has determined him hot and you can draft right behind him.

LOVE this pic!

It was a little dark so I tried to brighten it a little for you, but someone with Photoshop skills could probably make it even better.

And I agree with klondike's excellent advice.
pancakemouse said:
This one has potential:

I agree
this comes off as an accomplished, confident, masculine man
In the other ones you can clearly tell you are uncomfortable posing for the camera
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
So old timer here, but still a novice when it comes to OLD.

Here are my current photos that my first professional photographer selected for me last year, including three she took herself out of a couple hundred or so.

She said the white shirt photo rated highest according to her algorithm and recommended it be my main photo. I didn’t like it much, but I tried it on photo-feeler and it scored 8.8 out of 10 for attractiveness - surprisingly, as I was expecting a much lower score. Results with using it as main photo on apps were not that great though. The ocean photo with sunglasses seems to perform better. Anyway, I am thinking of eliminating 3 and 6 in the above, regardless of the high photo-feeler scores. I think 4 could have potential if I could edit to get the hairline looking a bit better (lower and denser)

To best compete at my age, I’m aiming for the wealthy well dressed guy archetype, e.g. think Roger Sterling in Mad Men, but with a more edge.

So, anyway, recently had a new photographer take about 250 shots. Here are a few that I thought may have potential, in various degrees of editing (me playing around with FaceApp). They still need more editing though.

8 photos in suit

Leather jackets 8 photos

Which ones do you guys like the most? I know they still need more editing. Any suggestions?

I've worked with guys all the way up to 70. It's def. doable to get matches when you're older. I'm biased of course but you're doing the right thing here by working on your profile.

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I like these two.

You look calm, cool, collected. And the water jetpack thing is a cool action shot.

The others are either not well framed or your smile looks too passive and "nice".

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I really like these three. I'd up the shadows on the first 2, and with the third one that's landscape orientation it'll work for Bumble and Hinge. For Tinder, you'd need it to be portrait orientation, which doesn't quite work for this shot, but it's still useable on Bumble + Hinge.

The other ones are too stiff... too posed.

I really like that one I circled. You look natural, relaxed. With the others you seem stiff and unnatural.

In summary, I'd watch youtube photos on candid posing. I don't have anyone specific to suggest... Also as a photographer I take responsibility for how my clients look - if they look too posed I consider it my fault, not the clients'. So I'd try a different photographer that can more effectively direct you.

The best way to vet this is to find their instagram or portfolio and think "does this guy look candid and relaxed? Or does he look stiff and posed?" and if most or all of their clients look candid and relaxed, that's probably because they're good at directing clients.

Hope it helps!
Thank for all the comments so far. This is very helpful. Terrific insights, guys!

My photographer actually recommended practicing the squinch in the mirror before I do another shoot the next time. This will take some effort to learn as I have so little experience in front of the camera, and it’s hard to focus on squinching while also looking relaxed and candid. It’s not something I am naturally good at. But I have got to master it obviously as I don’t want to look wide eyed and fearful in photos.

I may just buy a DSLR with a remote control and practice that way, to try to learn the squinch properly, and get more comfortable in front of the camera in general.

He also said my body language was too stiff and soon had me drinking shots of Tequila to loosen me up (first photographer suggested I drink a glass of wine so booze before shoots seems to be a thing). After four shots, I was definitely feeling relaxed and buzzed, but I agree I still looked uncomfortable or posed in some of the photos.

Good to know that at least some of these have potential, even while there is plenty room for improvement.

Photographer recommended that I

1. Learn to squinch
2. Buy more high quality clothes and accessories - spoil myself.
3. Hire yacht for a shoot.
4. Airport shoot.
5. Models
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
1. Learn to squinch
2. Buy more high quality clothes and accessories - spoil myself.
3. Hire yacht for a shoot.
4. Airport shoot.
5. Models

1) Yeah I agree, I would say there are some great youtube videos ( i posted one in the past but you can easily google one)
2) Yep - especially as older gents, you cannot out compete younger guys from a body game, you can project the status game (which is equally strong) and clothing has to reflect that, your avatar is the older gentleman that has seen everything, been around the world and back, and it's stable like a mountain in the middle of a snowstorm. I know a truckload of 20-30 something that look for a "daddy" figure and love when they deal with a man that has been places
3) Disagree - why? to look "cool" and show you have the money? I think it will attract a bit of the wrong attention you look for, unless that's part of your lifestyle already I would not
4) Yeah why not, shows you are in "business"
5) Not sure why again, to show preselection? it's a bit coming off too hard, especially if don't know how to pose with a female (look at the Vincent Cassell photo, he doesn't lean in, shows confidence around hot women, he is not even touching the back of the other actress lol)
AskTheDom said:
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
1. Learn to squinch
2. Buy more high quality clothes and accessories - spoil myself.
3. Hire yacht for a shoot.
4. Airport shoot.
5. Models

1) Yeah I agree, I would say there are some great youtube videos ( i posted one in the past but you can easily google one)
2) Yep - especially as older gents, you cannot out compete younger guys from a body game, you can project the status game (which is equally strong) and clothing has to reflect that, your avatar is the older gentleman that has seen everything, been around the world and back, and it's stable like a mountain in the middle of a snowstorm. I know a truckload of 20-30 something that look for a "daddy" figure and love when they deal with a man that has been places
3) Disagree - why? to look "cool" and show you have the money? I think it will attract a bit of the wrong attention you look for, unless that's part of your lifestyle already I would not
4) Yeah why not, shows you are in "business"
5) Not sure why again, to show preselection? it's a bit coming off too hard, especially if don't know how to pose with a female (look at the Vincent Cassell photo, he doesn't lean in, shows confidence around hot women, he is not even touching the back of the other actress lol)

Seconded. Great ideas from your photographer for the most part, I concur with AskTheDom's breakdown although I disagree on #5. If done right, shots with models can be solid.

I took this photo of Ed_ last year with a model. The key is that it's chill, relaxed, natural. And that they look cool + comfortable together.

That said, it's very easy to get wrong, so I'd be cautious when going down this route.

To expand on #3, renting flashy things to look cool is the guy version of catfishing. Unless you just want notches on your belt, she'll quickly find out it's not truly you and best case scenario it'll be a point of friction and possible drama.

If you are a guy that hangs out on yachts on a somewhat regular basis (3x+/year) then disregard.
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
2. Buy more high quality clothes and accessories - spoil myself.

Since we are going for high-quality / DLSR photos here, I will co-sign that high-quality pieces photo better than their more affordable equivalents.

This is a photo of me messing around with the Canon EOS RP right after it arrived. With a regular cameraphone the jacket is just a black blob, but with a DLSR the texture and details come out, even in poor lighting.

Regarding #4. The boat pics… I think it’s a good idea. Boat pics are EXTREMELY popular with upper-middle class, office worker types.

I may just buy a DSLR with a remote control and practice that way, to try to learn the squinch properly, and get more comfortable in front of the camera in general

I am doing this myself right now. There’s no better way to get better at this stuff other than iterating and taking a ton of photos of yourself, seeing what works and what doesn’t.
In case it helps anyone else, something else I forgot to mention the photographer said is, as I am nearsighted to wear contacts for photos. Simply removing glasses for photos is not good as then, looking into the distance, eyes appear unfocused and spacey.

I have ordered the equipment Andy recommends in his guide, the Canon EOS RP, lens, and tripod. The remote control was out of stock so I ordered this one which should be compatible

I’ll probably start a log in the private area.