Sunday's Daily Log

I caved. Big time. There was a sizable stash of IG images I had saved on Google and I spent most of my afternoon with them. These images were in fact a massive driver of my usage. So I deleted them.

I wasn’t in the office today (still sick). But I’m dropping my laptop off with IT first thing tomorrow and will ask them to look at my blocking program first thing.

I slept through the night, which is always nice. And my cold is dissipating. I hope to workout Friday and Sunday.

So those projects getting killed means we’re looking at some lower cost ideas to move into production. That includes two that I came up with. It’s a nice little win that’s going to get me some recognition over the next few months.

I was decently engaged at work, but missed some important notes in a meeting. All good, just need to keep marching forward.

Nothing to report here. But I have felt a renewed confidence around women this week and hope to put that into action over the weekend.

Again, nothing here. I’m excited for this weekend’s party.

• Meditate 15 minutes
• Drop off my laptop at work
• Limited tech use tomorrow (I’m spending it with family, so that should be easy)
October 27 & 28

Wednesday night through Friday afternoon was great. I even had my old content blocker up and running again. I do have a small window in the afternoon where certain sites are available—FB, reddit, etc.

Unfortunately, I used this window to edge. I found which content/images were pushing me back into old habits and doubled-down on blocking them. If I have time in the morning, I’ll drop off my laptop at the office (I WFH on Fridays).

Still sick, now with a nasty cough. I plan to lift on Sunday if I'm not visibly ill.

I have a general check-up tomorrow. I’ll mention my upcoming sleep study and look into getting an EKG (heart problems run in my family and I can’t imagine the insomnia has been good on my heart).

I was super active today in my meetings and felt like I’m taking more of a leadership role.

Prototypes for the new projects are coming in, and they look good (but not great). Regardless, it’s something high-profile with my name on it.

Again, nothing to report with staying home sick. Not using porn made me hornier and gave me decent wood throughout the day. I want to get back to that point and use the momentum to approach.

Staying in tonight (I had family stuff the past few nights). I plan to take time to clean my place tomorrow in case anyone comes over for drinks.

• Meditate 15 minutes
• Saturday will be an offline day (save for a select few housekeeping items: confirming my appointment, checking finances)
It’s not working having my laptop at home—at least without blockers. I know I said today was going to be an offline day, but I woke up with that awful cold reeling back. I wanted to find a way to comfort myself, be kind to myself. And I think that’s a valid enough reason to want to veg out for a few hours. Sadly, surfing the web just sent me down a spiral that brought me back to arousing contet.

Two days ago, I dumped a stash that was sitting in my google drive. Then yesterday I had to delete it from my trash. Ultimately those are steps in the right direction. I’m sealing the cracks in the dam, so to speak. Today, I edged for a few hours to content that hit the same notes as what I deleted. Remember: I really don’t watch porn or even nudity. But these days, IG and similar content is so sexualized. Is there really any distinction?

Right, I’m listening to a podcast series on the danger of porn. That’s been helping keep my urges at bay.

I don’t think I’ll be able to get into the office before Monday. I’ll have my blocker set tonight and put my laptop in a drawer. Hopefully, I’ll have a good night sleep and feel better. In the morning, I plan to do some cleaning and maybe go for a walk.

This cold turned into a Covid scare, so I rescheduled my checkup for next week. My last Covid test was negative again, but I’ll keep monitoring it.

Assuming I don’t feel like death when I wake up, I’ll squeeze in a workout.

Nothing to report here. In the back of my mind, I’m feeling some anxiety about lost time and a lot of the mistakes I’ve made in the first few years in my career. But I know that I’m on the right track.

The other day, I told someone sitting next to me at a bar where I worked. She was so impressed and that reaction made my night.

Porn is fucking up my motivation. I realized that if I abstain even just for 36 hours, my cock gets a little harder. There’s not that pain from squeezing it. I’m more confident.

On top of that, I’m realizing how unattractive I feel when I spend hours and hours just surfing the web. Living an active and conscious life, addressing my boredom in a healthy way, is what makes me feel like a man worth spending time with.

The woman I’ve been seeing might be around tomorrow and we may hit some bars for Halloween.

Assuming I’m not exhausted later tonight, I’ll hit that Halloween party around the corner. Just swing through, have a drink and say “hey” to some friends.

• Meditate 15 minutes
• Spend 25 minutes cleaning my apartment tomorrow (Sunday)
• Lift (if feeling better)
Back on track. I’ve decided that I’m going to do Mark Manson’s porn diet: (1) only masturbate once per week (2) to my own thoughts, without imagery (3) of a woman I know (4) but have not slept with.

Terrible night’s sleep (I went out last night for Halloween). But I’m forgiving myself and am going to make everything as comfortable as possible for bed tonight.

Because of this, I did not lift.

I have my tasks for Monday laid out. A few easy wins in the morning.

Nice date tonight, but it ran long and we went our separate ways. She’s coming over Thursday before a weekend trip.

Last night was fun. I made a decent work/social connection that I hope to grow further. Realized that crowded young bars are fun, but not what I always want. I think I want to learn how to navigate them better, but not make them my main outlet.

I got invited to join a board game group today. I’m eager to learn the games and meet new people, but I don’t really need it in my life.

• Meditate for 15 minutes
• Complete work tasks before noon
• Meal prep
Some edging here and there. I’m leaving my laptop at the office tonight which I know will be a huge help.

Another night with little sleep. But I got up early and made the most of my morning.

Based on some of what I’ve learned and how my insomnia presents, I don’t think it’s a health issue like sleep apnea, but rather a reaction to a stimulus and my own mental state surrounding sleep and wakefulness. I do wonder if less time in bed with my laptop will mean less sleepless nights. In short, kick the porn habit, improve my sleep.

Work is going to be slow these next few weeks, which should be good. Big presentation in the morning and then some deliberation from the higher ups about next steps.

I’m setting April 2023 as a potential exit date from this current role and into another one.

I have some freelance work coming in which is nice.

This one woman I’m seeing is proving to be so different from others I’ve been with. Maybe it’s her age? I’ve known she’s been interested in me for a while. We’ve hooked up. But every time we meet up, she’s very hesitant even to kiss. It take a great deal of warm-up to the point where there’s a part of me that feels like she’s lost interest.

This is all just a reminder to keep going forward with confidence. And maybe I should be doing that with more women who “don’t seem interested.”

Bar with my bro last night. Did not get overly drunk which is a huge win—and I didn’t spend a ton of money either. Was really impressed by the bartenders’ charisma, I feel like I learned a thing or two.

Party Friday night and maybe a solo concert on Saturday.

• Meditate 15 minutes
• Finish all work before noon
• Leave laptop at work
Leaving my laptop at work seemed to do the trick. No seeking out arousing content. No edging. Did I have urges? Sure. But with no outlet, I didn’t act on them.

I still want a personal computer—and have an old Macbook I’ve been considering getting repaired. But maybe I’ll wait until this issue is further in the rearview mirror before I reintroduce that kind of tech into my home.

I slept through the night, which was great. I still hope that solving porn helps to re-associate my bed with sleep.

I need to start planning out time when I’ll go to the gym. Maybe Friday morning.

A lot of kudos on a presentation I gave this morning. I think my work and talent is being recognized. In a meeting this afternoon, however, I was pretty silent. This is something I’ve always struggled with, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, when I feel a need to talk, I end up blabbering about nothing.

Still, I wish I could have shown off some of my comprehension of the problem.

I also have a renewed urge to work on passion projects. As I continue to get a handle on porn and time management, I’ll dive back in.

Seeing that one woman tomorrow. It should be chill.

Same plans as yesterday.

  • Meditate for 15 minutes
  • Leave laptop at work
  • Talk with boss about future inclusion on projects
Keeping my laptop at work the past few nights has continued to be a success. I do have it at home tonight—without a charging cable. I’ll need to go into the office tomorrow and don’t want to waste battery.

Getting better about getting out of bed when I’m not sleepy. It’s a long road, but I’m learning to trust the process.

I’m still moving forward. My boss is advocating for me on some additional projects. Nothing sexy, but it will keep me busy and learning.

I’m also having some really good discussions about freelance work which should be bringing in some money before the end of the year.

A great lesson in serendipity:

I took myself out to a nice-ish dinner last night. Seated next to me was a cute woman about my age. She was actually almost done with her dinner and she off-handedly mentioned that her side was really good. I knew at that moment she was interested.

I could have chickened out—or said decided she wasn’t my type. But I decided to see where it would go. She ended up sticking around until I finished my dinner. I took her down the street for a drink. She was talkative, the conversation kept flowing. Not really a spark, but I did enjoy her company.

These are the kinds of interactions I want to have. This is how I want to meet women. We’re going out next week and I’m glad just to be back in the game. This is a chance to challenge some of my self-limiting beliefs, turn my brain off and, most importantly, have fun.

I’ve had plans three nights this week. That’s a lot, and I’m enjoying it. But I do want to be weary of overload.

  • Meditate 15 minutes
  • Return laptop to office