Supplement thread


Aug 30, 2021
Avoid mental breakdowns
It's not over until I win
What's up guys. I'm looking to restock on supplements. So far i've used vitamin D, ZMA and multivitamin, but i'm wondering if there are more usefull supplments out there with proven benefits. There's so much information out there it's easy to buy some MEME tier stuff so i'm wondering if any chads in here can provide some information and experiences? MakingAComeback seem to be very knowledgeable with stuff like this so i'm tagging you.

Looking for all kinds of supplements for general wellbeing, but more of a focus on increasing testosterone and penis health/sexual health.

Does brand really matters when buying stuff like this?

let me know what you're doing to increase your wellbeing generally, especially down there!
LETS GO!!!!!


-Refined and tested and the product of deep research, mentorship, and optimised for HIGH PERFORMANCE

General Wellbeing, Mental Health, and Brain Function/Clarity:

-NAC w/ molybdenum (brain function, clarity, performance, mental health: non-negotiable)
-Benfotiamine (brain performance, mental health)
-Lithium orotate (calmness, mental clarity, reducing mental noise)
-Drops: Iodine & Selenium (you can add to your morning coffee - overall metabolism, detoxification of heavy metals, thyroid health)

**Not a supplement, but consuming DHA every day through some form of fish is CRITICAL for the brain and high performance.

Minerals (overall health, these are again, non-negotiable)
-Magnesium orotate
-Magnesium transporters
-Zinc piconate
-Electrolyte blend: drink minimum 120oz of water daily (essential for performance) and in this water, 2 scoops of Ultima electrolyte blend per day and add 1 tsp of celtic sea salt in 2 of the days servings)

The above will cover your mineral basis.

Sexual Health & Drive
-L-Arginine (nitric oxide precursor)
-Fenugreek (testosterone)
-Shilajit (testosterone)
-Creatine monohydrate
-He-Shou-Wu herb


-Ice baths (daily)
-Sunrise & Sunset watching
-Lots of daytime light exposure

The nature practices will do most of the healing for us.

Any questions fire them over but this is the best stack for overall health & function IMO.

Olafsmash said:
Looking for all kinds of supplements for general wellbeing, but more of a focus on increasing testosterone and penis health/sexual health.

The idea of taking supplements is at best overrated and at worst useless.

Increasing testosterone is a flawed idea for the vast majority of men — they've been sold on the fact that their testosterone isn't "good enough", just like women have been sold on their bodies not being good enough. The reality is that most men who think they have low testosterone don't, and assuming one's testosterone is in normal range, for any legal ways it can be increased, the small amount the number goes up isn't going to make a lick of difference for general lifestyle markers. If you're concerned, go to a lab and get your testosterone levels checked.

Similar for sexual health, if you're not having any issues, you're likely not going to see any difference from supplementation that isn't just placebo.

The only supplements I take are fish oil for Omega-3 (though per MAC I now try to eat salmon as often as possible) and vitamin D in winter months here in New York City. I also second creatine monohydrate as the one of the only exercise supplements that has real, proven effects.
Out of all the things I've tried over the years, the only thing I'm considering necessary are zinc,magnesium, creatine and fish oil.
pancakemouse said:
Similar for sexual health, if you're not having any issues, you're likely not going to see any difference from supplementation that isn't just placebo.
This is simply false, I myself take copious amounts of L-citrulline (for gym pump as well as a pump in other places...) and fenugreek. The latter noticeably reduces the refractory period.
Holden said:
pancakemouse said:
Similar for sexual health, if you're not having any issues, you're likely not going to see any difference from supplementation that isn't just placebo.
This is simply false, I myself take copious amounts of L-citrulline (for gym pump as well as a pump in other places...) and fenugreek. The latter noticeably reduces the refractory period.

That's why I said likely not, individual experiences may vary as human beings have large genetic variance in our biochemistry, gut makeup, individual chemical deficiencies, etc.

I would not make any conclusions about any substances without a blinded self-study a lá Gwern: I'm extremely skeptical that most non-deficiency-correcting supplements "work" over a medium or long-term basis simply due to our understanding of biological stasis and trade-offs.
Supplements are what they are, supplementing something that you can't get naturally from your diet/lifestyle

I myself supplement mainly with minerals and fish oil, sometimes vitamin D and K when in winter and staying long hours indoors.

About the performance, I could write a book as I think I tried pretty much everything under the sun, but if you don't take care of the basics (eat well and hit the macros, sleep 8hrs +, daylight, lift heavy) no supplement will give you a single benefit.
This thread spurred a bit of research and re-reading back into my notes today, especially around the idea of deficiency testing.

There is no reason to take common supplements, such as those found in a multivitamin, unless you are actually deficient. Otherwise you're just going to be urinating your money.

The problem is that it's difficult to define what "deficiency" is and how to measure it.

The most common way is a blood test, the one your doctor might order where you get blood or urine drawn and they measure the levels and compare them against reference ranges. The issue with this is that it's only looking at static levels compared to a population average. Your body might be able to utilize different amounts of micronutrients than the population average, so you might get a low readout, when in reality you're fine.

A different test, SpectraCell, flips this on its head: they measure the functional level and capability of micronutrients within the white blood cell, where metabolism happens, thus solving the issue of individual variability.

So if you're going to get anything, I recommend SpectraCell. Apparently it's like $190.
I take vit D and creatine

Lean more towards Pancake's views here overall

But there doesnt seem to be much of a risk profile for a lot of the supps, just unnecessary expense at worst

Granted i remember when Craze pre-workout was found to have amphetamines in it so find trusted sources
We're a dating/men's improvement forum and nobody replied "a health dose of pussy" yet. Shame on all the guys who aren't in monk mode.

I take:

Aged garlic extract
Beetroot powder (for the nitrates)
Vitamin k2/ d
Beef liver dried capsules
Multi (I rotate brand)
And a calm support supp with 5-htp/gaba and herbs for calmness
Iodine (sea kelp)
As a couple others have mentioned supplements really work well when you’re deficient. I think too many people in the world waste alot of money on supplements when it’s pharma stuff that really makes the difference lifestyle wise. What I take:

- 1 multivitamin with 100% RDA of 26 minerals/vitamins
- 4g Fish oil ((1.3G EPA, 1g DHA)
- 250mg L-theanine with 50mg caffeine (as a nootropic when working hard)

Lifestyle enhancers
- 500mg Berberine 1x a day with higher carb meal (to control blood glucose levels - 2x on cheat days)
- 0.25mg Melatonin 45 mins before sleep (improve sleep)

- Cialis 2.5mg 4x week + extra 2.5mg before meeting a girl (sexual performance + vasodilation for heart health)
- Finasteride 2.5mg 3x week (maintain hair, protect prostrate)
- T4 Levothyroxine 50mcg x day (optimise thyroid levels for energy, metabolism)

If you want to increase Testosterone naturally I would recommend using Enclomiphene 12.5-25mg 3x week.
lots of stuff here to chew on, thanks guys
Does anyone have an info/experience on the difference between creatine and Betaine?

I'm looking to buy some supplements, I listened to the Caleb Jones recent pod on vitamins, made some notes, hopefully someone will get value out of it.

Calebs Stack
Vitamin C 1000 x2
DIM - regulates estrogen
Vitamin D 10,000- “mini trt”
Chromium perconinate - insulin
Metformin - insulin
Zinc 20mg
Salmon omega 3 - 1000 x2
Vitamin E - antioxidants
Beta creatine

Mr Jones takes vit C and vit D 2 times a day.

Big takeaway consume vitamin with food that has fat. “If you don’t you’ll just piss them out”.

Mr Jones has moved to injecting certain vitamins to gain better absorption rates.

My List
Vitamin C - ✅
Vitamin D - ✅
NAC - ✅
Magnesium - ?
Creatine - ✅
Glucosamine -✅
Citrulline Malate - ✅

Magnesium is confusing, with the different names. If I don't research/make a decision by tomorrow I will not buy magnesium.
I've heard about Tyrosin, that would regulate dopamine or something and that would be helpful for addicts. I'll try that soon
I would add to Pancake's take and point out it's an open secret in the supplement industry that what you're buying is way too often the wrong dose, or in cases of many herbal supplements the wrong supplement entirely. Herbal supplement from China = lol.

There are vanishingly few reliable supplement brands.

Vitamin D is the shit in theory but when studied just keeps dissapointing us. Takeaway: Get some actual sunlight in the summer months, in the morning for circadian health and midday for vitamin D. You want a testosterone supplement that actually works? Sunlight. I think one old study tested UV light on the chest or something and found crazy results.

If you take Vitamin D might as well take K2 for the synergy. The best D supps include it anyway.

Omega 3 is the shit. For mental health and more. Better absorbed from Salmon (eat the skin, it's where most of the omega 3 oils are), for bonus points eat it with turmeric and black pepper for absorbtion.

Vitamin C is overblown but cheap and hard to overdose on so knock yourself out.

Creatine Monohydrate, sure. Well studied, mental and physical benefits.

Zinc helps sleep. Nuff said.

Coffee and green tea. I know it gets clicks on youtube videos to say otherwise, but they aint gonna kill you. A cup of coffee isn't a steaming cup of pure caffeine. It's a complex antioxidant rich drink with numerous health benefits.


I guess there's a few more with fringe benefits but honestly it's not about benefits, it's about magnitude of that benefit.

I see interviews from that famous anti aging guy who talks about taking metformin and the latest cutting edge biohacks and he mentions "oh yea I should really fix my sleep".

Fuck you wierd resveratrol guy. Get some sleep, it'll help your health way more than whatever mitochondrial health supplement the biohackers are flogging this week.

"Oh yea let me tell you about all these mechanisms we're theorising about".


My take:

-Good friends (relationships are the number one predictor of happiness)

-Sleep and circadian health (sunlight!)


-Diet (don't be deficient in stuff, get enough protien)

-Sex with multiple partners you find attractive (shown to improve testosterone)

-Gut health if you want

hush said:
I've heard about Tyrosin, that would regulate dopamine or something and that would be helpful for addicts. I'll try that soon

Tyrosin is freaking awesome

I can't really explain why, I have no idea. I can sustain focus for hours, I feel good. Dunno if it's just life that has been good lately or Tyrosin, in doubt I'd suggest everyone overdoses Tyrosin

edit: it's definitely the tyrosin