T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log


Jul 28, 2021

I haven't posted in ages, but since I've dealt with AA and the can of worms that comes with it... I'm in a position whereby I can cold approach (almost) any chick, be direct and create a conversation out of nothing without too much issue.

My sticking point is inconsistency, by this I mean some weeks I'll be lazy and do fewer approaches than what I set out to achieve. I'll approach anywhere between 5-20 per week on average.

The goal now is to be more consistent with cold approaching and eventually form a habit of doing at least 20 per week whether I'm tired, It's raining, I don't "feel" like it, blah blah blah... *insert any other avoidance weasel which seems rational to the ego*

The purpose of this log is to document my cold approach daygame journey, to look back and reflect on where I've come from and determine whether or not I'm improving over time. I'm still very much a beginner -I've been inconsistently cold approaching for about 4 months now and have probably done about 200~ in total.

28/07/2022 --- [4/20]

Felt tired and apathetic going into this one, met my wing. We walked and talked for a bit then got started, did 4 approaches in 45 mins.

[4] approach, [3] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number
1. Blonde 7/10. Fucked up front stop, delivered direct compliment, she thanked me and walked away.
2. Brunette 8/10 with great ass in booty shorts, delivered compliment, 2-3 minute conversation, went for the close – rejected.
3. Blonde 7/10. Followed for too long, fucked up the stop because we were approaching stairs and I couldn’t be assed to go down them, delivered direct compliment, she thanked me and walked away.
4. Brunette 7/10. Front stopped, delivered compliment and started talking, she stayed silent with a confused look on her face then walked away lol.

Takeaways: Front stop needs to be more on point
29/07/2022 --- [6/20]

Did two approaches while running errands today.

[2] approach, [2] blowout, [0] conversation, [0] number
1. Petite latina in a miniskirt 7/10. Approached from the side, direct compliment. Gave me an eye roll, said something in spanish then walked away lol.
2. Blonde in orange dress 6.5/10. Front stopped, delivered direct compliment. "This is the wrong place for that" and walked away.

Was gonna stay out for some more but after those two relatively negative blowouts I just called it off, we live to fight another day boys. :cool:

Takeaways: Better stops needed and a more positive vibe
31/07/2022 --- [14/20]

Met a couple of mates/wings and did 8 approaches out in the city today.

[8] approach, [5] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number
1. Brunette worker 6/10, good stop, direct compliment, chatted for 30 seconds then got hit with the BF line.
2. Blonde 8/10 in gymshark top/yoga pants. Stopped her, direct compliment, teased her about how she looked like she was about to run a marathon, small talk about gym and other stuff for 4-5 mins. Number closed.
3. Brunette 7/10. Good stop, direct compliment, 2-3 minute conversation. BF objection.
4. Brunette 7/10. Stationary at bus stop, Approached with direct compliment, she looked at me for a sec and said "that's really weird". There were a group of black girls watching me do the approach and the awkward silence of the bus stop made me eject, she wasn't into it anyway.
5. Brunette 6/10. Fucked up the stop, blowout.
6. Blonde 8/10. Bad stop from the side as she was about to go through train station barrier. Direct compliment, she thanked me and walked through. Should of moved faster but fuck it, atleast I went for it, she knew what I wanted and she could have stayed for a minute and chatted if she was at all interested.
7. Brunette 6/10. Direct compliment, 2 minute conversation. BF Objection.
8. Brunette 6/10. Bad stop, Direct compliment, thanked me and walked away.

Decent session overall, got the number from the hottest girl I saw which made up for the blowouts/rejections. I'll text her later and see what's up.

Takeaways: Wing mentioned I need to make sure i'm smiling more when I open so I don't come across so serious.
04/08/2022 --- [3/20]

Did 3 while I was out and about today

[3] approach, [2] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number
1. Brunette 7/10, stopped her, direct opener. Chatted for 2 mins then got the BF line.
2. Asian 7/10, stopped her, direct opener, thanked me but said she was married.
3. Brunette 6/10. Approached from the side, direct compliment, she looked confused then walked away.

Takeaways: Need to smile more and stop making excuses, realistically I could of approached atleast 7-8 today but I let them slip past. Put it down to probably being a bit tired
06/08/2022 --- [11/20]

Met up in the city with two wings/mates. Did 8 approaches in 2 hours. No blonde was safe today.

[8] approach, [3] blowout, [5] conversation, [1] number
1. Tattooed brunette 7/10. Saw her standing around at the train station, approached, direct compliment, she thanked me, tried to continue conversation but she was walking away.
2. Italian blonde in red dress 8/10. Saw her on the street but it was packed. Ended up following her into a shop, direct compliment. Chatted for 2 mins, tried to close, BF objection.
3. Blonde 6/10. Front stopped, direct compliment, she thanked me and walked away.
4. Blonde 8/10. stood against wall, approached, direct compliment, 5 min flirty conversation, tried to close. BF objection.
5. Blonde student 7/10. in the mall on her phone, followed her for 2 mins to wait for her to get off, opened, direct compliment, chatted for 5 mins, Number closed.
6. Blonde in yoga pants 7/10. Outside mall, front stopped, direct compliment, chatted for 1 min, could feel she was slipping away, tried to close. Said she was leaving on the way back to london.
7. Blonde 7/10. Stopped her in the train station, she thought it was some weird joke at first and she was on camera or something. I stayed in the set to ground it a little bit, turned out to be a fun 5 minute conversation, tried to close. She was married.
8. Blonde 8/10. Tried to stop her from the side before she went through train station barrier, direct compliment, she thanked me and walked on through barrier.

Takeaways: Some conversational fuck ups I'm reflecting on now.. "should of said this... should of said that... blah blah..."
07/08/2022 --- [18/20]

Met wing, did 7 approaches.

[7] approach, [2] blowout, [5] conversation, [0] number
1. Jailbait brunette in pink booty shorts 8/10. Knew this one was going to be borderline, stopped her, direct compliment, joked about how she looked like she had a shopping addiction as she was carrying like 3 bags, chatted for 2 mins, she was into the conversation but turned out to be 17 so I left.
2. Brunette 7/10. Front stopped, direct compliment, chatted for 5 mins. Asked her out, said she was leaving town today but said I made her day.
3. Petite brunette in green yoga pants 8/10. Saw her coming out of an anime store, stopped her, direct compliment, accused her of being an anime nerd and she probably had a stash of hentai mags under her bed, she was giggling, talked for 2 mins, tried to close, BF objection.
4. Blonde 7/10. Tried to front stop, she just walked around me lol.
5. Brunette 6/10, Stopped from the side, direct compliment, chatted for 5 mins, BF objection.
6. Blonde 7/10. Street was packed and I couldn't get in front for a front stop, went in from the side, she looked at me then sped up walking lol.
7. Tattooed Ginger 8/10 with a great ass in jean shorts, Front stopped, direct compliment, joked about her tattoos and how she's probably in some sketchy biker gang, shook her hand and held it for 10 seconds, small talk for 5 mins, tried to close, BF objection.

Takeaways: Got to start sooner, ended up walking around for 30 mins with wing bantering instead of approaching, probably let 3-4 hotties slip past
11/08/2022 --- [1/20]

Went solo to check out a new city, walked around for 45 mins. Saw 4-5 girls I was interested in, committed to 3, 2 got away, approached 1.

[1] approach, [0] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number
1. Brunette 8/10 in green miniskirt, front stopped, direct compliment, 2-3 min conversation, tried to close. BF objection.

Takeaways: Could of made more of an effort to approach the few hot girls I did see, hesitated and left it a little too late and let them escape - one into a taxi, other in a restaurant. Overall I don't rate this city (Coventry for anyone wondering) too many twinks, fatties and rainbow flags.
16/08/2022 --- [5/20]

Wasn't in the mood today, decided to go out regardless and do some approaches, met couple of wings and did 5 in 1 hour 20mins

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. Blonde 7/10, couldn't get in front so tapped her on the side, she looked at me and sped up walking lol
2. Brunette 8/10, front stopped, direct compliment, she thanked me, tried to stack forward, she was slowly moving away. Should of continued to talk but I just left
3. Brunette 6/10, front stopped, direct compliment, turned out to be Ukrainian, talked for 5 mins, tried to close, she wouldn't give the number but suggested instagram, I said nah and left.
4. Brunette 6/10. front stopped, direct compliment, talked for 5 mins, tried to close, this one again suggested instagram but I was adamant that I was taking the number and not IG, she accepted.
5. Black hair 7/10. Stopped from the side, direct compliment, chatted for 2 mins, tried to close, BF objection.

Takeaways: My vibe was shit today and it definitely came across in the interactions, on the plus side my wing said my body language was much better and said I looked "unreactive" which is good I guess.

Planning on getting a dictaphone and mic to try and record some of these approaches for my own feedback/reflection and to see what I'm doing wrong. Could even upload the audios on here. Lemme know if you guys would like that and think its a good idea.
21/08/2022 --- [8/20]

So tired today, stayed up last night to watch UFC. Ended up getting 4 hours sleep so not ideal. Went out for an hour and did 3 approaches.

[3] approach, [0] blowout, [3] conversation, [0] number

1. 6/10 asian, front stopped, direct compliment. 3 minute conversation, tried to close. BF objection.
2. 8/10 brunette, front stopped, direct compliment, 1 minute conversation, was on the way to the train station about to leave back to her city.
3. 7/10 brunette, she was stationary, approached from the side with direct compliment, turned out to be russian, 2 minute conversation then she walked away.

Takeaways: Get more sleep lol, it definitely effected my vibe... Also could of tried to close regardless on girls 2 and 3.
23/08/2022 --- [5/20]

Not happy with last week only managed to do 8/20 approaches. Forced myself out today. Did 5 in 2 hours.

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, blown out before I could even get the opener out lol
2. 8/10 Brazilian, front stopped, direct compliment, chatted for 2 mins, mid conversation "I'm in a rush sorry" and leaves
3. 9/10 Blonde, front stopped, direct compliment, chatted for 5 mins, tried to close, she was married.
4. 6/10 Persian, came in from the side, direct compliment, she looked at me funny and walked away.
5. 8/10 Brunette, was about to stop her on the street but she walked into a shop, was about to leave it but thought fuck that I'm going in, found her, direct compliment, said she was married.

Takeaways: Bit of a shitty session to be honest took a while to even get started... wasn't approach anxiety really was more apathy and weaseling out of doing sets that I know I should do.
25/08/2022 --- [10/20]

Met a wing and did 5 approaches in an hour

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [2] number

1. 7/10 Petite indian, front stopped, direct compliment, chatted for 5 mins, number closed
2. 7/10 Brunette, let her slip by on the street, checked myself then followed her into a shop to approach, direct opener, she thanked me but BF objection. Considering it a blowout
3. 6/10 Brunette, stopped from the side, direct compliment, chatted for 1 minute, said she was late for an appointment then walked off.
4. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, direct compliment, thanked me but said she was married, joked about her being too young for that, she laughed and left.
5. 8/10 Blonde, in the train station was heading home, pointed her out to my wing because he only goes after blondes, he said nah, so I did it. Stopped her before going through the station barrier, direct compliment, chatted for 2 mins, number closed.

Takeaways: Decent session overall, let a few opportunities slip by but whatever, can't be on the ball all the time. Maybe could of tried to close girl #3 but meh.
10/09/2022 --- [12/20]

Been recovering from flu so haven't been out approaching, smoked a joint last night too so felt kinda numb emotionally today but it actually worked out nicely because there was less anxiety and I was just in a IDGAF mood which allowed me to throw myself in quickly and build momentum, Met a couple of wings and did 12 approaches in 2 hours.

[12] approach, [11] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number

1. 8/10 Brunette, direct compliment, instant BF objection.
2. 6/10 Blonde, direct compliment, she said 'that's weird', I say 'Yeah? what's weird about that?' she had no response and walked away lol.
3. 7/10 Persian, front stop, direct compliment, "I'm in a rush" and walked away.
4. 9/10 Brunette, front stop, direct compliment, she thanked me, said she was in a relationship.
5. 8/10 Indian, front stopped, direct compliment, said she was too young and walked away. She didn't look it but whatever.
6. 7/10 Blonde, stopped from the side, direct compliment, chatted for 2 mins, tried to close, BF objection.
7. 6/10 Blonde, she was stationary, walked up, direct compliment, she stared at me strangely, tried to carry the conversation but she just ignored me looking at her phone. I left.
8. 8/10 Brunette, tried to front stop, she walked around me before I could get my opener out.
9. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, direct compliment, BF objection
10. 8/10 Blonde, front stopped, direct compliment, BF objection
11. 7/10 Asian, stopped from the side, said she was married
12. 8/10 Latina, tried to front stop but was too close (due to lack of space in crowed mall) and freaked her out a bit lol, she walked away.

Takeaways: Got blown out like a greasy paper bag today, didn't really give a shit though. Went up and said my piece and that's all that matters. Maybe a little rusty socially too from sitting in my flat being sick for over a week. Felt good in the end for going out and making an effort anyway :)
24/09/2022 --- [5/20]

5 approaches today out while out and about.

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Blonde, direct compliment, 45 sec convo, bf objection
2. 7/10 Blonde, direct compliment, didn't even acknowledge my existence or make eye contact lol
3. 7/10 Blonde, tried to stop her on the street but she ended up going into a coffee shop, followed her in, direct compliment, 2 mins chat, tried to close, said she was from another city and was going back in an hour.
4. 8/10 Latina, front stopped, direct compliment, 5 min chat, tried to close, turned out she was married.
5. 6/10 Brunette, tried to front stop, walked around me.

Takeaways: Poor session overall, left it too long between sets so couldnt really build much momentum

Probably done 25~ approaches since my last post but only 1-2 a day and some days nothing so not worth posting really.

Did 7 approaches on Sunday with a wing

[7] approach, [2] blowout, [5] conversation, [2] number

1. 7/10 Brunette in the mall, opened direct, she smiles and holds up a ring and said she's married but I made her day.
2. 6/10 Brunette in River Island in the mall. Opened direct, 2 minute conv, tried to close - BF objection
3. 6/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, 3 minute conv, number closed
4. 7/10 Portuguese student, opened direct, 5 min conv, tried to close - BF objection
5. 7/10 Redhead in the trainstation, stopped her, direct compliment, instant BF Objection
6. 8/10 Middle eastern girl, front stopped, direct compliment, 2 minute conversation, number closed
7. 7/10 Blonde, direct compliment, chatted for less than a minute then she said shes in a rush to meet BF and left.

Takeaways: Good session overall, managed to get into lots of short conversations and I can feel myself getting smoother with them. Still made some excuses and let some girls I thought were nice slip past...

Did 4 approaches today while out in the city center

[4] approach, [2] blowout, [2] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Turkish girl I spotted in H&M, opened direct, seemed not really into it so I took the hint and left after a minute of awkward conversation.
2. 8/10 Blonde, approach as she was waiting, opened direct, turns out she was waiting for her husband.
3. 7/10 Latina, opened direct, instant BF objection
4. 6/10 Redhead, front stopped, opened direct, she was shit testing me like mad - Are you drunk, I'm taller than you, do you normally do this, etc. Passed them all by being honest and unnreactive. Chat for 5-6 mins, number closed.

Takeaways: Did the session on a 24 hour fast so was a little sluggish and could definitely feel my brain 'lagging' in conversation lol. Whatever, did what I could. Next.

10 approaches today while out in the city center with some friends/wings for 2 hours

[10] approach, [4] blowout, [6] conversation, [2] number

1. 6/10 Blonde, weak stop from the side, gave me a weird look and walked away
2. 7/10 Brunette, followed her into a store, opened direct, thanked me for the compliment and walked away
3. 6/10 Asian in pink, stopped her in the station, opened direct, chatted for 1 min, was kinda awkward because English wasn't her first language, tried to close, she said no
4. 7/10 Brunette, she was stationary in the station, opened direct, she replied thanks but waiting for boyfriend, I left
5. 8/10 Brunette, opened direct, she thanked me, tried to carry the conversation, could feel her slipping away, let her go after 45 seconds~
6. 7/10 Blonde, opened direct in the mall, she thanked me and seemed interested, we chatted for 2 mins then 2 of her friends show up and she says 'sorry gotta go nice to meet you' before I could try and close.
7. 7/10 Latina milf from Colombia, opened direct in the mall, she smiles and stops, 2-3 min conversation. tried to close, married.
8. 7/10 Blonde with headphones, tried to front stop, she walks around me and says 'sorry in a rush'
9. 8/10 Brunette Lithuanian girl. stopped her in the mall, direct opener, she lights up, joked about her copying my outfit, small talked for 2-3 mins, number closed.
10. 7/10 Student from Kuwait, stopped her in the station, opened direct, had a fun conversation for 5 mins, number closed

Takeaways: Bit of an emotional rollercoaster today, started off a bit rocky with the blowouts and awkward conversations but managed to turn it around at the end with back-to-back number closes with two hotties in the space of 15 mins.

2 approaches today while I was out solo, felt alot of AA today but managed to push through and get 2 done even though I was aiming for 5.

[2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Blonde german student, followed her like a weirdo for a few mins after I'd been walking around for an hour doing nothing but being in my head making excuses. Opened direct, she smiles and seems to enjoy the conversation, she asks questions and seems to invest, we chat for 5 mins, number closed.
1. 7/10 Middle eastern girl, back into the mall after closing the blonde this one past me, I did a 180, stopped her from the side, opened direct, chatted for a few mins, she wasnt giving me much but still tried to close. Was in a relationship.

Takeaways: Had bad AA today, probs put it down to not really being social this week and a bit tired. Also realised how much I'd been using wings as a crutch to boost state making approaches easier. I havent done many solo daygame sessions since 'beating' AA so I'll focus on this a bit more because it needs some work. Doing a long daygame session with a mate on Saturday so looking forward to that.

4 appraoches today

[4] approach, [2] blowout, [2] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Latina, front stopped, opened direct, bf rejection
2. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, 2 min convo before she left for train, number closed
3. 7/10 Blonde, stopped from the side, opened direct, started to talk but she was moving away, just left her.
4. 7/10 Brunette, stationary, appraoched in the station, opened direct, chatted fro 2 mins, trying to close, bf objection.

Takeaways: its so much easier with a wing, felt much better today

7 Approaches today out with two mates in the city center.

[7] approach, [2] blowout, [5] conversation, [2] number

1. 6/10 Brunette, Followed her into TK max, opened direct, instant bf objection.
2. 7/10 Blonde in the station, opened direct, 5 min conversation, tried to close, bf objection.
3. 8/10 Brunette in the mall, opened direct, chatted for 2 mins, she was only here from Ireland with family for two days, suggested we grab a drink before she goes back, bf objection.
4. 8/10 Blonde in the mall, opened direct, chatted for 2-3 mins, number closed.
5. 7/10 Asian with red hair in the station, opened direct, chatted for a few mins, tried to close, bf objection.
6. 7/10 Blonde, outside station, front stopped, opened direct, instant BF objection. Considering it a blowout.
7. 8/10 Brunette in primark, opened direct, ended up talking for 15 mins. Number closed.

Takeaways: Good session overall, hit a bit of fatigue mid session where I didn't approach then had some food and felt better and managed to do some more. Felt very calm during the sets today, very little anxiety - probably because the vibe with friends was good and I felt that carried across into the interactions with the girls.

4 approaches today

[4] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Brunette with a great ass in the station, stopped her just before going through barriers. opened direct, cant remember what I said exactly but it was weak. she enjoyed the compliment but walked away, couldnt even close.
2. 6/10 Brunette australian tourist in the station, fun chat for 2 mins, she mentioned boyfriend but was stood there regardless to talk blew myself out.
3. 7/10 Blonde student outside station, front stopped, opened direct. chatted for 2 mins, number closed.
4. 7/10 Blonde student outside station, she was stationary, opened direct, fun chat for 2 mins, tried to close. BF objection

Takeaways: Bit of self-sabotage today, but atleast I'm recognising it, this is how we grow. The first approach was weak. I left it way too long to approach until she was almost going through the barriers.

Second approach I realised afterwards that I actually blew myself out, she mentioned boyfriend but still stood in front of me, legs crossed with a smile on her face. Could of pushed that a bit further and asked if he's here with her, if not say something like "Well i'm going to be a naughty boy and ask you out before you go back" and atleast let her reject me - watch womens actions not the words right...

Third approach with the student, stop was good, chat was shit. Ran out of things to say and tried to close regardless. Got the number but she's not fully invest. 90% no reply.

Last approach, best conversation of the session, felt like I was warmed up and more comfortable. Conversation was definately the most flirty/fun of the session, maybe should of explored topics further and try to get her to invest. BF objection regardless