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T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log


6 approaches in the home town today with a mate

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Brunette with a nice ass, side stopped in the mall, opened direct, she looks at me strange. I stay in the set and continue talking, then she hits me with the married line.
2. 7/10 Blonde in boots, opened direct, instant BF objection
3. 6/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, 2 minute conversation, tried to close, BF objection
4. 6/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, 3 minute conversation, number closed
5. 6/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, 30 second conversation, married with kids apparently

Takeaways: Good session, took every opportunity I saw. Good feeling about girl #4 - She was giving me all the classic signs of a yes girl, smiling, legs crossed, hair playing etc.
What does your game look like?

When you open direct, you say something like, "Hey, you are very attractive!"
How do you proceed in the conversation afterward?
filbko said:
What does your game look like?

When you open direct, you say something like, "Hey, you are very attractive!"
How do you proceed in the conversation afterward?

It's basically the london daygame model with some GLL screening mixed in. I always open direct then try to calibrate to the girls response.

For example if a girl is in a shop I would say something like;

"Hey, I can see you're very focused on your shopping and I was just on the way out, but I had to come and say you look nice/cute/good and just see what you're like" (with a cheeky smirk)

This is a good one, you're calling out the elephant in the room, which is that she's shopping and this isnt a normal social interaction - This shows social intelligence, also I like to add a time constrain during indoor approaches just so the girl knows im not going to be there for long if she's not interested. The frame I use is - Yes, she's attractive but what else does she have? Is she a cool person, is she fun, is she an boring unfriendly bitch? - That's what you're there to find out.

After opening I'll typically cold read about what she's wearing, her nationally, what she's doing etc. For this example if she's shopping and holding alot of bags, you can tease.

For example...

You: "I bet you're one of those girls that has like 30 pairs of shoes, you must be a shopping addict"

Her: "Haha no I was just looking I promise"

You: "It's ok I can keep a secret ;)... you must be from here"

Blah blah blah... more fun small talk then at some point ask for her name. Shake her hand but hold it.


This will usually tell you where the girls at. If she reluctantly shakes your hand and pulls away fast shes still cold, and you have more work to do. If she just lets you hold it, it's a very good sign and after a bit more investment you can close with something like "It was cool talking to you, lets hang out some time" If yes, take number, if no, move on and do the same thing with the next hot girl.
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
filbko said:
What does your game look like?

When you open direct, you say something like, "Hey, you are very attractive!"
How do you proceed in the conversation afterward?

It's basically the london daygame model with some GLL screening mixed in. I always open direct then try to calibrate to the girls response.

For example if a girl is in a shop I would say something like;

"Hey, I can see you're very focused on your shopping and I was just on the way out, but I had to come and say you look nice/cute/good and just see what you're like" (with a cheeky smirk)

This is a good one, you're calling out the elephant in the room, which is that she's shopping and this isnt a normal social interaction - This shows social intelligence, also I like to add a time constrain during indoor approaches just so the girl knows im not going to be there for long if she's not interested. The frame I use is - Yes, she's attractive but what else does she have? Is she a cool person, is she fun, is she an boring unfriendly bitch? - That's what you're there to find out.

After opening I'll typically cold read about what she's wearing, her nationally, what she's doing etc. For this example if she's shopping and holding alot of bags, you can tease.

For example...

You: "I bet you're one of those girls that has like 30 pairs of shoes, you must be a shopping addict"

Her: "Haha no I was just looking I promise"

You: "It's ok I can keep a secret ;)... you must be from here"

Blah blah blah... more fun small talk then at some point ask for her name. Shake her hand but hold it.


This will usually tell you where the girls at. If she reluctantly shakes your hand and pulls away fast shes still cold, and you have more work to do. If she just lets you hold it, it's a very good sign and after a bit more investment you can close with something like "It was cool talking to you, lets hang out some time" If yes, take number, if no, move on and do the same thing with the next hot girl.

I got it. Just saying you are cute is not enough and it should be combined with some situation opener.
Then some small talk, asking for a name, shaking hands, and number close.

I will try to keep it simple because I am a beginner :)

I got it. Just saying you are cute is not enough and it should be combined with some situation opener.
Then some small talk, asking for a name, shaking hands, and number close.

I will try to keep it simple because I am a beginner :)

Yup, that's the best thing to do as a beginner - keep it simple and slowly build on it. Trying to do everything at once can be very overwhelming
filbko said:
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
It's basically the london daygame model with some GLL screening mixed in. I always open direct then try to calibrate to the girls response.

For example if a girl is in a shop I would say something like;

"Hey, I can see you're very focused on your shopping and I was just on the way out, but I had to come and say you look nice/cute/good and just see what you're like" (with a cheeky smirk)

This is a good one, you're calling out the elephant in the room, which is that she's shopping and this isnt a normal social interaction - This shows social intelligence, also I like to add a time constrain during indoor approaches just so the girl knows im not going to be there for long if she's not interested. The frame I use is - Yes, she's attractive but what else does she have? Is she a cool person, is she fun, is she an boring unfriendly bitch? - That's what you're there to find out.

After opening I'll typically cold read about what she's wearing, her nationally, what she's doing etc. For this example if she's shopping and holding alot of bags, you can tease.

For example...

You: "I bet you're one of those girls that has like 30 pairs of shoes, you must be a shopping addict"

Her: "Haha no I was just looking I promise"

You: "It's ok I can keep a secret ;)... you must be from here"

Blah blah blah... more fun small talk then at some point ask for her name. Shake her hand but hold it.


This will usually tell you where the girls at. If she reluctantly shakes your hand and pulls away fast shes still cold, and you have more work to do. If she just lets you hold it, it's a very good sign and after a bit more investment you can close with something like "It was cool talking to you, lets hang out some time" If yes, take number, if no, move on and do the same thing with the next hot girl.

I got it. Just saying you are cute is not enough and it should be combined with some situation opener.
Then some small talk, asking for a name, shaking hands, and number close.

I will try to keep it simple because I am a beginner :)

Yup, that's the best thing to do as a beginner - keep it simple and slowly build on it. Trying to do everything at once can be very overwhelming and can actually create more anxiety because you think you need do the perfect approach. The perfect approach doesn't exist, its always going to be a little bit awkward and feel a bit strange, especially sober during the daytime

Had a date with this one from 11/03/2023

"6/10 Brunette Ukrainian, Front stopped in mall, opened direct, light conversation for 5 mins, number closed"

Met in the city center, grabbed coffee and just walked around talking for about 45 mins before I left to go train with a friend. Couldn't really build much sexual tension, her english kinda sucked so alot of my jokes didn't really land. Introduced a bit of phyiscally - was playing with her hands and hair a little bit. Not too bothered if I see her again, but I'll try anyway for the reference experience.

Did 3 approaches before the date to warm up a bit

[3] approach, [2] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Black girl, opened direct in the station, chatted for 2 mins then her fat friend came in and started giving me the evil eye. Threw me off a little bit so I just tried to close early, BF objection.
2. 6/10 Blonde in gym gear, messed up front stop, couldnt even get out the opener, she walked around me.
3. 7/10 Latina with a fat booty wearing headphones, front stopped, motioned for her to take them off, opened direct, she just stared at my blankly and didnt say anything, I said she looked like she was lost in her own world with the headphones, mid sentence she just puts them back on and walks away lol

Takeaways: Need to work on group sets, so I can handle scenerio #1 better

2 approaches today in the hometown

1. 8/10 Portugeuse, saw her in the street and didn't have space to front stop, then she went into a shop, follwed her inside, opened direct, she enjoyed the compliment but wasn't giving me much conversationally and refused to shake my hand, tried to close anyway, married.
2. 6/10 Brunette with a fat ass, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for 30 seconds, she was edging away from me and said she needed to go to work. tried to close anyway, BF objection

Takeaways: I was shit conversationally, these were my first social interactions all day. Could of done alot more in the sets but fuck - did what I could at the time and happy I atleast took action.

Just finished my lean bulk, time to get a tan and shredded for summer






11 approaches today in the city with a mate.

[11] approach, [5] blowout, [6] conversation, [2] number

1. 7/10 Brunette in leather jacket in the mall, front stopped, opened direct. talked for 2-3 mins shook her hand and held it. Number closed
2. 6/10 Middle eastern in mall. Front stopped, opened direct, enjoyed the compliment but walked away.
3. 7/10 Middle eastern in mall. Front stopped, opened direct, stared at my blankly for a few seconds, said she was seeing someone and walked away.
4. 6/10 Brunette in primark, followed her outside, stopped her before she crossed a road. Opened direct, she seemed to enjoy the short conversation, tried to close but she said she wasn't looking for anyway at the moment.
5. 7/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, instant BF objection
6. 6/10 Ukrainian in the station, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for 2 mins, number closed
7. 7/10 Blonde, side stopped, opened direct, she just walked around me.
8. 6/10 Redhead, walked up, opened direct, awkward conversation for 3 mins, wasn't really giving me much. Tried to close, BF objection
9. 9/10 Brunette, tried to front stop, she walked around me, tried to stop her again, completely blanked me. Tried another time get her attention, she turned around and walked in the other direction LOL.
10. 8/10 Brunette in mall, opened direct, chatted for 30 seconds, then got the lesbian line... what a waste she was cute.
11. 6/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, instant BF objection.

Takeaways: Thought it was a good session - My stops were good, pretty much did everything I could under my control today. Maybe let 1 or 2 girls slip past but whatever.

2 approaches in the hometown at lunch break

[2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [0] number

1. 6/10 blonde, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for about a minute. Seemed like she was trying to get away. Tried to close regardless BF objection
2. 7/10 blonde, front stopped, opened direct, same as the last one pretty much, tried to close. Not interested

Takeaways: These were my first social interactions of the day so conversation felt clunky and my game was off, should have listened more and gone deeper on topics they gave me instead of asking another question. Also felt like I was speaking too fast

Easter monday daygame rampage, 14 approaches in city center with a mate over about 4 hours.

[14] approach, [8] blowout, [6] conversation, [2] number

1. 7/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, turned out she was 16. Made a joke about feeling weird now, she thanked me anyway for the compliment, I left.
2. 7/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, instant BF objection
3. 6/10 Blonde, tried to front stop, just completely blanked me
4. 7/10 Brunette, side stopped in the mall, opened direct, BF objection
5. 7/10 Blonde, side stopped in mall, opened directed, chatted for about a minute then hit me with 'going to meet my BF now'
6. 6/10 Blonde standing outside mall with such a bitchy look on her face lol. Opened direct, she smiled but waiting for BF.
7. 7/10 Spanish brunette with nice ass in primark, opened direct, chatted for 3-4 mins. There was quite alot of sexual tension, I held her hand. Tried to close...

Me: "you're cool, lets hang out sometimes"
Her: "As friends sure"
Me: "The lion and gazelle cant be friends ;)"
Her: "But I have a BF"
Me: "No worries" and left

8. 8/10 Blonde on the street, front stopped, opened direct, she just replies 'no' lol
9. 6/10 Brunette, tried to side stop because street was packed, looked at me weird and walked away lol

Vibe was dropping off here so decided to take a food break and recharge.

10. 6/10 Asian, front stopped, opened direct, 2 mins conversation, number closed
11. 6/10 Indian, front stopped, opened direct, instant BF objection
12. 7/10 Middle eastern, front stopped, opened direct, she immediately lights up, 5 mins conversation with lots of touching, number closed.
13. Didnt log this one down for some reason but nothing happened
14. 7/10 Blonde, tried to side stop in the mall, she just walked away.

Takeaways: Emotional rollercoaster today, lots of rejection. Two numbers though towards the end so we'll see what happens with those. I almost quit after approach to nowhere #9 but my wing being the legend he is, talked me into staying for some more.

Maybe could of closed girl #7, she was giving me all the signals of being interested. I should of been a bit more persistant and said something like "I dont want to be your BF, but I would like to take you out and maybe ill try and kiss you"

Had fun in the end, onto the next one!

Few approaches in the city with a mate today before a date

[2] approach, [1] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Brunette in gym gear, tried to side stop in the mall, immediately blown out
2. 7/10 Black haired bulgarian with shades, 3 mins convo, quite alot of sexual tension, held her hand. Tried to close, turned out to be in a relationship

Date with this one from my previous post

"12. 7/10 Middle eastern, front stopped, opened direct, she immediately lights up, 5 mins conversation with lots of touching, number closed." from my previous post

Date report:

Met at the station, took her into cafe nero. She's a nightshift nurse and had work in an hour. We sat at the back, she sat opposite me initially but after some conversation I told her to sit next to me, kissed her, it got pretty intense I was touching her tits as I was making out with her. There was a bald guy sat across from us watching it all lol. Eventually they closed and we got kicked out, realised we'd been in there almost 3 hours and she was 2 hours late for work.

Takeaways: Doing just those two approaches felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders before the date, really pleased I did them. For any guys that get nervous before dates I'd recommend doing a few cold approaches first to put you in that nothing to lose/fuck it mindset
You're in very good shape mate - did you do cold approach before you got into that condition? Did you see a change in results from it for the positive? I'm deciding whether to bother gymming consistently to help out with daygame.
Renton said:
You're in very good shape mate - did you do cold approach before you got into that condition? Did you see a change in results from it for the positive? I'm deciding whether to bother gymming consistently to help out with daygame.

Thanks mate - no i've only been cold approaching for less than a year but I've been in the gym for almost a decade now 5x a week. So I can't really say as to whether it helps or not because i've no reference point of not being in shape if that makes sense.

In the UK 8 months of the year you cant show off a good physique initially due to shit/cold weather anyway, so it'll be interesting moving into summer where i can wear tank tops/t shirts to see if my stats improve.
Renton said:
You're in very good shape mate - did you do cold approach before you got into that condition? Did you see a change in results from it for the positive? I'm deciding whether to bother gymming consistently to help out with daygame.

Improving your looks will always have a beneficial effect in every possible way of meeting women.

Imagine a 300lbs guy doing cold approach vd chris hemsworth (with same level of game) who would you reckon gets the most and hottest girls?
Second date this one yesterday

"12. 7/10 Middle eastern, front stopped, opened direct, she immediately lights up, 5 mins conversation with lots of touching, number closed."

We met in town. wanted to take her to 200 degrees but it was shut, ended up in the back of cafe nero again, talked for 30 mins, started making out. After a while I said I think we should go somewhere a little more private, she agrees. We catch the train back to my home town.

Once shes in my flat we chill for 15 mins, start making out again on the sofa which escalated to sex, fucked her twice then chilled ,watched a horror movie and shared a pizza, then I let her stay over for the night
kratjeuh said:
Renton said:
You're in very good shape mate - did you do cold approach before you got into that condition? Did you see a change in results from it for the positive? I'm deciding whether to bother gymming consistently to help out with daygame.

Improving your looks will always have a beneficial effect in every possible way of meeting women.

Imagine a 300lbs guy doing cold approach vd chris hemsworth (with same level of game) who would you reckon gets the most and hottest girls?

I'm aware of that dude. You're talking to a guy who has been doing cold approach for a good while. However I'm asking whether in Tony's specific case it made a large difference before / after. But it seems he was in this shape prior to starting daygame anyway so it's a moot point.

1 approach in town today with a mate before a date

[1] approach, [0] blowout, [1] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Ukrainian, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for 3-4 mins, number closed

Second date with this one from 11/03/2023

"6/10 Brunette Ukrainian, Front stopped in mall, opened direct, light conversation for 5 mins, number closed"

Date report: Met in town, took her to my special corner in cafe nero. Talked for 30 mins, was playing her hands then told her to sit next to me, she wouldn't. Left to get my train, she walked with me. Tried to kiss her, got the cheek. Stayed unreactive and made joke out of it "That's not what I was aiming for ;)" talked for another 10 mins, tried again and got the cheek. Stayed unreactive just talked for a bit more, then gave her a hug and left.

Takeaways: Did what I could, atleast she knows my intent, and I feel good that I went for it and didn't hide my dick. I'll invite her out again in a week or so directly to my hometown and see what happens.

6 approaches today in town with a mate

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Asian, front stopped, opened direct, 30 second conversation then she makes and excuse and quickly leaves
2. 8/10 Middle eastern, tried to front stop, immediately blown out.
3. 7/10 Brunette brazilian, front stopped, opened direct, 5 mins conversation. Number closed
4. 6/10 Blonde, side stopped in mall, opened direct, 2 mins conversation, BF objection
5. 7/10 Blonde, tried to side stop in mall, looked at me weird and sped up walking lol

Takeaways: Decent one today

5 approach in town today before a date with the ukrainian from 19/04/2023

"6/10 Ukrainian, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for 3-4 mins, number closed"

[5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Asian, front stopped, opened direct, 30 second conversation, "sorry gotta go" and leaves
2. 7/10 Brunette brazilian, front stopped, opened direct, 5 min conversation, number closed
3. 7/10 Middle eastern, tried to front stop. "sorry in a rush" walked around me.
4. 7/10 Blonde in mall, tried to side stop, looked at me wierd and sped up walking lol*
5. 6/10 Blonde in mall, side stopped, opened direct, 2 mins convo, tried to close, BF objection

Date report: Took her into a coffee shop, wanted seats at the back but ended up sitting opposite her on the side... great. Talked for about 45 mins kept it light and fun. Got up to leave, she walked with me. Tried what Andy recommends and just said 'kiss me' after some prolonged eye contact and it worked lol. Made out briefly then left. Will I see her again? sure. Will I care too much if not? not really

Takeaways: good daygame and date experience today