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The LooksMaxxing Mega Thread: How To Become A Better Looking Man

Unless you have a visible four-pack, you don't know what your bone structure looks like because it's still sheathed in lard. So I think these plans are premature until you really get down and see what you're working with.

Besides that, you're overestimating the levels of improvement the interventions listed will offer.

-Rhinoplasty will be a bit of improvement. It's often coupled with a chin implant to further give the illusion of a smaller nose. This is the surgery Persian girls and guys get around sophomore year.

-Buccal fat reduction is to be avoided at all costs. You have deficient orbitals (like me); without that supporting tissue in the cheeks, your skin will drag down. Furthermore, if you get uneven levels of extraction or swelling, you'll have to deal with having a face that's now lopsided due to asymmetry.

-Buccal fat reduction also cancels out the one benefit of being brown cucked: if we keep our hair and don't get fat, use tret, and get a couple procedures if needed, we age beautifully. If you take care of yourself just right you're going to be 55 and looking 35.

-Tattoos don't automatically improve SMV; bad tattoos tank SMV harshly. It's important to have some kind of aesthetic sense or taste before you choose.

-If you really want drastic improvements in SMV through intervention, it's all about jaw surgery in the lower region and lower bleph / build-up of the orbital area.
Hmm. Good posts gents.

Alright. Will shelve further thought on this.

I actually want tattoos, though. I think they're cool.

The rest, I do accept, I will have to consider when I am 12% BF.

My body recomp coach, is really good. I am a hard worker, as you know, and we will get there. it is a process - he wants me to get a hell of a lot stronger before we shed down. I expect it will be 6-9 months before any cutting takes place.

Considering the posts above, I can put this out of my head for this duration. Furthermore, my facial structure, isn't bad when I am lean. Here is a picture of me at 21, when I was in the rave scene, and developing mental illness through a lifestyle of drugs, super late nights several times a week, and dealing with my anxiety around women:

I was very skinny and lean. But, I looked fairly decent. Bad style, but this was a popular and well liked guy, who most people on campus saw as a cool dude, I was at all the parties and what not. The substance use, really destroyed me, and sped up the development of my underlying anxiety, until these got out of control.....

Right now, I am 20% bf. We can't judge my overall potential for facial attractiveness just yet, but we can be honest about my looks being not very good right now. We are mature men; this is OK. I am humble and open to feedback, and I am working on it.

I will shelve the discussion of surgery for my case, but I will press on with tattooing research.

I will share updates here when I have more detailed plans.

klondike said:
Tattoos don't automatically improve SMV; bad tattoos tank SMV harshly. It's important to have some kind of aesthetic sense or taste before you choose.

Agreed. IMO, tattoos don't directly increase SMV, they increase your perceived dominance and masculinity. That increases your SMV if you don't already have it, but does nothing or starts backfiring when overdone. Someone like The Rock did not increase his SMV via getting tattoos.
Zug said:
klondike said:
Tattoos don't automatically improve SMV; bad tattoos tank SMV harshly. It's important to have some kind of aesthetic sense or taste before you choose.

Agreed. IMO, tattoos don't directly increase SMV, they increase your perceived dominance and masculinity. That increases your SMV if you don't already have it, but does nothing or starts backfiring when overdone. Someone like The Rock did not increase his SMV via getting tattoos.

Depends on your archetype and the girls that archetype attracts. I have tattoos (11 of them) and will be getting many more tattoos. Its about adding edge to your look, which will increase your SMV for certain girls. It also polarizes and naturally screens girls. I wouldn't want a girl who thinks less of those with tattoos anyways.

Arm sleaves will give the greatest lift, followed by legs, and if you have a good body, chest and back. Stay away from hands, neck, or face tattoos as those will universally lower SMV (with few exceptions).

They can also cover scars from surgeries or accidents. And if you don't want to get abs, you can cover a slightly high BF stomach with aesthetic tattoos and gain SMV there.

But never, ever, ever, just get tattoos for looks sakes to purely raise SMV. You get the most bang for your efforts by having them reflect your personality. You can become a walking billboard of what's happening insider your head. This makes you intriguing or mysterious.

You can take this further by breaking peoples mental models and being Mr. juxtaposition - having a lot of tattoos and dressing in suits and being a gentleman. I do this sometimes. Any time I wear a nice button up to a semi formal event, I always roll up my sleeves. Yes I kind of look like I don't exactly belong there. That's the point. I stand out and I am confident enough to own it.

Besides, you look cooler naked. And girls love tracing them with their fingers... or tongue.
A lot has been written here about tattoos. As far as the external effect on women is concerned, as with so many things in life, it depends.

I've often thought about tattoos myself, nothing large, rather small motifs here and there. But I'm always worried about whether it might restrict me in my career at some point, but maybe I'll rethink it like so many things. How do you see it? No face, neck or hand tattoos, of course, smaller stuff. People judge you, it is what it is.
