The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

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jay stone

Sep 11, 2021
Hey guys, late night thinking.

I'm writing this now as I'm freezing my nuts off in bed.
I've already stated that I plan on moving to a big city soon with a population of about half a million.
Thats good, but I remembered reading that the best cities for approaching and stuff is a million or more.
Also, these brutal winters pose a serious logistical issue, where the temperature makes some avenues of getting laid impractical.
You guys got any suggestions? Ideal locations?
Just please lemme know if you got any input. Thanks!
Chicago's cold, but it's dope and has the greatest density of pretty girls I've ever seen.

But the question depends more on your archetype, who you're going for, who goes for you, and so on.
Another thing to take into account is competition.

Big cities like NYC, Seattle, and Chicago have more volume, but there are a lot more high value men (athletes, actors, male models, etc)

Meanwhile if you pick a smaller city like Denver or Indianapolis, there will be less volume but not as many high value men.
jay stone said:
Hey guys, late night thinking.

I'm writing this now as I'm freezing my nuts off in bed.
I've already stated that I plan on moving to a big city soon with a population of about half a million.
Thats good, but I remembered reading that the best cities for approaching and stuff is a million or more.
Also, these brutal winters pose a serious logistical issue, where the temperature makes some avenues of getting laid impractical.
You guys got any suggestions? Ideal locations?
Just please lemme know if you got any input. Thanks!

No matter how cold it gets, uni girls still going out every Friday/Saturday night in mini-skirts ;)

I might hit up Tulum for NYE.
Went to Miami in February in 2021 and the weather was perfect.
Austin March 2021 and was too warm but definitely better than too hot.

Half a million sounds fine to me, end of day just live where you enjoy the most.
Nashville is pretty close to that target.
Come join me and arcade_fireee out by LA.
There was a podcast with Derek (mpmd Derek) where the man himself said the top 3 cities for meeting girls are:
1: Los Angeles, California
2: Los Angeles, California
3: Los Angeles, California

In all seriousness, it doesn't make THAT much difference, bars and stuff will still have girls dressed up in them, dating apps still work fine, and cold approach gets a whole new meaning 🙃.

There's a couple guys around here killing it, there's guys everywhere killing it. One of my friends from CA cut his teeth and got his #s up around here. It's certainly possible, just a tradeoff - it's a little harder to run some kinds of game in the winter, but you get an endless selection of really hot girls, concentrated around the bars. Wrigleyville and old town had enormous bars with like two hundred super hot girls (bars are WAY smaller where I'm at).

Question is - do you like living in Chicago, winter and all? Yes? You can make it work. No? Get the fuck out of here while you can.

(also, whereabouts in Chicago? Back in town for a couple days right now).
Miami is the best warm city in the US for daygame (factors: volume, quality, and receptiveness of girls). Nightgame is really tough though.

I might bite my words in a bit, but daygame in NYC still seems totally possible throughout the winter. Especially with (sadly) climate change, it's going to be in the 50s later this week and next.
I think I remember seeing a video of Scotty doing daygame in winter at some point, probably taken down by now
girls still try to dress sexy with fluffy coats and yoga pants and shit.
Definitely possible, they'll just spend less time out and about.

Got on tinder here and definitely remembered there's a solid upside - WAY less competition around here. Around the ca coast I don't get much attention, around here someone said my profile looks like the kind of pictures people make fake profiles with.
jay stone said:
Also, these brutal winters pose a serious logistical issue, where the temperature makes some avenues of getting laid impractical

Totally makes sense to move to bigger cities to game. Especially if you want master this area.

For approaching ideally you have a place where you can approach 15+ girls per hour. But even 10 per hour is ok.

So it's not even necessarily about size, but more about crowding. But guys who are good can make any city work tbh.

Bigger than a million is a good bet.

If you really want solid logistics. Head to the major cities.

New York, Chicago, LA, Toronto, London, etc.

To be clear tho...

As someone who was approaching in -30° and pulling chicks in -5° f. I'm calling a slight level of bull on this.

You can still get laid in the cold.

Harder? Yes.
Impossible? No.

Better to be a bigger city? Yes.
Excuse to do nothing? No.
Squilliam said:
Another thing to take into account is competition.

Big cities like NYC, Seattle, and Chicago have more volume, but there are a lot more high value men (athletes, actors, male models, etc)

Meanwhile if you pick a smaller city like Denver or Indianapolis, there will be less volume but not as many high value men.

Honestly Squilliam.

I disagree 100%.

Bigger cities mean better gaming communities. If I was in a bigger city. Hands down I'd be hanging with other guys that go out regularly and feeding off their lessons and experience and vice versa.

Value can be grown.

Plus this basically saying 'aim low'.

Fuck that. Go for the prize dude. Don't sell yourself short.
Manganiello said:
Fuck that. Go for the prize dude. Don't sell yourself short.
I'm not saying he should do either or. I'm just explaining the potential tradeoffs of each.

I would say I agree with your perspective. I am in a big city and I'm hesitant to move to a smaller city. Wouldn't have access to the same kinds of opportunities
Yea, I could see how some cities would be way more competitive.
I don't plan on moving across states anytime soon, I plan on just doing my thing in my home state, and developing my fundamentals here.

Was just thinking of other opportunities, I've already taken a big ass leap of faith recently. Maybe in the future I'll consider broadening my horizons and take more chances
Dude if you plan your moving location just based on getting laid, you will probably regret that decision very soon. (very soon after you get laid, which is not that big of a feat)

What makes up your life? What do you like?

If you like windsurfing, of course you would not find that in some cold place.
TheGreatTurk said:
Dude if you plan your moving location just based on getting laid, you will probably regret that decision very soon. (very soon after you get laid, which is not that big of a feat)

What do you mean by this?

I'm sure you mean don't sacrifice too much, or something?

There's plenty of people in here who have moved for "greener pastures"

In fact Chris of GLL moved to LA, mostly for picking up chicks.

And tons of guys here are moving/has moved as well.

including but not limited to:
And I'll be doing the same soon.

So not sure if you're seeing something we're not or if it's just an opinion
jay stone said:
I plan on just doing my thing in my home state, and developing my fundamentals here.
that's totally fine, especially if you live in chicago of all places which from my brief visit has enough of everyone's type (saw plenty of whites, blacks, asians, etc etc across the city).

plus you can use the cold months to GET JACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the summer (which you will definitely need to be!!!!)

here's are some stories from a brief trip i had in chicago:

since you stated that you want to "do your thing in your home state and develop your fundamentals here" any further discussion on this thread seems like it would just turn into theory wank (also imo you should have posted this in your log rather than creating a new thread)

klondike said:
Chicago's cold, but it's dope and has the greatest density of pretty girls I've ever seen.
edit: ok apparently i'm failing reading comprehension even in fucking english and it seems like you don't live in chicago and i just mis-extrapolated that from this post

jay stone said:
I don't plan on moving across states anytime soon, I plan on just doing my thing in my home state, and developing my fundamentals here.
i know you might be trying to be low key but it doesn't really help that we have no idea where this is other than vaguely "some midwest state" (if it is illinois, then everything about chicago that i said earlier applies still)

in my case, i did do exactly what you did by "developing my fundamentals" in my "home city" (getting over approach anxiety), and then i realized i was going to quickly run out of volume and there was a better place with 4x the population 2 hours away (i went from chattanooga->nashville, tennessee). i think it's a good idea, and you'll probably be similarly motivated to blast out of bumfuck icefishing-ville once you've been approaching everyday for a while.
TheGreatTurk said:
Dude if you plan your moving location just based on getting laid, you will probably regret that decision very soon. (very soon after you get laid, which is not that big of a feat)

Data point of one but...

Absolutely not true.

Moved to the LA coast two and a half years ago, strictly to get laid, haven't regretted it for a second.
It's not about getting laid once, it's about being ABLE TO when you want and knowing you can.

"not that big a feat"?!? That's 90% the point of this whole site. For a virgin (no idea if he is, haven't read the logs or anything, but for people who are) that's a HUGE deal.
TheGreatTurk said:
Dude if you plan your moving location just based on getting laid, you will probably regret that decision very soon. (very soon after you get laid, which is not that big of a feat)

What makes up your life? What do you like?

If you like windsurfing, of course you would not find that in some cold place.

Gonna have to agree with this guy. Moving cities just to get laid more sounds kind of ridiculous looking at it now, and I asked this same question not too long ago as well so no hate. I still ask myself this question sometimes and I always come to the conclusion that it's stupid as fuck.

Don't get me wrong, move to the city that has 1 million people. That's a solid idea for many reasons. But to say that you would get more girls in LA as opposed to Miami, as opposed to Chicago, idk, I'm not buying it. I kinda feel like girls are the same wherever you go. I think if you moved cities just because you feel like you would get better results, after already having lived in a city, you would end up seriously dissapointed.

But it sounds like you're living in a small town, which is different than what I'm talking about. GTFO of the small town lmao
Well, if you are living in a town of 10k people or so, without any dynamics... Sure, you will get laid more elsewhere.

If you are in a town of 200k with a technical college where 4 guys are chasing a girl (happened to me), move elsewhere.

But if you have a dismal life in Chicago (which is a huge metropolis) and you move to wherever place for whatever reason, you will just fail. You will carry neediness wherever you might happen to move to.

That is what I mean.

Demographics can get you laid more, but it will not give you a life.
TheGreatTurk said:
Well, if you are living in a town of 10k people or so, without any dynamics... Sure, you will get laid more elsewhere.

If you are in a town of 200k with a technical college where 4 guys are chasing a girl (happened to me), move elsewhere.

But if you have a dismal life in Chicago (which is a huge metropolis) and you move to wherever place for whatever reason, you will just fail. You will carry neediness wherever you might happen to move to.

That is what I mean.

Demographics can get you laid more, but it will not give you a life.



I lived in a town of 450,000 for most of my life. There are 2 universities here.

I was a virgin until I was 29.


I moved to London and built a sex and dating life. Population of approx 10 million but importantly, they actually had some receptivenss to my product.

OP, we can cut through the utter noise and bullshit - here, we WIN. Just go win. If your current location isn't working, then you move and find somewhere that does.

Don't listen to any one telling you that you will fail - fuck that, and fuck anyone who tells people such negative things. Nobody has the right to tell you that you will be a failure, and me and you can put both of our middle fingers up to these people and enjoy our massive success together.

If you want success in this life, then you can take it from me as someone who actually has done this work - you CAN succeed.

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