The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

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A man needs sufficient wealth and women in his life so that no one else can control him. Without both he is left perpetually wanting. People move for jobs all the time, why not for dating?
TheGreatTurk said:
MakingAComeback said:

Watch your language please.

You might be of another opinion, but respect is another matter.

Sure. Happy to be mindful of language. Clearly, opinions do not need to converge - many ways to skin the cat.

In return, please don't tell people they will fail.

That is the antithesis of self improvement. This is people's life, and they are TRYING..........

Anyone can succeed. And this chap wants to have a better life for himself. I am sure he'll find a way.

Good luck to you,
colgate said:
any further discussion on this thread seems like it would just turn into theory wank
lmao!!!!! colgate-chan from nippon calls it again

mods plz lock Manganiello Crisis_Overcomer Radical
MakingAComeback said:
In return, please don't tell people they will fail.

1. I have not told anyone that they will fail.

2. We have free speech, and we are all free to say whatever we want within the confines of general respect.

I am free to say what I want, that might include one day that he might fail.

No point in censoring me either.

No further answers on my side.
All good bro, sounds awesome - keep winning.

We've gone WAY off topic. No more, thank you for your understanding.



No one can tell you how to live your life. You wanna move?

Make an action plan.


Life is short, bro.

If you want a good dating life, then GO for it. FIND a way.

It isn't easy, and even bright, capable, good ass men have to move sometimes to get the life they want. Don't worry too much about what the naysayers and people who want to talk you out of your goals and hearts desires have to say, the real ones will tell you the truth, and the truth is, if you seek success and to get a kick ass life, the option to uproot and move is a winning move.

You'll still need to work extremely hard and become solid as a rock. But it's possible. And regardless, if you're not happy and want to make a change, then we can help you do that. For me, personally, moving locations changed my life and unlocked a totally different reality. Sometimes the way you look and present is not going to work in an environment, and that environment is going to be hard to build confidence in. That's by the by - for me the biggest thing is, if you just long for better and to be elsewhere, moving and getting away in and of itself can be success.

But that's for you to decide. Your call in the end. No one here is your master. You are the captain of your own fate.

Wish you well man, really, I do.

TheGreatTurk said:
Well, if you are living in a town of 10k people or so, without any dynamics... Sure, you will get laid more elsewhere.

If you are in a town of 200k with a technical college where 4 guys are chasing a girl (happened to me), move elsewhere.

But if you have a dismal life in Chicago (which is a huge metropolis) and you move to wherever place for whatever reason, you will just fail. You will carry neediness wherever you might happen to move to.

That is what I mean.

Demographics can get you laid more, but it will not give you a life.

Ahh ok that makes perfect sense. And ya I agree.

If you struggle here you'll struggle elsewhere.

I still think it your dream is to move to Miami you should. You don't wanna regret something like moving to your dream place. Even if you realize it's not for you later.

But if it's for life's problems to go away it won't.

You take you with you.
colgate said:
colgate said:
any further discussion on this thread seems like it would just turn into theory wank
lmao!!!!! colgate-chan from nippon calls it again

mods plz lock @Manganiello @Crisis_Overcomer @Radical

Discussions around big decisions like moving to a big city is a good thing.

I won't lock something simply for not being a progress log.

That being said, Ill let this convo resolve. Unless someone else has something meaningful to say.

Also jay stone for questions like this, keep them in your log.

You can change the title of your log by editing the first post you wrote on the log.
Damn, didn't mean for this to blow up lol.
I dont wanna take up unnecessary space in the forum.
Just wanted to clarify, I am moving to a city of about half a million people in a few weeks.
In the meantime, im still cutting weight, talking to girls as practice in my current location, and looking at apartments with the best logistics.

TheGreatTurk said:
2. We have free speech, and we are all free to say whatever we want within the confines of general respect.

I am free to say what I want, that might include one day that he might fail.

No point in censoring me either.

Sure but don't be surprised or get offended if members tear you a new one, if they feel you share theory instead of speaking from experience.

A sexless newbie is welcome to exercise free speech and debate pancakemouse that game is useless. But he better not get butthurt if we tell him he has no clue what he is talking about.

Locking this since OP is moving. Kudos for taking the plunge and actually moving instead of debating for eons
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