The UK wants to make approaching women and sending unwanted texts a hate crime

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Jul 24, 2020
Labour MP Stella Creasy recently called on the Government to make misogyny a hate crime via the domestic abuse bill.

In 2018 Police chiefs were looking at recording misogyny as a hate crime – including incidents of men whistling at women.

Forces were asked to 'consider the case' for monitoring sexist abuse and harassment.

It meant misogyny – defined by police chiefs as 'behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman' – would sit alongside crimes where victims are attacked for their race, religion or sexual orientation.

If agreed, abuse directed at women would be treated more seriously than comparable crimes against men, and could even lead to tougher sentences in the courts.

Misogynistic incidents will include harassment in the street, verbal abuse, unwanted physical approaches, taking photographs without consent or sending unwanted text messages.

Looks like it's time to pull our nutsacks over our head boyos
Can we not post these sorts of politics articles

We'd rather hear what you've been working on in your logs than something about a country you dont even live in
I posted this in the everything else section, but if these threads arent allowed there then I guess you can delete it (I wasnt able to find the delete button)
Meanwhile their save the world, let everybody in politics causes huge uptick in violence and rapes...
Thread is locked

We dont want political discussion threads in general tbh

If guys want to vent about this sort of stuff in their logs im cool with it but no dedicated threads to these sorts of things
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