Thinking of omitting “im not looking for anything super serious” here’s why

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May 31, 2020
I KNOW it’s a screening line.
With that said, it seems some girls are looking for a “romantic date” type experience or at least the “uncertainty” of whether the encounter will lead to something more even though they know you really just probably wanna hook up and not interested in a relationship.

Saying off the bat “I’m not looking for anything super serious” pours cold water right on that female “fantasy”.

I believe this is why GLL Chris and Scotty for example never were upfront like that.

I think it’s definitely worth considering if you’re potentially screening out many beautiful women who wouldn’t be upset if they hooked up with you and that led nowhere since they enjoyed the “potential” of it.

Lmaoooo I’m so trying to justify my reasoning right now haha
Yep, I agree. Girls like plausible deniability when it comes to sex. Plus, in my case, I'm not opposed to something serious, I'm just not going to agree to that unless I really really like her.

I think screening/sexualization is better when done subtly.
Luniac said:
it seems some girls are looking for a “romantic date” type experience or at least the “uncertainty” of whether the encounter will lead to something more even though they know you really just probably wanna hook up and not interested in a relationship.

Warning to all - this is going to very 'theory heavy'.
I just think that these types of discussions about The Pros and Cons of different approaches can be beneficial to people who are trying to find out what works for them.

One of my mates is a 6'4" natural. He lacks technical skill and insight when it comes to game/pick up, but he's probably had 50+ lays (mostly from online dating). Some of the girls are really hot. Stunners.

Based on his experience, he believes that the majority of girls he sleeps with are secretly hoping inside that the sex will become something more one day (from one hook up, to casual but ongoing, to a relationship). This is a guy who lacks technical insight - it's just his own opinion based on his experience. I always keep this theory in mind, as there might be something to it. He also claims that hotter girls often require a lot more time messaging back and forth. Again - this is just his theory.

Explicit vs Implicit (Words vs Behaviours)

As I spend more time with girls, I'm learning to look at their actions, not their words. The women in my life have all stated what they're looking for with their words. But if you look at their actions, there's a mismatch between their words and their behaviours.

For example: 'Girl A' explicitly states she wants a serious monogamous relationship / life partner. For a while, it seems she really does want that. She pursues you as if she wants you to be her monogamous partner.
Then one day, her mood/desire changes for whatever reason, and she doesn't display as much of those behaviours anymore. She starts behaving as if she's more interested in a casual arrangement - even though she never explicitly says it with her words.
The new behaviours might include taking longer to reply to your texts, stating that she wants to go on a holiday to Asia soon (which she knows you won't be going on with her), going out to the bars more etc. She didn't do any of these behaviours before, but implicitly, it's obvious she has 'changed her tune'.

Another example: 'Girl B' states she is in a phase in her life where she really just wants something casual and open. After you sleep with her, she states "When you said you're not looking for anything super serious, I really liked that because I'm in the same boat right now. I have a lot going on with work and study and I just don't have the time".
But then as she starts getting to know you more, she catches feelings and starts doing girlfriend behaviours. Again, another mismatch - even though she never explicitly says it with her words.
Some new behaviours might include: She texts you back quicker, she starts telling you about things going on with her day, she starts inviting you to do more things other than just sex (like go to a movie), she buys you a small gift etc.

My conclusion so far: It really does not fucking matter what you say at the start.

Actually, it does - but in a different way.

You probably wouldn't want to explicitly state "I'm looking for something serious and long-term".

Because even if the girl states (explicitly) that she also wants that, what she probably REALLY means is:
"I'm looking for something serious and long-term, with a high value male who I'm highly attracted to and have great compatibility with - so we should probably meet in person first to see if you're high value and if we have chemistry before even discussing this any further.

Squilliam said:
I'm not opposed to something serious, I'm just not going to agree to that unless I really really like her.

Absolutely. Lets be real - it should take a long time for a girl to become qualified to be in a serious, long term relationship with us.

There's a lot of different schools of thought on how to navigate this grey area of dating. I think they all have their use.

I think you guys should check out BlackDragon's Open Relationship Manual. He's really big on the whole 'Implicit vs Explicit' thing. His take on it, is that you should avoid any 'explicit' conversation about the relationship labels for as long as possible, but 'implicitly' show her through your behaviour what it is that you want (in his case, an open relationship). Based on this approach, there would be absolutely no need to send Andy's text to a girl saying "I'm not looking for anything super serious".

Andy did a video podcast with BlackDragon. Andy mentioned something to the effect of "I'm really big on being honest, so I tell girls upfront that I'm looking for something casual". And BlackDragon replied something like "That's fine, but once you start actually hanging out with the girl, everything changes. She'll still eventually want to have the 'What Are We' talk." Based on my experience, BlackDragon is right about this. It's also possible that a lower percentage of girls will move to the next phase of the interaction (from an online dating match and into a phone number) if you explicitly state you're not after something serious. I'm guessing this is what Luniac might be concerned about.

Some PUA's go for a more sociopathic short-term approach, and just tell the girl whatever she wants to hear so they don't have to navigate any tricky conversations and risk losing the girl. From an ethics point of view, absolutely terrible. But from an efficiency point of view for a short-term mating strategy, it makes a lot of sense. I remember GLL writing an article about this. He had a friend who was unconsciously using this strategy. He would tell multiple girls 'you're my girlfriend' and would treat them as a GF, going on dates regularly and what not. The guy saw nothing wrong with it at all, it was just his instinctual way of keeping girls around and he benefited greatly. FYI - Chris did not condone this behaviour, he was simply sharing his observations.

Personally, Andy's templates have changed my fucking life and I can't believe I got them for free.

One of the things I LOVE about Andy's templates is that it's straight forward and does the screening for you. A lot of the time it doesn't work, but when it does work, holy shit - it works WELL (meaning the date goes very well and the girl will be very compliant all the way through to sex). At the end of the day, that's what we want, right? Compliance!

Andy's template has given me EXACTLY that. Compliance.

My experience with the templates:
  • Match to phone number conversion: Very low (sometimes dishearteningly so)
  • Phone number to lay conversion: Very fucking high - it makes all the wasted matches worth it

Either way, I'm going to keep running Andy's message scripts for a while because it's working out really well for me. But I agree with Luniac that there's nothing wrong with experimenting with different approaches. You would probably want to stick with one approach for quite a while though, before making any conclusions. (Eg, 3 months doing one approach and then coming back to us with your insights).
This is all just mental masturbation.

"I'm thinking of doing..."

Why don't you just message 100 girls and report back what happens?
ImChuckBass said:
Based on his experience, he believes that the majority of girls he sleeps with are secretly hoping inside that the sex will become something more one day (from one hook up, to casual but ongoing, to a relationship). This is a guy who lacks technical insight - it's just his own opinion based on his experience. I always keep this theory in mind, as there might be something to it. He also claims that hotter girls often require a lot more time messaging back and forth. Again - this is just his theory.
I think this is true. Most girls ultimately want a relationship. There aren't many girls who say, "Yeah, I want to have endless amounts of casual sex and never have a boyfriend.". Heck, there aren't many guys who say that either.

You're correct that many girls are not actually saying what they mean. A young 20 something year old girl is new to the world and has no idea what she wants. She might think she wants a relationship, but her actions might be incongruent as a result of not really knowing.

However, I think saying "I'm not looking for anything super serious" unnecessarily closes the door, why not be more vague? Why do you need to tell her upfront that you don't want a serious relationship? Why not leave her wondering and give her some mystery?

ImChuckBass said:
Personally, Andy's templates have changed my fucking life and I can't believe I got them for free.

One of the things I LOVE about Andy's templates is that it's straight forward and does the screening for you. A lot of the time it doesn't work, but when it does work, holy shit - it works WELL (meaning the date goes very well and the girl will be very compliant all the way through to sex). At the end of the day, that's what we want, right? Compliance!

Andy's template has given me EXACTLY that. Compliance.

My experience with the templates:
Match to phone number conversion: Very low (sometimes dishearteningly so)
Phone number to lay conversion: Very fucking high - it makes all the wasted matches worth it

Either way, I'm going to keep running Andy's message scripts for a while because it's working out really well for me. But I agree with @Luniac that there's nothing wrong with experimenting with different approaches. You would probably want to stick with one approach for quite a while though, before making any conclusions. (Eg, 3 months doing one approach and then coming back to us with your insights).
Andy gives some great advice, especially with regards to mindset & overall self improvement. However, I'm not a fan of Andy's templates, and here's why.

I guess this may be less of a consideration for you, because I don't know where your SMV is relative to mine, and maybe you're hotter, but, I think Andy's templates screen too hard.

The hotter you are, the less this matters. But for guys like me who are slightly above average in SMV, and not at the very top, it screens out a lot of girls.

I tried using Andy's template, and I got very few responses. I tried another hard screening template, and I also had pretty subpar results with it. Now, I've switched to a template which screens more subtly. It works decently, and I've gotten a few first date lays since then.

The problem is that Andy's templates screen too hard. Yeah, you might have a pretty high date:lay ratio, but you're likely screening out girls that you could be sleeping with if you took a less direct approach. Granted, you might not be able to sleep with some of those on the first date, but I think there are plenty of hot girls you'd be missing out on that way. I think the girls who are likely to be receptive to that kind of screening are going to be less attractive than you on average.

Basically, you're getting a higher date:lay ratio at the cost of potentially losing out on lays you could be getting if you didn't screen too hard.

That's just my take though. If it works for you, more power to you. Personally I haven't encountered many girls who wanted to "make me wait". Either they gave it up quickly or they just rejected me outright.

I think direct screening is most effective if you have tons of matches and you can afford to throw some away. For most guys who are starting out or not doing super well, I think this is counterproductive.
Good discussion, value added, and some solid points made.

From a moderation perspective, all of this sort of discussion, we like to contain within a user's progress log. This supports our ethos of being an action based community.

Thanks for the meaningful discussion all the same. But in alignment with how we operate as a forum, I'll lock this, and encourage future questions/discussions, to be contained within your personal progress log.

Keep working,
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