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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

Did you need to buy a head wig? You could have used literally anything taped to a light stand to find focus.

To me it seems like you are avoiding the thing you need to do by buying useless shit. You will need to walk back to the camera to check the photos anyway

All you need to do is work on expressions. Wake up in the morning and smile at the mirror. Smile at random people. Smile for the camera.

If you feel afraid you do it anyway. If you really need get a friend. Go on Facebook find a photo group in your city. Search “your city photo walk” or “your city TFP models”. Stop buying unless distractions
Thrice Out of curiousity, what are you working on exactly? Just photo stuff? Do you have a list of goals anywhere, by chance?
natedawg said:
@Thrice Out of curiousity, what are you working on exactly? Just photo stuff? Do you have a list of goals anywhere, by chance?

Yws it's just photos, now I'm lifting in a deficit, hopefully to reveal abs, and then it's style grooming and photo
unedited, i'm still looking for lightroom, worst case scenario i will start editing with photoshop
Huge improvement man. Top one is good, maybe turn down the flash a bit. Are these shot raw or jpeg?

I can help guide you with the edit in photoshop. The big difference is you won’t be able to batch edit. Do 20 photos at a time but I think you won’t need it if you just need 5 good photos for OLD
Adrizzle said:
Huge improvement man. Top one is good, maybe turn down the flash a bit. Are these shot raw or jpeg?

I can help guide you with the edit in photoshop. The big difference is you won’t be able to batch edit. Do 20 photos at a time but I think you won’t need it if you just need 5 good photos for OLD

Yea it's raw, i should have lightroom ti edit soon, in fact i have two. Ex files on ny computer that was given to me by an expert i trust but they don't work

I will turn down the flash next time it looks too harsh you're right thanks!

RogerRoger said:
Fan of the top one - facial expression looks massively better.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Waaaaaay better. Great job.
Thrice said:
Hello guys tried to download lightroom to edit my pictures from 2 files i recieved from a trusted source but they don't work, did everything i can still no results

Mate I'd be cautious about posting screenshots of what is basically illegally downloading and cracking a file here. Anyone can see this on your post, signed-in or not. Please correct me if I'm wrong of course.
Good job with the expressions.

I used to crack adobe stuff in middle school before I used them professionally... there's a $10/mo photography plan that is worth it to get around all the bugs associated with cracking software. Especially since the CC apps are very internet-connected, so lots of features break when you crack them so they stop communicating with Adobe.

If you don't want to spend $10/mo I'll spruce 'em up a bit for ya on the house. Takes but a moment for me. DM the RAW files if you want.
MILFandCookies said:
If you don't want to spend $10/mo I'll spruce 'em up a bit for ya on the house. Takes but a moment for me. DM the RAW files if you want.

was able to download lightroom, any advice on how to edit the photo to make it look like the model above? don't know where to start

i don't have the cable for my canon rp so i use the app the download the pictures and they are jpeg

this is the picture if you want to give it try!

tried my own small retach with lihtroom
Thrice said:
took new pictures today at the park, forgot to smile, edited with lightroom
Raise your tripod. Photos up the nose tend to be pretty unflattering. The blurry background looks great though, IMO.
Squilliam said:
Thrice said:
took new pictures today at the park, forgot to smile, edited with lightroom
Raise your tripod. Photos up the nose tend to be pretty unflattering. The blurry background looks great though, IMO.

ok! the reason i lowered is because some youtubers keep saying that it's better to shoot man below eye level so they appear bigger
Thrice said:
MILFandCookies said:
If you don't want to spend $10/mo I'll spruce 'em up a bit for ya on the house. Takes but a moment for me. DM the RAW files if you want.

was able to download lightroom, any advice on how to edit the photo to make it look like the model above? don't know where to start

i don't have the cable for my canon rp so i use the app the download the pictures and they are jpeg

this is the picture if you want to give it try!

tried my own small retach with lihtroom

Get an SD card reader. Using the cable isn't ideal. If it's a JPEG on the card, then search google on how to change the settings to shoot in RAW.

I can't see the file, might be a permissions thing. Youtube has some great tutorials. For dating apps, a natural editings style is ideal, not too saturated, or too muted.
practiced some photography and editing inside
the cut is going well, starving myself to a slow death but my face is getting better and i'mgetting hollower cheeks

ps. i was thinkink of buying stan smiths Radical reccomends this saturday from adidas but what do you think of this nikes?
Thrice said:
practiced some photography and editing inside
the cut is going well, starving myself to a slow death but my face is getting better and i'mgetting hollower cheeks

ps. i was thinkink of buying stan smiths Radical reccomends this saturday from adidas but what do you think of this nikes?

Nike SBs or Air Force 1s > Stan Smiths in your case, you want to go with a drippier/hood look cause you're ethnic to get the badder bitches.
Thrice said:

What are your self-critiques of this one?

Curious what you're trying to accomplish with photo "practice". I've not met someone that needed more than a few directed practice sessions to get usable app photos.