Asked the one word replies out, she said yesi want to go out but not this weekend, i'm busy, asked her two questions
Can i text you next week? What's your height? Just curious
-5 ft
Asked two questions gave me one word answer to just one of the questions: unmatched.
I didnt even like her, i was trying to get a date out of scarcity, the lack of female intimacy is fucking my brain up and i get treated like that
Matched another girl, 21yo, she texts me first, we talk a bit, i ask her out and she says yes enthusiastically, i give her my watsap so we can talk better there and she unmatches
This is what we have to go through, it's hard to stay positive and not hate woman, so I'm not even gonna waste energy trying.
I will just do the work even while I'm negative. We will all die anyway and we will be forgotten, we will rot in a tomb and be nothingness for million of years. Woman feel precious but they will rot one day too.
"night game"
Went out with another guy to a diffrent venue, this guy does not approach because he can't, he like to dance until some girl shows interest getting close. He said he got some girls this way.
I didnt like this guy, he wasent fun to be around like the other guy. He tried to tell me what to do, telling me i shouldn't spam approach because girls notice, and that i should just do like him, i didn't like that
The other guy is fun to be around, not self concious, doesn't judge and overthink stuff
The venue was SHIT compared to the other one, all the girls were in group, never alone not even for a second. No eye contact.
I just started approaching group until the guy i was with told me to stop because he felt "embarrassed"
The group approach approaches were shot, i absolutely have the balls to it, i open the girls and they seem a bit intimidated, so i can where are you from, what do you do here. I have to be honest, i approached 6 groups i think, none of them had a girl that seemed interested, i started asking questions and recieving the usual answers, like in police station
I have to be honest i had some incel rage, i just told them to fuck off, none of them seemed interested and i didnt want to be their intertainer for the night
Tonight will go out again, different venue different guy, lets see what happens