weekly update
my photoshoot is ready,
didn't have any specific goals other than to have my first photoshoot, look at it, and see my reaction. This guy has his style, he uses flash, etc. The photos on his ig are cool but i look like shit. I felt like shit as soon as I opened the link he sent me.
I lost the energy and positivity I had, skipped workouts, and started eating junk cars while listening to sad songs.
Tomorrow I will try the trauma tapping technique, by the way, i react when I see myself it's a clear product of trauma and I don't know how to solve it because I would prefer to change instead of working on acceptance. I don't like the idea of going zen and accepting things that are shit but will try all the trauma-relieving techniques anyway
thing is i look better in the pictures i took myself with my camera
if i looked like this in real life I would have no problem with my appearance but we look like our worst pic. The guy above is handsome but he's a completely different guy from any other pic. I have been called handsome sexy etc on tinder with this pic even if the background is shit, also when i use this pic many girls open first. So why i look like shit on other pics?
Maybe i kept the calorie deficit for too much and now i'm all dry and sucked in? because i have a more muscular face and neck in the pick where i look good.
If i only knew that i look like that pic in real life i would approach 10 girls a day with no problem. Now i still approach girls, but as soon as they don't comply with something i tell them to fuck off. I start thinking that talking was useless because they thought i'm ugly in the first second.
I'm looking at test and a possible cycle too. Those thin arms are not doing me any favor either.
I'm going out friday and saturday, i actually don't approach much but the goal is to create a social circle. The guys i'm meeting are fucked up but belive it or not they have very hot young female friends. I can also just approach by myself, i don't have to stay with them the entire night, it's just a good thing knowing i'm them and not completely alone.
yesteday i saw this super cute girls, she noticed i looked at her but didn't want to approach her. i prefer waiting and approach later, thats actually how social circle game works. She's in that social circle so i will see her again
Once i have a good ig page i will approach more often, girls just prefer to give ig and not watsap, they feel safer with ig. The hope was to use one of the photoshoot pics for ig but i feel i look ike shit and i also have a sad expression