pancakemouse said:Thrice, It really is a battle against your psyche every time here, isn't it?
Thrice said:it's still encouragion that i got matches with normal looking girls with pictures that i consider not good at all, certainly i can do better than that
Squilliam said:In my experience 9/10 times they're a timewaster when they do this. Doesn't hurt to take the lead anyways though.
Antonio44 said:This super high feeling of "I deserve only the hottest girls"
Thrice said:interestedAntonio44 said:This super high feeling of "I deserve only the hottest girls"
what? never thought or wrote that in my entire life, i'm not rejecting any girl, it's always their choice
going from only matching trans and obese girls to normal girls is a great achievment, but it's still their choice, i'm not in a position to reject any girl anyway so i dont know why you think that
i mention the quality of the girls as a way to judge the performance of my pictures, not because i only want hot girls
Thrice said:got over the anger and did a boost and got 17 matches + some matches here and there, i have matches with girls that are within 1 mile, ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry
pancakemouse said:Thrice said:got over the anger and did a boost and got 17 matches + some matches here and there, i have matches with girls that are within 1 mile, ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry
Can you post the screenshots here (even in Italian)? It's likely you're rushing the meetup and being too needy.
jakeD said:You can do it man. Just keep pushing. We need to get your first success here. Cause that first one is going to be a heavy uphill battle but after that, if you can do it once you can do it again and just keep building on it..
. Why not just go anyways, it's only an hour. On the date, you can also ask her to take some photos of you so you have more photos in a different setting/city.Thrice said:this is an example of a good convo i had, the only problem is that she's in Bologna and i'm in Parma, it's 1 hour train distance
Thrice said:ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry
Thrice said:it looks like a have some matches with every boost, without boots is almost dead, i have no problem paying for boost but i also need a car for girls that arent in my small town, which is most of the matches
Manganiello said:Sure SOME girls will meet you the same day. But why scare MOST girls away?
Manganiello said:If your serious you need to move.
Thrice said:what should i do? should i put aside my pride and double text in cases like this?
Thrice said:so i would be the only hwo moved just to get laid lol
Thrice said:but the problem is money, i should move and hope i find a job as a pizza delivery
Thrice said:i unmatched all the girls that went silent and didnt take screeshots
i exchanged numbers with this girl but didnt tell when she's free on watsap
Thrice said:thats how i open sometimes, no answer in this case and she's within 1 mile
Thrice said:she's within 1 mile and her bio said "probably taller than you" No answer
Thrice said:they are retarded, i used to do tinder experiments with a good looking guy and they wanted to meet me in 10 minutes
pancakemouse said:oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-)
pancakemouse said:that piques her interest and spikes her emotion to respond.
Thrice said:pancakemouse said:oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-)
should i always end with a question to get her to respond since i'm not good enough on tinder?
i mean something like:
"oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-) How are you?"
i feel saying something that doesent end with a question mark and expecting them to respond is something for higher value guyspancakemouse said:that piques her interest and spikes her emotion to respond.
so saying i find her attractive would be needy? i dont how to pique her interest, she's within 1 mile and with an empty bio, all i can say is i like redheads, but giving free validation i guess is needy
thank you, i feel i want to do what i can here, at least get forniture and a car, fuck some girls, get cool social media with followers and a social circle, once i prove to myself i can do this i will move to a bigger city, also after improving my house with forniture i can rent it and use the money to move, not forever, i want to live here, i can rent it for 6 months and live elswhere 6 months and come back here, because i like to live in this city even if its not optimal for tinder
also what to do if they dont respond lets say for a week, is it worth it to send another text? i guess is needy but i'm not interacting with her anyway
pancakemouse said:Thrice said:should i always end with a question to get her to respond since i'm not good enough on tinder?
i mean something like:
"oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-) How are you?"
i feel saying something that doesent end with a question mark and expecting them to respond is something for higher value guys
so saying i find her attractive would be needy? i dont how to pique her interest, she's within 1 mile and with an empty bio, all i can say is i like redheads, but giving free validation i guess is needy
thank you, i feel i want to do what i can here, at least get forniture and a car, fuck some girls, get cool social media with followers and a social circle, once i prove to myself i can do this i will move to a bigger city, also after improving my house with forniture i can rent it and use the money to move, not forever, i want to live here, i can rent it for 6 months and live elswhere 6 months and come back here, because i like to live in this city even if its not optimal for tinder
also what to do if they dont respond lets say for a week, is it worth it to send another text? i guess is needy but i'm not interacting with her anyway
If your text is "spiky" enough, you don't have to end in a question mark. She should be intrigued enough to write back. In fact, adding a question would just relieve the tension of your spike. Example for the redhead: "I hope you're not one of those crazy redheads"
If it's more boring, like you're answering a question she asked you, then ask her a question back.
You can double text a couple days later if they don't respond, but don't expect much
Thrice said:pancakemouse said:If your text is "spiky" enough, you don't have to end in a question mark. She should be intrigued enough to write back. In fact, adding a question would just relieve the tension of your spike. Example for the redhead: "I hope you're not one of those crazy redheads"
If it's more boring, like you're answering a question she asked you, then ask her a question back.
You can double text a couple days later if they don't respond, but don't expect much
ok thanks brother
lets do this live experiment because she just replied a minute ago hahah
she didnt text for 3 days, in the audio she said she has thounsands of matches and if she like someone she moves on watsap, she also said she works a lot but she can be free at 9pm for a beer, in the last text on tinder i told her to tell me when she's free