Tinder Pic Feedback


Dec 23, 2022
Hey guys, I've been following the Tinder guide and gleaning advice from the forums for a while and have curated some photos (mostly new) that hopefully work well enough to get me started getting out there on dates.


I'd appreciate any form of feedback, be it style, photo composition, posing, or otherwise. I am aware that I will need to get significantly leaner to have great results, I have a plan for that already dialed in. I do have a couple specific questions though.

1. While I'm on board with the whole honesty thing, me being military I understand could be a contentious thing with many girls in today's climate. Should I downplay it and just not feature it at all or would including be a net gain from advertising being in a masculine profession?

2. Any specific nitpicks on photo editing you can find? I'm teaching myself to edit them in photoshop and want to make sure I'm not overediting too much.

3. Which ones are the best that you would recommend me using on the app itself?
1 and 7 are good, maybe the one with the cocker spaniel too.

Branding yourself as military is not necessarily a negative, but it might be depending your location and demographic
My picks no particular order:

16 - Awesome photo man. Jaw line looks sharp. Facial pose is good. Amazing body posture and you look in shape. Good style. Well done. Must use.
9 - Overall good photo. Good pose. Serious face, but in a mysterious way, not a cringey way. I must say though, I think the green tee is not the right shade for your skin tone. Maybe try a different colour moving forward.
11 - You don't look as sexually attractive in this photo compared to photo 9, but it's still a good photo. I would choose 9 if it were my own profile, but I did feel this pic was still worth noting.
20 - Banger alert! This photo is brilliant. You look sharp as fuck which indicates you are well socialised. The chair is awesome novelty and the dog is the perfect final touch. Well done man. Some guys on this forum are obsessed with professional photography / DSLR pics, but I think this pic will be a great addition to your profile. Must use.
21 - Amazing photo. Displays your career, you look good, you can see your colleagues in the background, love it. Must use.

Great start man.

As for the remaining pics you've taken, I personally feel that they are not really worthy because they don't represent you in the best light possible. That's just me being honest with you.

Personally, if it were my own profile, I would now focus on taking hundreds of more photos, with the hope of shortlisting 1 or 2 more photos that will be stand outs. They will make the polishing touches to your profile and really elevate it to the next level.

Try not to fall into the trap of choosing from existing photos. Time is better spent taking new photos moving forward, rather than ruminating on which pics you should choose from the current batch.

Will be good to see your journey over the coming months. Good luck!
A lot of these seem really solid man, nice. You appear to be much more comfortable in front of the camera than a lot of others.

Re the military thing, it's gonna come up at some point anyway, might as well own it imo
Thanks for the feedback guys, definitely helps me gauge the quality of the photos better now.

ImChuckBass Appreciate detailed insight, good to know about the green shirt. I'll definitely be spamming pictures every weekend. Going to try to round out the selection with one gym photo and one walking photo somewhere interesting.