Tinder pics feedback


Jul 3, 2020
I have been using some of those this year, very mild success, Ill make sure to improve in the next few months. What do you guys think? Goal this year is get my body fat down and get a killer shirtless one, and generally better quality ones.
Thanks guys, 4th is the only one edited by a pro so I need to learn more about using Lightroom. All photos taken from either a drone DJI mini, or a smartphone. I will buy proper photo gears ASAP. I do smile and I usually have a friends+smile pic on my profile also; however, I cannot 'smile for the camera' ; it looks awkward AF. The only way I can get a smile pic is having someone snapping a pic without me realizing. I will post new sets here.
These are really good pictures. If you can recapture that first one after getting that lill bod, you’ll look fantastic.

The only one I’m not a fan of is the second, you don’t have mich presence in it.
Your avatar one is the best for sure. I would delete the third one if your using it. They all looked forced to me, except the forth one
Ye I'm a bit late to the boat here but they do look a bit forced apart from the 4th one, which looks much more natural. Actually I had only seen your profile pic here on KYIL (which is the 4th one) before I came and looked on this thread and saw those other 3 photos.

The vibe and idea I had of you having only seen your profile pic was much better than the vibe and idea I get of you from looking at pics 1,2,3 and 5 you've shown here.
Thanks guys, by 'forced' do you mean that it's obvious I am posing for the pics? And if yes, any tips for avoiding that? To be honest taking pics of myself feels mega weird by I'll keep practicing. This week I'll be on the hunt for a good second hand DSLR.
Here's my attempt to reproduce pic number 1, one year later, with a -6 kg difference (I don't think it's really visible tho), and most importantly, on a DSLR instead of a smartphone. That is actually from the first set of pictures of myself taken with the DSLR I bought today. This is step one of a long journey, as Andy recommends I will take 1000's of pictures until I figure out how to pose, set my camera, edit etc. The goal is to have 5 quality pictures by the end of August. I still need to buy a tripod and a prime lens.

Today is also a special day for me because for the first time in my adult life I weight under 80 kg. At my top I was probably close to the 100 kg mark. I went to make a body fat measurement and to my surprise I scored 13.3%. I know it's not super precise, but I genuinely thought I was still at 17%. It gave me some epic extra motivation boost, as I know that I am just 2-3% away to see some abs popping up.

I'll update this thread with better pics regularly.
Fourth pic is best.

The pic in your most recent post is bad because it's very obvious that you set up a camera on a tripod and then posed sideways in your backyard. It implies that you don't have anywhere cool to be other than your backyard and that you don't have anyone to take photos of you - social proof takes a huge hit.
Thank you for the feedback so far. I finally got my hands on a f 1.8 lens - Amazon delivery would have been 3 weeks where I live, so I decided f*** it and bought it at rip off rates. The joys of living on an island. Got a tripod too. Still need a remote, I use my phone for the time being.

So this morning, I went for practice. It took me 200 photos to kinda understand how to shoot manual (exposure, focus, how to compensate low f-stop etc). I first went to a place with trees. Then an abandoned building that is kinda cool, with graffitis and stuff - lots of light coming from the outside. I took 500 pictures. Here's the 3 most decent shots I managed to take (no editing).


Not that I am happy with it, but I feel like I am going somewhere. I would appreciate some guidance - style, location, pose... I will do 1 or 2 other sessions like this this week with the hope to nail at least one pic.
The first and 3rd one is ok I think in terms of posing.

The style could be improved a lot.

General recommendation is to dress like @magicfox in your photos.

Is your whole tinder profile the photos I see above?
Grats on getting a camera man.

That's a big stick.

Your style and physique needs some serious work though.

1. Get in the gym if you aren't already and start putting on some muscle, don't get fat, just eat in a caloric surplus of 100-300 calories and you'll gain weight and muscle. You have a good jawline so you don't want to lose that. If you start putting on face fat then go back to a little below maintenance, get your jaw back and continue gaining muscle again.

2. Have you ever thought of a different haircut? Something stylish, bit longer. You just look like you're about to go into the army. You might want to add in a beard as well if you're able to, I think adding some facial hair could do wonders for you. If you can't look into minoxidil.

3. Your style needs an overhaul. Things like baggy shirts, loose jeans, and shorts that go below your knees gotta go.

Jeans need to be tight and if they have rips in them, they need to look good and not like they're your work pants that got ripped on purpose.

Shoes - they need to be simple until you have a knack for this stuff. No green colored shoes with weird patterns. Get some basic black or white shoes.

Here are some examples -

View attachment 1View attachment 2

I hate those nike shoes, I don't understand the appeal of nike high top shoes. I think they look terrible personally. Stick to simple, casual and match to your outfit. Aka - Don't wear white shoes if there's no white anywhere else in your outfit. Stick to black because it probably goes well with anything else you're wearing.

Boots are great too for the winter, fall and spring.

Shorts - please make sure they're a bit skinny and don't go past your knees. Chino shorts are decent, I like jean shorts with rips. Try some stuff out.

Shirts - they need to not be baggy. They need to fit well around your shoulders and not show off a belly of any sort. If you have a belly, start cutting weight instead of bulking like I said earlier. (don't think you do though)

Also stick, to some plain colors. The graphic tees aren't doing you justice. It's easier to mix up your style with accessories, hats, watches, etc... It's also easier to put together an outfit if you just have solid color shirts. Try out some muscle shirts too.

Watch - I'd get something more casual with a black band instead of the silver look. Think the silver look is for either rich dudes or old dudes.

4. As for your photos. Stop thinking, male instagram model, and think interesting fun dude to be around.

Cause honestly, I wouldn't use any of the photos you've posted. Literally the only one that is half decent is the one #4 from your first post.

Going to some grafitti wall is somewhere I'd go for a cool instagram photo, not to show that I'm a cool dude to be around.

Get a cool action shot of you doing something cool. Get a shot with some friends. Get a really good shot where you look your best with the best clothes, looking away from the camera at a family gathering, at a wedding, or somewhere with lots of people and not by yourself with no one around.

Keep taking photos, improve your look and you'll get there.

Hope this helped.

I think you got potential, you just gotta put in the work and keep taking more and more photos.
DNPTHC Thank you. I do not have a Tinder profile at the moment, I will set one up again as soon as I am satisfied with my pics. I used the pics from post 1 in the past, combined with others. I always kept at least one group shot for social proof, but the photo quality for those are not great.

dashedhopes Thank you, your feedback will definitely be helpful although some if it is confusing, as I started to receive some opposite compliments from girls IRL: 'nice that you stopped wearing only plain black shirts', 'military hair suits you well etc'.

I lift seriously since Feb. 2019 - was obese before. Which also explains why my shirts might seem too large, I already replaced them all, but still went one size down I guess. Before/after pic:


13.3% body fat on last measurement (not sure if accurate tho). My goal is to get to 12, maybe even 10 - then I might start to bulk.

Will also think of a way to get some 'actions photos' ; not really sure how to go as all of my activities this summer involved boats and sea sports (no way I'll risk bringing my new camera on a small boat!) and bike rides (group photo with other bikers on the side of the road?). I'm not going to bars for the time being. I'll also bring my camera next time I train with my PT, see if we can get decent shots out of it.

Those body fat tests tend to be horribly inaccurate. I’d say you have more than 10kg left to lose for abs.

To give you a frame of reference my pictures in my log are currently 13ish bf%

Dashed hopes is sitting around 9-10 I currently believe
Don't need a professional camera to get a good pic, especially on boats. Get your buddies to take a bunch of you.

Girls are always going to be nice and compliment things. Doesn't mean you can't try other hair styles because I doubt the military cut is the absolute best look for you.

If you hate what your hair becomes, then you can always cut it and get the same shorter cut again.
Bro I checked out your youtube.

You use HGH, as I see the smilar jaw thar many pro bodybuilders have due to excessive hgh usage? Or is it natural?
dashedhopes said:
Don't need a professional camera to get a good pic, especially on boats. Get your buddies to take a bunch of you.

Girls are always going to be nice and compliment things. Doesn't mean you can't try other hair styles because I doubt the military cut is the absolute best look for you.

If you hate what your hair becomes, then you can always cut it and get the same shorter cut again.
king87 said:
Bro I checked out your youtube.

You use HGH, as I see the smilar jaw thar many pro bodybuilders have due to excessive hgh usage? Or is it natural?
dashedhopes said:
Don't need a professional camera to get a good pic, especially on boats. Get your buddies to take a bunch of you.

Girls are always going to be nice and compliment things. Doesn't mean you can't try other hair styles because I doubt the military cut is the absolute best look for you.

If you hate what your hair becomes, then you can always cut it and get the same shorter cut again.

Pming you.
I started over with that set and still no match, anything worth keeping?


Gotta work on that fashion game - make that 6 pack happen and take quality pics with friends.